Jennifer Lyon

Thursday, April 21st, 2011
Scarce Today

I feel like this puppy–except not as cute. In fact, I feel like a wrung out dish rag! But this puppy is more more fun to look at than a dish rag.

Anyway, Wizard got it into his head to actually listen to me while I was whining about needing the carpets cleaned. So he took a day off work and booked a carpet cleaner for today.  Which required me to spend two days cleaning out crap and moving furniture, vacuuming and …I’m already sore.  And Wizard has been doing his part too, I can’t even accuse him of slacking.

And we still have to move everything back.

What’s really sad is that this is how Wizard and I spend our vacation days. We obviously need an intervention or life coach or something.

We’re thinking we might do something fun tomorrow, if we’re not too sore.

Not sure how much I’ll be online, but go ahead and share: What did you do on your last vacation day? I bet it was more fun than this!

14 comments to “Scarce Today”

  1. Dawn
    April 21st, 2011 at 6:02 am · Link

    My last vacation day, I went to see the Red Wings at Joe Louis Arena. And they LOST!! I didn’t even really see much of the game. A friend and I were too busy texting each other about how bad the game was. *sigh* I have another vacation day tonight though. What I do depends on whether my best friend and her @$$*&%! sign the divorce agreement today or if he backs out and they have to go to court tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed for today.

  2. Shiloh
    April 21st, 2011 at 7:30 am · Link

    Unfortunately I don’t get vacation days! LOL So I usually spend mine cleaning or running the kids back and forth to their activities.

  3. B.E. Sanderson
    April 21st, 2011 at 7:35 am · Link

    Sorry you’re pooped. I did yard work yesterday and I’m totally there with you. Thank goodness for Aspercreme.

    A real vacation day where you like leave the house and junk? I think we went to Denver when my MIL came to the state in ’07 (or was it ’06?). Or maybe it was when she came here to visit in ’09, but all we did was sit around the house and talk. I dunno. It all blurs together after a while. When the hubs gets a day off, we stay home so he can recharge.

  4. Val
    April 21st, 2011 at 8:14 am · Link

    Vacation , what’s that? lol. Our last real VACAY was a couple years ago, we went for a long weekend to Virginia, the historical sites and Busch Gardens. Had a really good time.

    But as for vacation from work, I usually take days because the kids have appointments, funerals things like that. For example my first vacation day of this year is in two weeks. I took it because daughter, who wants to be a nurse (RN) and isnt sure what she wants to specialize in, is volunteering at a local hospital over the summer. Not only will she get to see all areas of the hospital to help her decide her speciality it will become part of the Senior Project she needs to do in order to graduate. Anyway, the Interview day is during the week during the middle of the day so I just took the day off. The time I have at home will probably be spent cleaning, lol.

  5. ban
    April 21st, 2011 at 9:38 am · Link

    nope, I cleaned too :/

  6. Silver James
    April 21st, 2011 at 9:38 am · Link

    Hrm…vacation. Like so many others, I’m not sure of the meaning of that word. The last time Lawyer Guy took a day off, we cleaned the garage. I went to New Orleans last fall with my CP, but that was for a writers conference. We did take one day to “sightsee”. LG drove with me to the DC RWA Nationals two years ago. I think that’s probably the last vacation we took together, and it was a “working” one for me.

    Rest up, Jen!

  7. Viki S.
    April 21st, 2011 at 1:49 pm · Link

    I stay at home so some would say I’m always on vacation – not quite true! As in a real vacation, haven’t been on one in a few years. Last one was Amelia Island Florida. I love it there.

  8. Jen Lyon
    April 21st, 2011 at 3:42 pm · Link

    Dawn I hope the divorce agreement is signed and you and your friend can go out. Sounds like she could use a night of fun!

  9. Jen Lyon
    April 21st, 2011 at 3:43 pm · Link

    Shiloh, that’s how it is with kids! Vacation seems to be something of a myth to most of us.

  10. Jen Lyon
    April 21st, 2011 at 3:47 pm · Link

    B.E. Apsercreamn is for amatuars, I have some better stuff the doc gave me :-) But yard work–shudder! I just plant flowers, Wizard does the hard stuff.

    Right now, I’m watching my carpet dying into all kinds of bubbles. Not good. sigh. It’s 10 year ld carpet.

    Like you, we don’t leave the house for vacation either. We put in the pool instead yeas ago and hang out there on Wizard’s vacations most of the time.

  11. Jen Lyon
    April 21st, 2011 at 3:49 pm · Link

    Val Viginia sounds like a great vacation! But doing all that with your daughter-that’s good parenting. We give up a lot for our kids, but it all turns out to be worth it!

  12. Jen Lyon
    April 21st, 2011 at 3:49 pm · Link

    Ban, I think it’s a sickness, maybe we should get some medication :-)

  13. Jen Lyon
    April 21st, 2011 at 3:50 pm · Link

    Silver, maybe writers just never take real vacations, LOL! Cleaning the garage is as bad as cleaning the carpets!

  14. Jen Lyon
    April 21st, 2011 at 3:51 pm · Link

    Viki now I want to go to Amelia Island Florida!

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