This week totally got away from me. Wizard has taken over my world with all the retirement hoopla. Yesterday was the lunch at work, and it was awesome. I love seeing how much people have valued his work. And although he’s all gruff and guy-like about it, it’s really meant a lot to him. It was fun. He’s going to miss a lot of the people there, but he needs to retire. Stress is a killer, as we all know and I want him healthy and happy.
Okay in other news, I saw a sample for the cover of CAGED MAGIC and love it so much! I’ve asked for one tweak, but seeing that cover made it all so real. Linc’s book will happen!
So this weekend, we’re having the family party Saturday which should be all fun. Wizard won’t have to give any speeches (he’s done two) and just enjoy himself. I’m making BBQ ribs, potato salad and other things. Middle Son’s girl friend, also known as The Chef is marinading chicken that they will BBQ and bringing other dishes. I was thrilled when she offered! And Biker Witch is bringing food too, and she always helps me. It’s great to have a sister I can count on
Sunday is all about revisions for EXPOSING THE HEIRESS.
So now it’s your turn, what are your weekend plans?
September 26th, 2014 at 2:50 am · Link
I agree with you on seeing how much people at work have valued our guys. Mine wouldn’t allow any party or anything but they really tried to keep him from retiring. Like you said stress is nasty and they need to have fun.
This weekends party sounds like it will be so much fun and lots of yummy food.
You have us all wanting to see the cover to Caged Magic now you now – tease ;).
I’ve been having stuff done to the house so the weekend is catch up time. We’re going over to Pee Wee’s this afternoon because his “parents” are in Chicago for the day and he’ll need some freedom and lovin’ :). They don’t get back until 8 AM Sat but his other “grandma” is going to spend the night with him. I know we’re strange.
Have a FANTASTIC weekend :)!
September 26th, 2014 at 5:59 am · Link
I’m with Viki – need to see the cover! And yes, the Wizard needs to live a long time. I’m certain Hubs’ job was shaving years off his life and I know he’s a lot better off now that he’s retired. Yay for tomorrow’s party! All the food sounds yummy and I’m sure you’ll all have fun. =o)
Weekend? Again? I’ll probably work on some editing stuff and maybe some research stuff for my NaNo manuscript. I started reading a SF novel yesterday that’s been interesting so far. The weather should be nice, so we may take a walk or work in the yard. The usual.
September 26th, 2014 at 7:33 am · Link
Love to see how much your guy is appreciated. I’ve got a glimpse of that myself recently and it made me so proud. So I know you must be feeling it too.
I have a wedding to go to Saturday, hubby cousin. Was born when me and hubby started dating. He’s 21 now and getting married! It’s weird to see. We call him Baby G but he’s lil 6-3 and weighs 260. ha!
Today I submit FUEL to my editor. *breathes* I will not freak. — okay yea I’m totally freakin’ here!
September 26th, 2014 at 12:13 pm · Link
Viki, I don’t thing you’re strange at all! Pee Wee is so sweet, and he’s going to be thrilled to have you all to himself. We do the same with Bailey.
I’m thrilled with the cover but it’s not ready for show. She’s tweaking and I have to get a few other things lined up. So yep, I’m teasing you all
Have great weekend with Pee Wee, and hope the kitty doesn’t get jealous!
September 26th, 2014 at 12:16 pm · Link
B.E. I know I’m mean to tease, but I’m excited!
You’re doing a manuscript for NaNo? That always terrifies but it seems to be an amazing adventure for most writers.
Enjoy the nice weather and your SF book!
September 26th, 2014 at 12:20 pm · Link
Ashlynn, don’t freak! It’s going to be fine. The editor will love it,but she’ll find the weak spots to so you can shine up your book until it’s awesome. Keep breathing!
I really am proud, just like you.
Aww, on Baby G! You’ve watched him grow and now get to see him marry. I hope their wedding is beautiful and memorable!