The good news is Wizard is doing much better! Yesterday I kind of tricked him into taking a pain pill, and he slept a few hours.
After he woke up, he asked, “Did you know that would happen?”
“Yes.” I didn’t bother lying. Wizard really hasn’t needed the pain pills, and has only taken one at night and been sleeping fantastic. He’s been getting nine or ten hours a night.
He just shook his head. “I guess the pain pills work.”
“Or you needed the sleep.” He’d done a few little things in the morning that I could see had worn him out, and he was achy. Not real pain, but he needed to to rest.
He laughed. “You tricked me.”
“Let’s call it strategic health planning.”
He just grinned.
It’s awesome seeing him doing better. He hasn’t been the least bit cranky or difficult. But today I’m going to try to back off the hovering. He’s wants to get well and been doing all the right things to achieve that.
And FYI, I’ve been sleeping well and and doing fine. I’m trying to get back into writing, that’s going slow but it’s okay, I’ll get into the groove again.
Now let’s move onto Wednesday Worthy! This is the image we bought for the cover (designed by Jaycee at Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs) for Sinful Magic (just released last Monday).
So what do you think, is he worthy?
November 18th, 2015 at 4:39 pm · Link
I am so glad to hear that Wizard is coming along so well. I like your health plan ;). How did not hovering go today?
Getting back into the routine is good. Nice to hear that you’re getting sleep and getting back to writing. Don’t let too much stress build up on you. Wizard is number 1 priority but to neglect your own well being.
Had my first physical in over 18 years yesterday. Yuck. I realize that not only do I like to eat but my body likes to eat as well ;).
This guy is worthy :).
Have a good evening :)!
November 18th, 2015 at 7:34 pm · Link
Yay! So glad Wizard’s on the mend. And I know how difficult it can be to get back into the writing groove after something like that derails me, so go easy on yourself. :hugs: You’ll get there.
I had to laugh a little at Wizard and the pain pills. Sounds so much like me trying to get Hubs to take even so much as an Aleve. He always feels better afterwards, but he hates taking pills.
Eh, I like this guy better on your cover. Your artist worked magic. =o)