Jennifer Lyon

Monday, October 5th, 2009
Weekend Roundup

puppies 4 car Last week started off bad with the news of Kate Duffy, my Kensington editor’s, passing, and ended worse, with a dear friend losing a beloved family member.   So to cheer up a bit…how cute are these puppies?

And I want to thank you all–you guys made the week bearable by repeatedly cracking me up with your comments!

And this week will be better.

Now for my weekend, did you all know that my sister is a biker witch? I had her over for dinner on Saturday and she showed up on a motorcycle. So it’s true…my sister is a biker witch! I should have taken pictures!  Okay, she was on the back of the motorcycle, her husband was driving.  But she’s still a biker witch!

I finished the book ACHERON a couple days ago.  Amazing! I could never have written a book like that, I’m just blown away.  Kenyon is amazing.  For me, the first two thirds of the story was the strongest. I’m pretty sure that’s because no heroine is ever going to be good enough for my beloved Ash :-)   I haven’t started reading another book yet.

Okay, your turn! How was your weekend? What are you reading?

25 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Dru
    October 5th, 2009 at 4:25 am · Link

    My weekend was good. I took a short trip to North Carolina to visit my freshman niece and of course spent my money on her.

    I worked on my quilt project and it’s coming along nicely. I’m going to be sad when or if I give it away. I tend to feel that way when I finish a quilt project.

    I just read “Makeovers Can Be Murder” by Kathryn Lilley and now I’m reading “Hothouse Orchid” by Stuart Woods.

    Have a good Monday.

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    October 5th, 2009 at 7:22 am · Link

    :hugs: Sorry to hear about the losses in your life.

    The weekend was good. I won at poker, watched loads of football (even if my team did lose), and got some good words written on the WIP. Of course, the words flying from my fingers mean I haven’t had the time or the inclination to read. Sometimes when I’m writing, I just can’t pick up another person’s words.

  3. Kira Daniels
    October 5th, 2009 at 8:34 am · Link

    So glad you enjoyed Acheron. I LOVE Sherri!! But ya’ll knew that. She is amazing. I just read her newest release, BORN OF NIGHT. SOOO good!! But anything she does I love. I had to rearrange the shelf that holds only her books. It’s so full! :D

    *hugs* Sorry for the losses in your life.

    And I like biker witches! In a couple of years I’m getting my own Harley. :D I can’t wait!!

  4. Cecile
    October 5th, 2009 at 8:58 am · Link

    First, my thoughts and prayer go to Ms. Duffy’s family.
    Secondly… it is my job to cheer you up!! LOL!! That is my mission in life… to bring a smile to people… even if I can’t “see” it!
    I am loving the puppies up! I thought you were going to say that The Wizard let you get those two!!! Damnit… spell did not work then!

    Oh, glad that you loved the book you read! I have yet to read anything by her, but I will rectify that soon. =)

    As far as the weekend… this weekend was no exception as to what you expect from me… Friday afternoon, hubby left for camp (Hunting season opened) for alllllll weekend long!! My friend (whom I consider my baby sister) came over to spend the weekend! Friday evening had to bring daughter to Chili’s to meet her friends. They were having supper there. So, me and baby sis went eat at a pizza place (I got a free pizza and cocktail for my bday – they send out postcards for your bday!!). So, I had a Cosmopolitan and it was delicious!!! Saturday… got daughter and her bff ready for Homecoming. Watch LSU barely win, but we won!!!! Got the kids off to take pictures, then had them back for supper that I cooked, then they left for dance… And me and baby sis… we play drinking games (I did not have to drive anyone!). We had a blast! Whew… it is now over… Till two more weekends!!! Then it is party time! Sunday was normal grocery shopping day!!
    ***taking big sip of coffee… whew… what a weekend***
    Oh and did I mention, my TBR pile is screaming at me!! LOL!!!

  5. Erika
    October 5th, 2009 at 9:25 am · Link

    I’m sorry last week was a tough one for you. Losses for us and our friends are always a physical and emotional toll. I hope this week is 100 times better.

    My weekend was uneventful. It was a beautiful thing. I caught up on the shows we recorded and got started on a cross stitch project for a friend who is having a baby in May. Oh, and I had to take the children shopping for new clothes. Why do they keep getting taller? Why?

    Happy Monday witches!

  6. Val
    October 5th, 2009 at 9:57 am · Link

    I had a busy weekend. Whoever can make it in my extended family gets together the first Saturday of every month for breakfast, so we went to that then went to my mom’s house for the afternoon. We had a good time just visiting with everyone.

    Hubby was offered a promotion, which is awesome, but the position is in a diferent office. We decided to move to shorten his commute (between gas prices and neither of us being morning people it just made sense). I will be the same distance from my job and we will actually be closer to my family so it works out. Anyway, I spent Sunday packing up and going through things. It is amazing how much useless stuff a person can accumulate.

    Sherrilyn Kenyon is one of my favorite authors. I’m with Kira, I have to keep rearranging my bookshelf to make room for her books. I am just finishing Terry Goodkinds, Law of Nines, and then I will be starting on Shayla Blacks Seduce Me In Shadow.

  7. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 10:43 am · Link

    Dru, spending time with your niece sounds great! I adore my nieces!

    I’ve wondered if it was hard to let go of your quilts after you’ve worked so hard on them. I’m going to check your site to see if you have a picture of it up there.

  8. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 10:45 am · Link

    B.E., winning at poker is awesome! That’s great that you were able to get in some writing too.

    It’s always interesting to hear how each writer differs in their approach to reading while writing. I can read unless my brain is just fried.

  9. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 10:48 am · Link

    Kira, Kenyon is amazing. I’ve read a lot of her dark hunters, but I was reluctant to read this one. It’s weird, I just got it into my head it was going to ruin Acheron for me. But she came through!

    Are you really getting your own Harley? So cool! Will we see pictures?

  10. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 10:51 am · Link

    Cecile, honey you need to get out and live a little more….BWHAHAHA!!! Sheesh, Cecile, you are always busy and having more fun that should be legal I’m jealous!

    And how beautiful did your daughter look for Homecoming? What did her dress look like? Did she have a fabulous time?

    You really know how to celebrate your birthday!

  11. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 10:54 am · Link

    Erika, you are so right about seeing our friends hurting and not being able to do much about it. But this week is already better, thank you (to all of you!)

    Isn’t it nice to have a calm weekend?

    LOL on the kids growing. It doesn’t stop until they move out. Remember those tiny babies you brought home from the hospital?

  12. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 10:56 am · Link

    Val, we got together with family this weekend too–sometimes it’s just so nice.

    Oh man, moving gives my shudders! Good luck! Ironically I was just looking around the house this weekend and telling the Wizard it was time to get rid of stuff. Just stuff–where does it all come from? And why did I keep it?

    Huge congrats on your husband’s promotion!

  13. Ban
    October 5th, 2009 at 11:59 am · Link

    Hey Jen, I finished Acheron last week and felt the same – said as much on Kira’s site. Unlike you though, I’d never read any other of her books so I didn’t know what to expect …
    Sorry again for your losses :(
    Oh and the puppies are indeed cute – my 2 yr old is squeeling because the ‘doggies are driving !’

  14. Kira Daniels
    October 5th, 2009 at 12:13 pm · Link

    Yes, when I get it you will see pictures. It will be a few years though, probably. But I still can’t wait. :)

  15. Cecile
    October 5th, 2009 at 1:17 pm · Link

    Hey Jen… Yea, I need to get out more often!! LMAO! Jen, hop on over to my house… and you can share in the fun!
    I am not sure how I will fit it, but I will have some pictures up for my baby at the dance… hopefully by Friday! I promise to link up here so you can see!!
    She was beautiful! And they both made cute couples! They are growing up to fast!!!

    And oh… another book is up for grabs today… check it out to see if it is something of interest!

  16. Dawn
    October 5th, 2009 at 1:26 pm · Link

    Jen, I’m sorry about you’re losses last week :( Hopefully, this week will be much better.

    I’m glad you liked Acheron. Sherri’s one of my faves :) My best friend, her mom and I went down to Nashville last summer for Sherri’s Acheron launch. We had a blast :D Except for the fact that it was still in the 90’s around 7 pm. Mary drove, so I was able to read the entire way home. Except for the times I had to put the book aside cause it made me cry :(

    The weekend was pretty uneventful for me. I finished reading J R Ward’s Covet. It was really good. Now I’m reading Sharon Sala’s The Return. When I finish that, I have Sherri’s Born of Night waiting.

  17. Kira Daniels
    October 5th, 2009 at 1:48 pm · Link

    Ooo you will love BORN OF NIGHT. Love Nyk!

  18. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 4:08 pm · Link

    Ban, aww on your two-year-old!

    Weird how we both read the book around the same time.

  19. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 4:09 pm · Link

    Kira, so right now you’re a Biker Witch In Training until you get the Harley?

  20. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 4:10 pm · Link

    Cecile, still trying to get to your site. Been a busy day! Can’t wait to see the pic of your daughter :-)

  21. Silver James
    October 5th, 2009 at 4:12 pm · Link

    I’m getting around slow today. My weekend was spent trying to head off a cold (thanks to the rain!) and working toward deadlines. I finished S. J. Day’s EVE OF DARKNESS last week. It was fun and I’m looking forward to the next two EVE books but I grabbed Loucinda McGary’s THE WILD SIGHT from the TBR shelf. It’s a thinner book and I thought I might be able to read it faster. LOL. NOT!

    *hugs* I think everyone in the romance community was affected by Kate’s passing and I’m so sorry for your friend. Loss is always so painful.

    Is it time for appletinis? Actually, since its 59 degrees here, I think it’s time to break out the hot-buttered rum!

  22. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 4:13 pm · Link

    Dawn, wow that must have been awesome to go to the launch, even if the heat!

    I had COVET in my hand last week and put it down, dang it! I can’t remember why, probably the voice in my head telling me not to buy books when I need to be writing like a fiend. And I obviously have to get BORN OF NIGHT

  23. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 4:16 pm · Link

    Silver, hope you’re feeling better. I’ve been meaning to read Sylvia’s series (written as SJ Day). If you liked it, then I’m sure I will!

    So glad you brought up appletinis! Totally time! Hot Buttered Rum will work too!

    Silver, please get some rest! You’re working so hard, I worry about you :-)

  24. B.E. Sanderson
    October 5th, 2009 at 5:34 pm · Link

    That’s what’s funny, Jen. Usually I can read while working, but this book… It’s hitting me different on all sorts of levels. It wants to be written longhand, it’s acting all jealous, and it won’t let me even watch football without demanding to be written. :cue spooky music:

    Maybe I’ve been cursed. I don’t care as long as it gets me published. ;o)

  25. Jen Lyon
    October 5th, 2009 at 9:23 pm · Link

    B.E. that’s not cursed, that’s blessed! Wow, this book must be The One! Go write! Hurry!

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