Happy Friday! This whole week got away from me. Of course I’m still tweaking Ethan and Ana’s novella, but I’ll send it off today after I rewrite one more scene. Then I’m really, truly, absolutely, serious-face, will send it off to my editor
So Wednesday Wizard and I went to the USS Iowa Battleship in San Pedro (part of Los Angeles) and had such a great time. Since it was mid-week, it wasn’t crowded, and everyone was so nice. After that, we had lunch then took a harbor cruise. I really didn’t have any expectations for the day, but it turned out to be a fun, relaxing day with perfect weather. I posted some pics on my Facebook page so I won’t bore everyone with a repeat here.
For this weekend, brutally hot temperatures are supposed to hit much of the Southwest including us. Everyone in the “dome of heat” please be careful. And hopefully no one will leave pets or kids in hot cars. We’ve all had enough (too much!) tragedies lately.
Also this weekend is Father’s Day. We’re not doing anything big this year as the kids are all going in different directions. We’ll probably BBQ ribs and swim, or Wizard might go racing. How about you guys?
I hope you have a great weekend, and to all the dads out there, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!
June 17th, 2016 at 7:26 am · Link
Happy Friday! Happy Fathers’ Day to the Wizard!
Send it to the editor. Do it. There’s nothing more you can do it that she wouldn’t catch when she reads it. (These are the things I tell myself. Not that I always listen.) Yay for your day off! No expectations is a great way to have an awesome time. Sorry about your brutal heat. It hit 98 with a heat index of 110 yesterday here. Bleh. Totally thrashed my new flowers. They looked fine in the morning, so I didn’t water them. By dusk, they were pathetic. I watered them, but I don’t think they’ll bounce back. =o\ Oh well, like Hubs says, plants in our yard better know how to take care of themselves or we’ll replace them with something that will.
We’re not doing anything for Father’s Day. The Kid is up in Michigan doing her thing, so there really isn’t anyone to celebrate with us. I’ll spend the weekend editing. He’ll spend the weekend doing his stuff. The usual.
June 17th, 2016 at 10:10 am · Link
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads! Baseball Boy is at a tournament in Omaha with his 14U team. We’re helping Only do some stuff around the house and are on Stormageddon watch tonight and tomorrow. Sunday, we’ll probably both collapse. LG can nap, I’ll volunteer to go pick up our usual Sunday night dinner–Jersey Mike’s subs and tub.
I’m staying under the AC and I’m finally catching up with all the stuff I let slide during Deadline Hell Week. I only have 40 emails in my box now! Now I just need to design and order postcards for RWA, figure out how to use a book download site for free ebooks at the indy signing at RWA.
Oh, and I really need to get started on my next deadline(s).
Have a great weekend, stay cool, and enjoy!
June 17th, 2016 at 11:20 am · Link
B.E., I will once I have an hour to fix one scene I’m running around all morning here doing errands, but fix that scene and send this afternoon.
Heat index of 110 is hot! Your poor flowers, but I agree with hubby that hey’d better toughen up and learn to deal We gave up on the more delicate flowers here.
Hope you enjoy your weekend!
June 17th, 2016 at 11:23 am · Link
Silver, you’ll have fun with Stormagedden, but collapsing Sunday sounds like a good recovery plan
i don’t even want ot talk about emails, I’m ignoring most until I send. Life just keeps getting in the way of even writing. Hope you get everything all caught up soon and don’t think about your next deadline for a couple days. (Easy to say and impossible to really do!)
Hope you guys stay cool, and have a great weekend!
June 17th, 2016 at 3:17 pm · Link
I feel so bad for you having to endure that oppressive heat this weekend. Hopefully you can cool off in the pool.
Happy Father’s Day to Wizard! You guys have a nice time eating ribs :). If Wizard goes racing does that mean you’ll be writing?
We’re going out tomorrow for dinner. I tried to get him to pick a rather low key place, but no, we’re going expensive. At least we know we’ll have great food :).
Have a great time this weekend and try to stay cool :).
June 17th, 2016 at 8:49 pm · Link
Viki, we’ll be okay as long as the power doesn’t go out, but there are people who don’t have AC and I worry about them. Wizard and I will definitely use the pool!
If he does go racing, I’ll probably work some but I don’t mind either way — whatever makes him happy. It’s his day!
I hope you get every penny’s worth out of the expensive restaurant! If the food is fabulous and you have a good time, it’ll be worth it.
Hope you have a great weekend, and Happy Father’s Day to your hubby!