The big news of the day: Night Magic is here! I loved writing this book. Phoenix is a total bad boy with a huge heart (even if he doesn’t know it) and I adored Ailish, the blind witch who fought so hard to atone for a choice she made as a 16 year old girl.
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My weekend was pretty good. Halloween was fun with lots of kids. But we do have some leftover candy which I’m trying to ignore
How was your weekend?
November 2nd, 2015 at 8:22 am · Link
I love Night Magic! I’m so happy for you getting these back into the world. The books deserve a wide audience. =o)
The weekend was a total blur. Sports happened. I read some of my own stuff. The edits arrived, but I didn’t touch them yet. I spent most of the weekend dealing with Max and vegging out.
November 2nd, 2015 at 9:52 am · Link
Phoenix is a favorite and Ailish is made of awesome! THE DEVIL’S CUT went live on Halloween. Now I’m elbow-deep in print formats and panicking a little over my Nov. 30 deadline for RDR#4. *flail* Plus, the big TV went kaput so we’re looking at replacements. Only and I went shopping because she got a new “sooper” job and has to look all adult and professional now. We found her a bunch of clothes that can be mixed and matched plus she found two pairs of boots! She has “catcher’s calves” so knee boots are problematic. The funny thing is, I’d picked out that pair of boots to try on for me. She saw them and glommed. Yes, we both bought a pair.
Gotta get off the net and get to work! Happy Monday or some such stuff like that.
November 2nd, 2015 at 12:08 pm · Link
B.E., thanks on NM. So what’s up with Max? Is he having issues again? Not eating?
You’ll get to the edits when you’re ready to tackle them
November 2nd, 2015 at 12:11 pm · Link
Silver, awesome on Devil’s Cut — I’ll look for it today.
Yeah that deadline is coming fast
Congrats to only on her new position. Glad you all were able to find clothes that work. And the boots–I sympathize with her on the calves issue, I have the same thing. But you both scored there!
Bummer on your TV. I hate that stuff.
Hope you get a ton of writing done!
November 2nd, 2015 at 3:22 pm · Link
Yeah, he’s having mouth issues again… still… forever… Finally got him to eat canned roast beef yesterday and after a couple meals of that, he ate some canned catfood, so maybe we’re on the upswing. :fingers crossed:
November 2nd, 2015 at 4:52 pm · Link
Congratulations on the re-release of Night Magic! I love these two :).
Sorry you have left over candy. Toss it at Wizard ;). I didn’t give out any so I have a full bag to eat. I think I’ll put it in the basement. Won’t think of it as much.
Have a great evening :)!
November 2nd, 2015 at 5:56 pm · Link
B.E., poor Max. I hope he’s back on the upswing. He’s had a it rough (and it’s not so easy on you either).
November 2nd, 2015 at 5:57 pm · Link
Viki, I’m better with this candy that the good stuff that you have I’m doing my best to ignore it.
Hope you have a good night!