Jennifer Lyon

Friday, October 17th, 2014
Happy Friday!

I totally forgot to post on Wednesday! So sorry. I blame Wizard confusing the heck out of me by being home All The Time! Well that, and I had my head down, completely focused on revising EXPOSING THE HEIRESS, which I finished and sent off yesterday.  Now I’m getting ready for the NINC (Novelists Inc) conference that will be in Florida next week. I’m looking forward to that, but also hoping I can get a little writing on Linc’s book (CAGED MAGIC) done too.  I want so much to move forward on that story, it’s driving me crazy.

I have another book/series bugging the crap out of me too. I’m determinedly ignoring that until I can get to it.

Let’s not even talk about the joys of switching over the health insurance. We’re going with Cobra, and it was supposed to be a seamless transition, bwhahaha!! Not. Anyway that’s been a challenge and time suck, but its straightened out, at least for the time being. Then I saw my RA doc, who is more worried about me handling the travel and walking at the conference that I am.  And while it amuses me, I’m also seriously appreciate that he looks out for me and has for many years now. I’ve been very fortunate.

This weekend, I may go to my RWA chapter meeting (I’ve had a mild sinus/allergy thing, so it depends on that) and just getting stuff ready for conference.

I’ll post on Monday and maybe Wednesday before I leave. Wizard is being hilarious, planning his Junk Food Holiday while I’m gone. Although he’s concerned he won’t be able to figure out how to make coffee or turn on the oven…yeah, three college degrees and he can’t operate a coffeemaker? Really? (He’ll figure it out, I’m pretty sure he’s done it before!)

So what are you doing this weekend?

6 comments to “Happy Friday!”

  1. Viki S.
    October 17th, 2014 at 2:52 am · Link

    Boy do I hear you on “being home ALL the time” messing with the normal schedule. They can really throw a curve ball into things ;).

    We’re currently on Cobra too. What a huge expense and tons of trouble. I keep trying to figure out a better option but with Obama care and us making a certain amount of money it’s going to cost us a mint no matter what company/plan we go with. Ever notice how government f’s up everything it touches?

    Now we have Ebola scare RIGHT here because they messed up again. Middle son is afraid to got to work because the hospital he works for is in Tallmage where nurse 2 was all weekend and they still have no protocol. Unreal.

    Enough of my negative vibes off to pleasant land :).

    I hope you have a great time in Florida. It’s funny how your RA doc worries. He really is a good care giver. But you’ll know when you need to hold back and rest. And you’ll know to have tons of fun too :).

    Wizard’s Junk Food Holiday sounds like fun. Men are too much. Honestly though, I’ve found the more intelligent they are the more trouble they have in the kitchen ;). He’ll be fine.

    Have a great weekend. I’m off to buy a new mattress ;).

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    October 17th, 2014 at 7:02 am · Link

    I wish I could say you’ll get used to Wizard home all the time, but I’m still working on it. ;o) Yay for sending off ETH!! You rock.

    We had Cobra when Hubs first retired, but then we shopped around and found something less expensive (but better). Of course, they jacked our rates after the first year, but hey, it’s still better (even if now it’s about the same cost.) :grumble grumble:

    Have fun at your conference! And your RWA meeting if you make it there. =o) I’m sure your Wizard can handle the alone time, and if he runs into trouble, he can call the boys and their girls to help him.

    This weekend I really should start inputting the edit notes I made for Wrongful Termination. Tomorrow is two weeks to NaNo and I’d really like to have these done so I can concentrate. Other than that? Reading. I’m behind on my reading goals for the year and once November starts, I’m just going to get behinder.

  3. Silver James
    October 17th, 2014 at 10:53 am · Link

    Yay for finished revisions! Yay for Linc! Yay for travel! Boo on insurance transitions.

    I’m waiting for the Amazon buy link for BLUE MOON to go live. I’ve put BLOOD MOON free for Saturday-Monday to celebrate.

    I’m also trying different social media/exposure avenues. I received an invite to “ello”, which is sort of like facebook but not. It’s in beta and I guess I’m one of the cool kids since I’m an early adopter. We’ll see. I also signed up for Wattpad, as a way to may attract new readers. I plan on putting drafts of my MC/Wolf series up there, since it’s getting written in fits and starts.

    Tomorrow is RWA chapter met. A VP from Draft2Digital is coming to talk about how they’re so much better than Smashwords. I’m looking forward to it. I plan to read and catch up on stuff I’ve put off the rest of the weekend.

  4. Jenn
    October 17th, 2014 at 3:16 pm · Link

    Viki, oh I don’t blame your son. I’m not afraid of Ebola in general, but in a specific situation like that, I’d be very concerned. I hope they get a serious, consistent protocol in place. We can stop or at least contain this…if it doesn’t mutate (for lack of a better word when the virus adapts/transforms into a more virulent version).

    We’re going to stay on cobra until BLB ages out in a few months and gets his own. We’ll probably start looking early next year. But I’m going to be just as confused as you. We budgeted for the expense, but it’s frustrating.

    My RA doc is very good, particularly with someone like me who occasionally ignores symptom and or pain if I’m busy. And that’s not being tough, it’s flat out stupid as many things can be managed much more efficiently if we catch them sooner.

    Good luck with your mattress shopping!

  5. Jenn
    October 17th, 2014 at 3:19 pm · Link

    B.E., before I forget, I love that title WRONGFUL TERMINATION! Is it a thriller? Suspense?

    That’s pretty much what I expect when we switch over to our own insurance. We’re waiting for BLB to get his own then we’ll switch if we can find something.

    So far, it’s working pretty well with Wizard home. But it’s only been a few weeks so we’ll see!

    I’m WAY behind on reading, I just bought six books for my kindle but I don’t know if I’ll have time to read them. I just like having them there for insomnia when traveling.

  6. Jenn
    October 17th, 2014 at 3:23 pm · Link

    Silver, congrats on almost getting BLUE MOON up–I just checked and didn’t find it in an Amazon search, but I’m sure it’ll be up soon. Or it could be there and just didn’t pop on my search yet. I’m always amazed at how much you do!

    I’d love to hear how your social media experience goes.

    I’ve been hearing a lot of positive things about Draft2Digital, especially for those outside the US that have trouble uploading to B&N and some other places direct. Hope you have a great meeting!

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