Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013
Wing Slayer Worthy

Wizard called me yesterday about four and said, “Guess what? A friend is in town from out of state and I’m bringing him home for dinner in an hour.”

I know what you’re thinking, but Wizard is still alive. We went out to dinner, and lucky for Wizard, I was thrilled to see our friend. We had a great time. But seriously, Wizard, a little more notice next time????

Okay here is our candidate (can’t remember if I showed him before).

So what do you think? Wing Slayer Worthy?

10 comments to “Wing Slayer Worthy”

  1. Viki S.
    February 6th, 2013 at 3:36 am · Link

    If John had done that we would have gone out for dinner too. At least you had a little time (and I mean little) to get ready ;). I happy you all had a nice time.

    I’m on the fence with the candidate. I think it’s his mouth – it’s pretty? Maybe as he gets older he’ll get an edge to him so I’ll keep him but put him in training ;).

    Have a nice day.

  2. Kat
    February 6th, 2013 at 7:52 am · Link

    This is a nice canidate to come back to after being gone for a while. I am with Viki needs a little more aging and a lot more edge.

    Usually I am the one saying to my husband hey a friend of mine is showing up in about 2 hours and will be crashing on the couch tonight. Then he has to put up with us staying up and catching up. Luckily my friend is more like family than house guest so we don’t panic about how the house looks or what we are making for dinner. Panic is when my mother is coming!!!!!

    My husband’s recovery from the eye surgery is going well. The kids poke fun at their Pirate dad. I think they have a Pirate’s of the Caribian movie marathon planned this weekend. :lol:

    But I have to wonder what it says about me when my 10 year old daughter says to me “Mom you are shambling around and you look like you are part of the Zombie Apocalypse.” 8-O should I be monitoring what she does with her free time more? She tells me she and her friends have already planned on what to do if Zombies attack the school. Well it is good she has a plan right?

    Pirates, Zombies and pre teens…….. OH MY!!!!

  3. B.E. Sanderson
    February 6th, 2013 at 8:12 am · Link

    Wizard is lucky to be alive. I’m glad you guys went out and saved you the trouble of putting together a meal on short notice.

    Yeah, I’ll give this one a pass into Wing Slayer Hunter training. He’s young, but I think the other boys can whip him into shape. ;o)

  4. Dawn
    February 6th, 2013 at 10:53 am · Link

    Wow. Wizard’s seriously lucky to have you…and that you didn’t kill him for the lack of notice! Glad you had fun :)

    The candidate looks a little young, but I like him. I bet Phoenix and the boys can get him trained and toughed up in no time :D

  5. Jenn
    February 6th, 2013 at 11:30 am · Link

    Viki, it worked out fine last night, but it caught me totally by surprise. Sometimes less time to stress is better :-)

    You know, when I went into my Paid Images file for a candidate, this guy swore he wasn’t too young. I wonder if he lied to me? Sigh.

  6. Jenn
    February 6th, 2013 at 11:33 am · Link

    Kat, your kids have a great sense of humor!

    Your daughters sounds very perceptive. I don’t think you have much to worry about there–but YOU need some free time to decompress a little.

    Our guest last night was a close family friend too out on business. Isn’t it nice to see old friends like that?

  7. Jenn
    February 6th, 2013 at 11:35 am · Link

    B.E., he is lucky, isn’t he? Wizard is the one that suggested dinner. He knows I’d go into lunatic mode and try to pull off a big dinner in little time. I notice Wizard also strongly encouraged me to have a glass of wine into my hand at the restaurant :-)

    Hope this guy is up for all the training he’s in for!

  8. Jenn
    February 6th, 2013 at 11:37 am · Link

    Dawn, Wizard knows I won’t kill him just because he keeps gas in my car for me. He’s sneaky like that.

    But I would hide his helicopter :-)

  9. Silver James
    February 6th, 2013 at 12:09 pm · Link

    We have favorite restaurants for a reason! :lol:

    As for the candidate? I’m the odd witch out. I LIKE this guy. Yeah, he’s “purty” but…I think that’s just a cover. There’s something about his eyes that speak of seeing dark times and being ready to kick some @$$ because of it.

    Happy Hump Day, witches!

  10. Jen Lyon
    February 6th, 2013 at 5:51 pm · Link

    Silver, yay! Glad you like him!

    So true on favorite restaurants.

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