Friday, May 27th, 2016
Happy Friday!
Six happy things:
- Yesterday I played hooky.
- I had lunch with Biker Witch (my sister) and had a great time!
- I bought myself a shirt that says: WEEKENDS ARE FOR WINE (Duh, what else would they be for?).
- I got a chance to read for a little while (see #1).
- My hip is soooo much better! It took a few days, and I had to lay off the gym, but it’s mostly a mild twinge now and I can probably go back to the gym today…or Monday
- I figured out why I keep getting just past the halfway mark in my novella and coming a screeching halt, unable to get past this one point in the book. It means I need to revise one plot thread, but it’s a relief to just toss out the portion that’s not working. It’s actually really freeing. Plus my hero and heroine seem to be working well with each other, this was more of an external plot which is a little easier to fix than a real problem with a character.
And did I mention I played hooky yesterday? I rarely ever do that. But playing hooky is good for creativity and giving my subconscious a little space to work things out.
Okay your turn! Tell me something that makes you happy, and if you have any big plans for the weekend.
May 27th, 2016 at 6:06 am · Link
Yay for playing hooky! I’m glad your day off worked so well for you.
After being a totally slug for the past couple weeks, I got back to actual writing. OMG, it’s awesome. I’ve been so focused on editing and publishing for so long. I really needed this. And the next book in the SCIU series is coming out really well :fingers crossed:. Now that I’m back to work writing, maybe I can finally muster the will to get back to editing, too, so my next genie book won’t be too much later than I had promised. All editing and no writing makes B.E. a dull girl.
Writing makes me happy. And I’ll probably be doing gobs of that this weekend. Plus, gardening – if the rain holds off and my body cooperates. =o)
May 27th, 2016 at 10:17 am · Link
Yay for all the things that make you happy. I got “Contact Me” email from a reader who’d gotten THE BOSS AND HIS COWGIRL from her local library and loved it. She emailed me from my website to tell me what an emotional story it was. In the midst of freaking-me-out deadlines, that put a big smile on my face.
Making my word count every day also makes me happy. Not much of that this week. Too many outside pressures. I am getting back on track.
And tomorrow is a family road trip. I’m doing a library signing in the SW part of the state and the whole gang is going so we can stand in line to have lunch at one of favorite hole-in-the-walls with awesome hamburgers! Fun times.
May 27th, 2016 at 11:10 am · Link
B.E., great news that you’re back to writing! I love hearing how much you’re enjoying it.
Hope you have a great weekend writing and gardening with no interferences from the weather or your body
May 27th, 2016 at 11:13 am · Link
Silver, I so get how much that email meant to you. But how the heck did she get the book? I have it on preorder.
HOpe you have a kick butt signing with a hearty side of family-fun on the roadtrip. That hamburger sounds so good!
May 27th, 2016 at 3:38 pm · Link
Great! You deserved time off and you got to spend time with your sister :). You need a personal day now and then so good for you! And see, it helped you figure out why you kept hitting a roadblock. You cleared your head :).
Good to hear that your hip is feeling better. Isn’t in crazy how we can hurt ourselves doing basically nothing ;)?
Are you having family over and doing the cookout for Memorial Day? My guys are all heading in different directions this weekend of I think hubs and I will just get some salmon and grill for ourselves on Monday ;).
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
May 27th, 2016 at 8:01 pm · Link
Viki, I really did clear my head!
My hip was so strange–but I’m so grateful it’s healing so well. I did the elliptical today with no pain.
My kids are all going in different directions too, just like yours. Plus they were all here last weekend. Wizard and i are doing our own thing. Hope you guys enjoy your salmon!