Happy Labor Day for those celebrating! I think we’re just staying home, maybe swimming and either BBQing or picking something up.
I’m fleshing out a few scenes and doing final edits on Obsession. And learning to let go Then it’s onto my Cowboy Marine. I’m getting excited to write that book. Logan Knight is in desperate need of some down time and goes house on his family ranch, only to find his beloved home inhabited by a woman on the run with her baby…good times!
My weekend varied widely. Work wise, things are going really well and I’m extremely grateful for that. But Saturday I finally told Wizard I need to go to Urgent Care for my foot/ankle. But for whatever reason, the Urgent Care that’s supposed to be opened until five, closed at one and was closed on Sunday. I was a tad frustrated but whatever…it’ll heal and it is getting better so it’s fine. I’m just going stir crazy, I can’t work out, I can do anything but work and eat.
Which some people (WIZARD I’m talking about YOU) would say it’s making me cranky. Actually it’s making me fat and cranky but even Wizard isn’t brave enough to say that.
But today will be better! How was your weekend?
September 2nd, 2013 at 2:44 am · Link
Oh Jenn – I’m shocked that there isn’t an urgent care that’s open near you. People always need treatment on Sunday’s and holidays. I hope you get in today. You’ve kind of waited long enough for it to feel better.
I love Wizard ;). You two are so funny.
We’re doing the fired turkey today. We had burgers yesterday. Other than that it will be a normal day around here. That is until PeeWee arrives ;).
Have a wonderful Labor Day and don’t labor too much!
September 2nd, 2013 at 10:04 am · Link
Happy Labor Day, Jen! Sorry your ankle’s all squonky. All the Urgent Care would do is slap you in a brace or a cast and tell you to stay off it anyway – or put you on crutches which would screw your arms up. Put it up, lay a bag of frozen peas across it (frozen peas make the best ice packs), and write.
Yay for final edits and new words!
The weekend was pretty much like every other weekend here. It’s hard to get jazzed about a holiday weekend when you don’t leave the house to work anyway. LOL I worked on preparing to edit (which basically meant re-reading and making notes as I went), read some (the last Vince Flynn… :sniffle:), and basically stayed home because this area gets crazypants when the tourists are around.
September 2nd, 2013 at 10:53 am · Link
Tomorrow. First thing. Urgent care! No buts. Wiz, I’m looking at you to make her go…. *does the two fingers to eyes then pointing opposite direction thing*
I finished up all the edits on THAT OL’ BLACK MAGIC. It’s off to the formatter and once it’s back, I’ll be uploading it all over the place. In the meantime, I’m working today…or will be once I catch up on email and blogs. SEASON OF THE WITCH won’t get edited by itself and I’m up against a hard deadline. I have to have print copies in my hands by October 18. *muppet flail*
Have a great day off, everyone!
September 2nd, 2013 at 11:49 am · Link
Viki, it’s my “medical group” with my HMO. They suck, I mean they are awful. I’d leave them in a heartbeat except for my RA doc. It’s complicated (isn’t all medical insurance now?) Eventually I may have to though. But it is healing.
Yay on PeeWee!! That will make your day! I’m jealous! The turkey sounds good too
September 2nd, 2013 at 11:51 am · Link
B.E., the only thing I want from UC is an x-ray. That’s what they did for my son. But I’ll be fine. we’ve done tons of ice packs, the swelling is down a bit this morning.
Stay away from crazypants tourists! Writing is better. Go edit
September 2nd, 2013 at 11:55 am · Link
Silver, Wizard doesn’t the read the blog much, so he’s oblivious, LOL!
Wow you are getting a lot done! Congrats! That book will be up in no time!