I’ll be apologizing all over the place between now and August 11th when I deliver this book. First up, I am so sorry I didn’t answer comments from Monday’s blog. I see them, I just didn’t get back here to answer. I hate not answering because you all take the time to comment I LIKE to answer. But between now and August 11th…I simply suck
I’m officially in The Crazed Zone. Right at this second, the book is working, sort of magically starting to just work–although I’m afraid to jinx it by actually saying that. It’s so insane, that CPA boy emailed to ask about coming out on Saturday for my birthday. He knows and understands deadlines and told me it’s fine if I need to keep working. But I said, sure, come out and I’ll work around you. I copied Wizard on that email so he knew about it too.
Wizard then CALLED me to double check and see if I could really handle that. That was one of my rare moments when I almost burst into tears. Wizard can drive me up a wall sometimes, but man when I need him to be there, HE IS THERE and he gets it. But I told him yes, I am going to handle it. My kid wants to come out and spend some of my birthday with me, I’m going to appreciate that not tell him no. And Wizard understood that too.
So then, I get an email from Special K (CPA boy’s wife) and she said. “I’ll bring dinner, you just work.”
God I love her.
And Biker Witch is being mega amazing too. She even offered to pick up some medication and bring it to me yesterday. I ended up not needing it, but you know, so nice to know people are there for you when you need them.
I’m going to owe everyone in the known universe
This should have been a simple book to write, but man, it tripped me up all over the place. As BLB (youngest son) just pointed out to me, this will be my book-with-a-story someday.
Okay now for Wednesday Worthy. I have two –a guy’s image that I quickly bought and a super cool dog that B.E., posted on my FB page. Choose your worthiness!
Which picture do you choose? (I choose the Happy Dog!)
July 30th, 2014 at 2:45 am · Link
You know I’d choose the dog too – he’s SO cute :)!
You don’t need to apologize for anything. We all get it and support you all the way.
What a wonderful family you have. They support you fully and totally and are there for you. Special K is really special. You won the jackpot with her :).
I’m so happy to hear that all is coming together. Can’t wait to read it :).
Why don’t you take Friday off from the blog. It will free up a few minutes that you can spend with the family on your birthday. So –
Happy Birthday! Have a really good day!
July 30th, 2014 at 8:08 am · Link
Okay, I always pick the dog, but not today! Very worthy, all I gotta say.
I love how supportive your family is. I’ve only been under one deadline, and I gotta say, I don’t know how you do it. Kudos to you for always cranking em out.
So glad you decided to see your family for your bday. You did something right with them. And Vicki had a great idea, skip friday blog and write. Sounds perfect.
Me, I’ve been writing like mad. My 15k book is now over 20k and not finished yet, but close. I don’t ever remember writing this much except for when I wrote RE. It’s been awesome.
Have a great birthday!!
July 30th, 2014 at 8:55 am · Link
This too shall pass. It always does. But sometimes, you do you best work in the Crazy Zone(tm). Special K is made of awesome as is BLB and Wiz. I feel your pain. After meeting with my Sr. Editor, I may not see daylight (or sleep!) until Thanksgiving. S’all good, though. Just…gah!
We’ll miss you Friday but WRITE! And I love the guy. I want that pic! I must go find it now. The model is one of my favorites and that pic fits a character like damn and whoah! And the Frenchie is a doll. I think both are totally worthy!
July 30th, 2014 at 12:03 pm · Link
Which one is more likely to clean up after himself and take care of himself? That’s the one I would go with at this time. It’s a toss up.
I think I will go buy a plastic plant to put in the corner of my house that is about what I have time for right now.
Jen ya take Friday off and write and then do your birthday with out guilt. Besides your family probably has some sort of surprise planned for you and you want to enjoy it.
July 30th, 2014 at 1:07 pm · Link
Dang. I forgot to mention Biker Witch, too. She has your DNA so she is obviously covered in awesomesauce, too.
July 30th, 2014 at 4:24 pm · Link
Ugh, I thought I did the blogroll this morning, but yours isn’t the only one I missed. My head’s off in insomnia land. Tra la la.
Tell all the people helping you write ‘thank you’ from your readers. Your support crew is awesome. And it’s your birthday soon, so yes, take a little time for you if you can. :hugs:
I saw that puppy on FB and immediately thought of you. Plus, he looks so happy how could anyone not smile. Of course, the guy is pretty worthy, too, but I’m sticking with the dog. ;o)