Jennifer Lyon

Monday, September 23rd, 2024
Weekend Roundup

This weekend blew by! Friday morning, I got up at 4:45 am to get to the appt in Irvine to see the endocrinologist. We liked him as much as we like the surgeon. He was so thorough, and gave us a lot of information. We discussed a mutation I have that raises my risk, but they are watching for any trouble that could pop up. The next couple months we will be running tests and scans to make sure nothing was left behind (it’s all but impossible to get every cell), and that the hormones I’m taking are the right dosage. As of this minute, I don’t need more treatment (Yay!). The results of the scans and tests could change that, but I’ll worry about that if/when it happens. I’ll take the win of the doctor telling me I don’t look like someone who had Thyroid surgery 4 weeks ago :-)

After that, we headed to my daughter-in-law’s to help out a bit, and play with Baby Girl. She’s already getting stronger! I was surprised. She might be tiny, but she’s mighty! Here’s a pic of me with her:

After that, we got home around 3 and Maggie handled the very long day by herself like a champ!

That evening we went out to dinner with Youngest and his wife for her birthday. We had a good time.

Saturday was just normal stuff that somehow sucked up all the hours in the day. I got my hair cut off, and colored. My hairdresser was somewhat exasperated with my hair, LOL. It’s growing crazy fast, and refuses to hold color. But for me, I’m being patient with all the weirdness that both going under anesthesia twice in a short time, and adjusting hormones, causes. Oh and another bright spot in the day — I used my new bread sling for sourdough and I love it!

Sunday, Wizard went racing, and I made lactation cookies that my daughter in law requested. I was actually surprised, they tasted pretty good in my opinion. Once those cooled, I drove them out to my daughter-in-law, and while I was there, held my granddaughter again :-) It was worth the hour and a half fight through traffic (on a Sunday!) to get there. By the way, my daughter-in-law had bought all the ingredients and asked me to make them when I was at her house last week. I considered it, but I knew I was going to be bothering her every five minutes asking where something was and volunteered to buy the ingredients myself and make them at home, then come back out. She’d never ask me to run around like that — it was my choice.

How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    September 23rd, 2024 at 8:34 am · Link

    BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smol but mighty! She is soooo precious and dang, woman! The Endo is right. You so don’t look like a woman who had thyroid surgery 4 weeks ago. Go you! So happy for the good med news. Yayayay. I dragged out my pompoms and am happy dancing all over my office. Sounds like you had a great weekend and your energy levels must be coming back if you accomplished all that and didn’t face plant!

    My weekend was…typical. Both teams lost. (We were expecting it but hopeful). The book is dragging out though I am getting closer each day. I was sooo hoping to report I’d hit The End today. Maybe Wednesday. Or for Friday Five. Anyway, there’s a lot of action so the timeline is quick-quick.

    Yesterday, the front hit and we got 🎵Rain, glorious rain.🎵 About two inches worth. It’s 58 right now. Yesterday’s high was in the mid-70s and then the front came through and the temp dropped to the mid-60s. Supposed to be like this for the rest of of the week, sans rain. It could rain every day and I wouldn’t be upset.

    That’s pretty much my weekend. I meant to do laundry and forgot. Which reminds me that I need to do laundry today. I should go do that right now while I’m thinking about it. Besides, I need another cup of coffee.

    Great news all around on your part. Sooo happy for your family!

    **And yes, I soooo totally realize I sound like a Valley Girl™ teen. :lol:

  2. Viki S.
    September 23rd, 2024 at 2:28 pm · Link

    OMG! She is SO cute and looks perfect nestled in your arms🥰. You were really smart to make the cookies at home. That way you weren’t taken away from the baby by baking 😉. What are those cookies?

    All in all that is very good news from the doctor. I’m glad that you are being positive about everything. Just staying on top of it is the most important thing. It usually does take tweaks to get the hormones right. Again, your outlook is great.

    Maggie is a champ. She had a very long day of alone time. My guess is she was planning her next lizard caper.

    Glad you finally were able to celebrate DIL’s birthday.

    It’s funny how our hair schedules are the same. I had mine done Friday ☺️. I remember when I was on Tamoxifen, my hair wouldn’t take color let alone keep it.

    I’m glad you like the sling. I’m going to mention it to C since she makes sourdough bread for other C all the time.

    Speaking of C & C, the four of us had dinner Saturday at the local family run Italian place hubs loves. He doesn’t eat much at a time anymore so he brought half home and ate it for lunch Sunday.

    I spent a good hour on the phone with Verizon this morning. Hubs somehow booted me off our plan. I am now the account owner.

    I may not get here on Wednesday. We’re going for the MRI. I’m praying that all goes well this time. If they can fully diagnosis him maybe they can treat him and make things a bit better for a little while.

    I sure hope you’re doing well and that your week goes great!

  3. Jenn
    September 23rd, 2024 at 3:04 pm · Link

    Silver, thank you! The baby is so much for for me right now! And thanks on the medical stuff. And LOL I kind of face planted today. But overall my energy is coming back, and I feel decent. I also suspect I’m just relieved and happy to live my life :-)

    Aww on both teams. But sounds like they fought hard. This book has been giving you as much trouble as it can, so I guess it’s no surprise that it doesn’t want to end :-) But you will win in the end!

    Sheesh, Fall heard the call to action and got busy! That’s a lot of rain! As long as it doesn’t cause trouble for folks, then rain is good!

    Oops on the laundry! Hopefully you got most of it done today. I’m just finishing mine. Coffee helps us do it all!

    Yep you’re definitely rocking the valley girl vibes today and keeping me entertained! But I truly appreciate it.

    Happy Monday and I’m rooting for you to get to the end!

  4. Jenn
    September 23rd, 2024 at 3:20 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks! I’m really enjoying her, and hoping I’m helping out a bit. New parenthood is so hard, but they are handling it well. The cookies are basically and oatmeal chocolate chip with some things added to support lactation and health: Brewers Yeast, Flax Seed Meal and Wheat Germ. And they were totally new to me too! But now I know, and it’s an easy recipe. Also, it’s some good, fast and easy caloric energy for new moms. They do have a good amount of sugar, but most nursing moms burn that up. Here’s the recipe if you want to see it

    Thanks on my outlook and medical stuff! I really appreciate it. I strive to be positive because everyone faces struggles, and many if not most are worse than mine. But also, life is a gift and I want to live it while I have the chance. I really appreciate you saying that!

    We do seem to be on the same hair schedules! My hairdresser told me the same thing you are — the coloring issues happens with certain meds. I had her cut it to a simple shorter style I like, and once she’s back from hip surgery, I may try stripping my hair down to something close to my gray, and adding lots of blended low lights. I really want to try that, but suspect I might hate it. Who knows :-)

    Oh if C uses it, let me know how it works out. I’m curious.

    Finally!!! I’m so glad hubs is getting the MRI and will keep my fingers crossed he can do it this time. A more accurate fully diagnosis will help you all, both treating and planning. But this waiting has sure been frustrating and caused you way more time and energy than it should have. If we don’t see you Wednesday, we’ll understand and we will be thinking about you.

    Hope you’re having a good day, and I’ll send up prayers the MRI is successful. — and that it gives you concrete diagnosis.

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