Jennifer Lyon

Friday, June 21st, 2013
Happy Friday!

At dinner last night, Wizard said, “June is nearly over.”

Freaking out, I said, “I can’t talk about it. I’m screwed.”

“Seriously? I’ve been at work all day. I’m going to need more details on how you got screwed.”

“Shut up.” Don’t judge me, I panicking. You really don’t want to know how incredibly stupid my process is. It involves writing frantically and then cutting it all  into a delete file until I flood my brain and body with so much fight-or-flight adrenaline, the story breaks loose.  My process sucks.

Wizard is amused now, realizing that I’m even more panicked than he is (he’s under a lot of pressure at work too) He smirked and whispered, “The month is nearly over.”

I lost it. “Stop it! Or I swear to  you I will never, ever make you a cheesecake again. Ever.  Next Father’s Day I will make you Brussels sprout pie and make you eat it.”

He sat back in his chair, crossed his arm and pouted like a two-year-old. But he didn’t say another word.  Score for me! Then he went to the gym, the big baby.

In other news, I went to my RA doc and he’s helping me with the headaches and other issues. Again all boring stuff but at least the headaches are better. I’m really grateful for that.

This weekend, I’m going to dress shopping! I made actual plans with a friend for Sunday so I have to show up.  I’ll let you all know how it goes!

Do you have any weekend plans?

And FYI you can listen here to the very casual radio chat I did with Renee from Canned Laughter and Coffee.


10 comments to “Happy Friday!”

  1. Viki S.
    June 21st, 2013 at 2:48 am · Link

    You two kill me :). I love reading your post early in he morning because they always make me smile.

    I can see Wizard being forced to eat Brussels Sprout pie ;). They’re good but not in a pie.

    You really need to plan that vacation and relax. Let everything else build around it next year. Maybe that will help with the stress.

    So happy your RA doctor is helping you with the headaches. You just were shaking them and I was starting to worry.

    Making a date is forcing you to go buy the dress – good move. The wedding is coming up fast so you really do need to have a dress. Couldn’t have you showing up in a sweat suit ;).

    Hus had unplanned surgery in his mouth the other day so things are play it by ear right now. Hope he’s able to chew real food and we can at least go out for dinner. I’m already tired of the soft food diet – yes I eat what I make for him. I think I need a cookie ;).

    Have a great weekend!

  2. kat
    June 21st, 2013 at 7:29 am · Link

    Brussels Sprout Pie might be what I need to start eating. I can’t seem to lose some weight I would like to. I am healthy in general. I told a RN friend of mine after I stepped off the scale in her office that I would be 30lbs lighter if I could just get all the weight off my shoulders. She agreed.

    This weekend I am going to be useful. I am going to be a cook at the Girl Scout camp my daughter is going to. I work in the kitchen and she is there for free so it is a good trade.

    Hope everyone can get out and enjoy some sun shine this weekend.

  3. Ban
    June 21st, 2013 at 9:04 am · Link

    Oh, I wanna listen to the interview !
    I’ve actually got plans this weekend to finally meet an online friend I made about 7 years ago. She recently moved within a 2 hr drive. We knew each other on a clay forum then moved to sewing and miniatures together and I recently painted her first ball jointed doll. I’m gonna hand deliver it to her !

    PS: Brussels sprout pie sounds nasty Jen, I’d pout too :P

  4. Silver James
    June 21st, 2013 at 10:10 am · Link

    How can it be FRIDAY!!!!???? How can it be almost July??!!!??!!!! *muppet flail*

    We’ll panic together, Jen. Except you and the Wiz crack me up. Lawyer Guy has a ham radio “field day” tomorrow through Sunday. The kids plus *adopted* grandkids (they belong to Only’s oldest/bestest friend) and I are going up for the BBQ dinner Saturday night as a sort-of belated Father’s Day. I’m either going to be writing or reading.

    I know you’ll find the perfect dress! Don’t freak. It’s out there just waiting for you. *nods*

    Have a great weekend, everyone! Viki, I hope the hubs feels better soon! Kat, enjoy the camp. My dad used to come cook at my Girl Scout camp. He made amazing fried donuts! Ban, that’s so cool about meeting your friend! Have fun!!!

  5. Jenn
    June 21st, 2013 at 11:09 am · Link

    Viki, you need a cookie! Man you are getting slammed this week. I hope hubs is okay. Mouth pain is awful, and a soft food diet would make me cranky.

    I don’t think I even own a sweat suit, LOL! I have yoga pants though :-) I have a ton of dresses, just not one that’s in the color scheme. I’ll find something.

    The headaches are frustrating more than anything. I knew it wasn’t serious. But man, I was scared to tell him, he can over-react a bit (because he swears I never tell him anything until it’s critical) and I was afraid I’d end up staring at the inside of a cat scan.

    I really hope you get your cookie and hubs is feeling better!

  6. Jenn
    June 21st, 2013 at 11:12 am · Link

    Kat, I hear your frustration with weight. Stress adds to it. You just don’t have the time right now to devote to diet and exercise. Eating well takes a lot of extra time and energy.

    Excellent trade for your daughter’s Girl Scout camp! I hope you have fun doing it!

  7. Jenn
    June 21st, 2013 at 11:15 am · Link

    Ban, I hope you have a great time with your online friend! You must be excited!

    And wow, you are so creative.

    Wizard hates, Brussel Sprouts with a singular passion. I can take or leave them, but he hates them beyond reason. It’s a handy threat :-)

  8. Jenn
    June 21st, 2013 at 11:17 am · Link

    Silver, time is racing by isn’t it? I try not to think about it. It’s scaring the bejeepers out of me and I know it’s the same for you. Deadlines are terrifying things.

    That’s right you mentioned you were doing your Father’s Day celebration this weekend. Hope you have fun!

    Crap, now I want donuts. Sigh.

  9. B.E. Sanderson
    June 22nd, 2013 at 7:30 am · Link

    You two. LOL I’m not quite sure where June went either. Heck, I’m not all that sure what happened to the week. How can it be Saturday already? I was sure yesterday was Tuesday. Yay for the doc helping you out! And I’m sure the dress shopping will be fine. You’ll be lovely. Everyone at the wedding will be totally jealous. (Well, except the bride – you can’t show up the bride.)

    As for yesterday, we’re having internet issues that totally crapped out my blog perusing. It seems okay right now, so I’m going for it. On the upside, I don’t need internet to write, so I’m getting some of that done. And watching a lot of TV. And doing a little reading. This book I’m in the middle of is pretty awesome, so there’s that to finish this weekend. Then I can start on a couple other awesome books I’ve been waiting for. ;o)

  10. Jenn
    June 22nd, 2013 at 8:13 am · Link

    B.E., I’m sorry for the internet troubles! They are frustrating! But at least you’re getting some writing done, that’s the upside.

    I wouldn’t be able to show up the bride! She lovely and will shine without even trying, and my son will have that grin on his face that will make me a very happy mom :-)

    I hope we both get some writing done this weekend!

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