I’ve been a complete moron and forgot to tell you all that there’s a Plus One Chronicles Book Blast going on. If you haven’t seen it going around the various social media sites, you can link here and enter to win a $50.00 or $25.00 electronic gift card. There’s more links on the site–you can follow those and enter at the various stops until January 5th.
Also. The Proposition, book 1 in The Plus One Chronicles, is now free on these sites:
Amazon Kindle / iBooks / Kobo / Smashwords
Yesterday was one of those incredibly frustrating days where I couldn’t get my next Once A Marine book started. I always *think* I know the characters and plot well enough until I sit down to write, then I realize I need to do more prep work. So I spent yesterday thinking. I made progress that way, but I still need to solve one more hurdle. And since I’m writing this blog on Thurs, what are the odds I’ll think of what I need right around two am?
This weekend, I’m planning to go out to CPA Boy and Special K’s to finally meet Corky–seen here sun bathing.
He’s a kick back dog I’m sure I’ll love him! They also have Cookie, so I get to play with two dogs for the price of one!
Otherwise, I’m back to work, work, and more work.
What are your plans this weekend?
January 3rd, 2014 at 3:40 am · Link
First – Corky is a hoot sunbathing. It’s precious how he’s even on a towel :).
Now, don’t beat yourself up. The box set promo tour was in the newsletter and I’m sure we all get a copy. With the holidays and everything else on your plate you can’t be expected to do it all.
Now, I hope you are not up right now. It would be wonderful if the plotting would come to you in your sleep. So that’s what I’m hoping for for you.
Sure hope you have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend. Have tons of fun with the grand puppies :).
January 3rd, 2014 at 5:39 am · Link
No biggie, Jen. I caught word of it on FB. =o) You’ll have to pop in and let us know if you really did think of something at 2am. Like Viki said, have fun with the grand puppies this weekend!
I’m trying to get back to work, so there’s that on the docket for this weekend. And football. And reading. We’re supposed to have a cold snap, so pretty much all my activities will be inside where it’s warm.
January 3rd, 2014 at 11:24 am · Link
PUPPIES! Corky is so cute. Enjoy them this weekend.
Let’s don’t talk about writing. I haven’t written in…waaay to long. I’m still trying to catch up from my trip to New Orleans and the holidays. Monday. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Today is all about The Only, Baseball Boy, and the Magic Bean. Only is having a 3-D ultrasound done and we’ve all been invited to be there to see it.
Happy weekend, everyone!
January 3rd, 2014 at 11:58 am · Link
Viki, I don’t know how you do it on so little sleep! I slept pretty good last night and got most of the idea I need this morning while walking. Much better than waking up at 2am!
I forgot about the newsletter, LOL! Carla did that for me–I just approve it, or sometimes she makes me write an intro
I’m told that Corky is a VERY kickback dog and a bit of a character. I’ll find out Sunday I hope! CPA Boy has been a bit sick so that could change the plans.
Have a great weekend!
January 3rd, 2014 at 12:01 pm · Link
B.E., I’m hearing it’s supposed to be brutally cold, you’re wise to stay inside!
I didn’t start waking up until three am, and I kept going back to sleep until five, not bad for me! I didn’t come up with my idea until I was walking this morning. Now let’s see if I can make it work.
Good luck getting back to work this weekend! You can do it!
January 3rd, 2014 at 12:05 pm · Link
Silver, how exciting! I can’t imagine what it’s like to see your grandbean Sounds like Only is doing well.
So with you on the writing. But I’m determined to get started if I can just get off the internet.
Doggies are a huge distraction for me. Wizard and I both miss Bailey We were hoping Middle Son and Girlfriend would forget all about Bailey and we could keep him. But of course, they remembered, darn it.
Enjoy getting your first glimpse of Magic Bean!
January 3rd, 2014 at 11:50 pm · Link
Enjoy your grand puppies! Get some sleep, you cannot figure out the characters unless your mind is fresh (they seem to make more sense that way) and they cannot lead you around on a merry little chase.
Corky, hmmmm, reminds me of the pics you see of cats all splayed out, except Corky is cuter.
I’m sure we’ve all heard about the box set promo tour some way or the other. As for this weekend we get snow and wind, so I’m staying inside and making my older brother watch cartoons with me. Childish as they are I still love watching them so I torture him with them. Two birds one stone .