Jennifer Lyon

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009
Arsonists are Trolls


I published this blog under the wrong date, so I’m moving it to the right place now.

We go through this every year in Southern California–fires. We’re still early in the season, but we have several fires whipping through the state.  One has already killed two firefighters (as I write this, and I hope it won’t be more).

Dry brush, high temps. low humidity and sometimes, winds make this a seasonal problem. Some fires start by lightning or accidents, but it’s the ones set intentionally that make me one furious witch.

Doesn’t nature screw with us enough? Do we really need to add Arsonists to the mix? Talk about a cowardly crime–set fires and sit back and anonymously watch the destruction, the horrible injuries and terrible deaths.

Arsonists are trolls…that’s all I’m saying.

Oh, and there are no fires in my area, I’m fine.  But I think we should all get together and do a witch rain dance to help the firefighters.  And while we’re it, we need to come up with a spell for the arsonist trolls, any ideas?

10 comments to “Arsonists are Trolls”

  1. Cecile B Smith
    August 31st, 2009 at 8:38 pm · Link

    We don’t have fires down here… we just have hurricanes, but that is Mother Nature’s choice not ours…

    An arsonist trolls spell… I am thinking, because I agree with you… how spineless of someone to do that.

    Toil and tail, snow and hail…
    put in my hands the arsonists who does not fail.
    Fire and hand, wind and sand…
    heat up their bodies as they do our land.
    ***poofff… now extinguish them***

    I was not going for too extreme…

  2. Silver James
    September 1st, 2009 at 10:42 am · Link

    If you ask a firefighter their biggest nightmare, it’s to be caught in a fire and burned. My sympathies and condolences to those who’ve lost their firefighter and the FFs who have been injured. I’ll work on a spell for those trolls!

  3. Jen Lyon
    September 1st, 2009 at 11:11 am · Link

    Cecile, that’s a spell that would remove the problem! It’s even worse today. So frustrating!

  4. Jen Lyon
    September 1st, 2009 at 11:13 am · Link

    Silver, it’s horrible to imagine. These two firefighters were trying to outrun a firestorm and their vehicle went over a cliff.I don’t know if they were burned. My heart goes out to their families and coworkers.

    Hope your pitches are shaping up!

  5. Silver James
    September 1st, 2009 at 3:12 pm · Link

    It’s so dry out there, Jen. I worry about all of you. I can think of all sorts of nasty things to do to the arson-trolls but Cecile has a good spell going!

    Pitches? What pitches? I don’t need no stinkin’ pitches! LOL Is it time for appletinis yet?

  6. Kira Daniels
    September 1st, 2009 at 4:11 pm · Link

    Let’s hang em!!! (I like to hang the bad guys…they see it coming *eg*)

    I hope everything stays alright in your area, Jen. Didn’t realize you were in CA. We just have tornados down here, and the occasional fires. Oklahoma is known for extremes.

    God bless the firefighters and their families.

  7. Jenn
    September 1st, 2009 at 4:26 pm · Link

    Silver, seriously we should be practicing your pitches over appletinis! Especially today since my idea well is drained. I’ve got nothing to start my next synopsis with.

  8. Jenn
    September 1st, 2009 at 4:28 pm · Link

    Kira, I like that!

    Tornadoes scare me! At least, most of the time, the amazing firefighters save lives. Who fights a tornado?

    Adding my Amen! To God bless the firefighters and their families!

  9. Cecile B Smith
    September 1st, 2009 at 9:29 pm · Link

    I tried my hand at spells… I hope they are scare of me now!!! ***i heard they are shaken in their shoes***

    Honey, I am hoping that the spells I have been working on will keep those fire fighters safe! Seriously my prayers are with you and all!

  10. Ban
    September 3rd, 2009 at 2:08 pm · Link

    you’re right – it is a cowardly crime

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