Jennifer Lyon

Monday, October 19th, 2009
Monday Roundup

We had a really good weekend!

Saturday we went to a car show and lunch with our oldest son and his girl friend. Although The Wizard did fall ill with a rather series case of Car Fever.  Again.  I believe the specific strain of this particular fever is labeled “Lexus ISF. ” The cure is very expensive so he’ll just have to sweat it out.

Sunday, we went to see Couple’s Retreat. If you’re married, GO! We cracked up.  The yoga scene did the Wizard in–I laughed at him as hard as I was laughing at the movie.

I started reading another book, read about a hundred pages and stopped. Life is too short to be that bored.  Disgusted, I picked up Alyson Noel’s. BLUE MOON. It’s a YA series about immortals and I really enjoyed the first one.  I was hesitating reading the second one, not sure I was in the mood for YA.  As it turns out, it was just what I needed! I read the books straight through and only have one complaint– it ended too soon and I have to wait for the next book SHADOWLAND to find out what happens.

So how was your weekend?

18 comments to “Monday Roundup”

  1. Dru
    October 19th, 2009 at 4:12 am · Link

    My weekend was nice, quiet and relaxing.

  2. Silver James
    October 19th, 2009 at 7:18 am · Link

    I second Dru. I did some errands, cleaned house. Went to my RWA chapter meeting. I have jury duty this week. We’ll see if I get picked. I’m prepared to go and sit. I have a book to read, a research book to read, a book to start outling and a book to start writing–more than enough to keep me busy.

    I could sure use some appletinis, witches! I wonder if there’s a spell to camouflage them in my purse…?

  3. Cecile
    October 19th, 2009 at 8:26 am · Link

    Hey Jen!! Sounds like you had a great weekend! I am glad to hear that Couple’s Retreat was that funny. Hubby just makes eyes at me when I say I want to go see it.
    The weekend… Oh you mean that thing that passed by like a blur because it is over with already and now Monday!
    Well, let’s see… Friday, me and another witch friend stayed up till 2 in the morning decorating my garage for the bday parties we are about to have this weekend and next. It came out awesome!
    Then Saturday, we got up early to start our day. Like 8 am early! Started cleaning house, dishes, clothes, you name it I did it ~ even bills (yuck)! Then by the time I was finish with all of that… I went help my Mom cater a friend of her’s daughter wedding. Didn’t see my pillow till after 12:30… Then Sunday was the normal grocery shopping day… Now we are gearing up for a Sweet 16th Birthday Thursday…. then the party…!

    Silver… I will help you camouflage your appletines if I can start drinking now and not finish until Sunday!

  4. Ban
    October 19th, 2009 at 8:27 am · Link

    Non-eventful weekend for me but I DID get two books read, managed to get my snippet up for BB this week, wrote a synopsis for a ‘new’ story I’m gonna write with my daughter :), sold a bunch of doves on my etsy site (now I’ve got 6 ornaments to make today), and photoshoped two pictures for character reference ! Too bad none of that was physical, I’m sitting on my rear too much lately :(
    ps: anyone know how to make a collage on photoshop ?

  5. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 10:13 am · Link

    Dru, did you get your quilt finished? I need to go look at your blog.

  6. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 10:14 am · Link

    Silver, we could ask Erika to send the flying monkeys with appletinis, but I’m pretty sure that would cause a commotion at the courthouse. Hmm.

    Hope the week passes quickly for you and you surprise yourself with all the work and reading you get done!

  7. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 10:17 am · Link

    Cecile, you MUST share your energy spell with me! Seriously, I need it! You’re amazing!

    The b-parties are going to be a smash! Will you be able to share pictures? (I never put pics of my kids online, so I understand if you don’t either).

  8. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 10:20 am · Link

    Ban, you might have been sitting but you were busy! Writing a story with your daughter is so cool! I love that.

    I sit a LOT now too. It’s a problem.

    I can’t help you with photoshop sorry! Maybe Kira can? Seems like she knows a lot of this stuff.

  9. Cecile
    October 19th, 2009 at 10:23 am · Link

    Hey Jen! I am not sure what the spell is honey, but when I found out, I sure do not mind sharing it!
    Thursday is her actual bday and I have a post going up with her in it. I actually let her see it before I scheduled it and we both almost cried. Her party pics, if I post them up, it won’t be till after the party is over ~ due to the party at my blog right now. We are rolling through it… Come see the hottie cowboy at my place today… Yum-ME! Even though he is a cowboy, he might (might) make it the wing slayer worthy status… I did say maybe. Regardless, he is hot!!!

  10. Kira Daniels
    October 19th, 2009 at 11:18 am · Link

    We took a relaxing drive– 240 miles worth. It was very nice. And the sun was shining! Woot!

    And Sunday was church and chores day.

    So glad you had a good weekend, Jen. I need to see that movie. I love funny shows.

  11. Val
    October 19th, 2009 at 11:55 am · Link

    My weekend was full of packing and moving, ugh can’t wait for it to be over. Did get to watch hubby lay carpet on Saturday though, that almost makes it worth it. Not sure what it is, but watching him do physical labor always makes me hot. :)

    My guy is with Cecile’s guy “Couples Weekend” so does not appeal to him. Maybe if it is still in theaters my daughter and I can have a girls day after all the moving is done.

    Had absolutely no time to read, I’ll have to make up for it during this week.

  12. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 2:05 pm · Link

    Cecile, if you do figure out the spell, I’m ready for more energy!

    I’ll go check out your blog cowboy. And I’ll keep checking for pics :-)

  13. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 2:06 pm · Link

    Kira, 240 miles is relaxing? Just wondering…

    I think you’d enjoy the movie.

  14. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 2:07 pm · Link

    Val, shudders on moving! I really open you’re finished soon.

    It’s nice that you like watching your husband work :-)

    It might be a while before you get a chance to relax and read!

  15. Kira Daniels
    October 19th, 2009 at 2:28 pm · Link

    Val, I feel the same as you do! Watching my hubby do any sort of manual labor makes me break out in a sweat–the good kind. And if there happens to be a bit of grease involved…*beg* Need I say more? lol

    And 240 miles is relaxing! We didn’t have to be anywhere pressing and it was just a laid back day. :P I posted pics of my ride. If you got to ride in that one, then you would like it too.

  16. Alyson Noel
    October 19th, 2009 at 4:53 pm · Link

    Aw, thanks Jen–you made my day!!

    Dying to see Couples Retreat–I’ve got me a Vince Vaughn crush!

    As for me, I spent the weekend washing my hands–my husband has the swine flu and it’s nasty–I’m determined NOT to get it!

  17. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 5:28 pm · Link

    Kira, I know you love your car! I was teasing you! Going to see the pics if I ever get some pages done today.

  18. Jen Lyon
    October 19th, 2009 at 5:29 pm · Link

    Alyson, THANK YOU! Seriously, I was so frustrated with the last couple books I read, or attempted to read.

    Sending good wishes to your husband and you! Stay well!

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