Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016
Wednesday Worthy and Chatter

I’m hearing wedding bells! Youngest son–most of you know him as BLB–proposed to his girlfriend over the weekend. They went to Las Vegas on a much needed vacation for her birthday and he surprised the heck out of her (and us–a great surprise) and proposed! We’re all very happy. They’ve dated nine years I think, and she was there through his serious injury a few years ago. That girl showed her true strength during his freak accident, surgeries, long recovery and altering his career path. I know it wasn’t easy for her, she’s had to adapt almost as much as he has.

Now they are both very happy and celebrating their engagement. On the phone, BLB told me, “I picked out the ring out all by myself.” I kind of melted in a puddle of mom-pride in him at that moment. That’s exactly how youngest son is, he wanted to make sure he chose the ring for his future wife.

In other news, my Furniture Hunt goes on. I dragged Wizard out with me yesterday to another big store and we found some possible choices. Then we ended up at another new housing track where we looked at two sets of models…not sure how that happened, LOL! We really aren’t considering moving just yet, but looking at models is always fun anyway.

After than I came home and dove into my revisions and sure enough, I ended up rewriting the first scene instead of just fixing it. I swore I was only going to rewrite the last two scenes, but we all know I can’t help myself. I just had to try another version of the opening to scene to see if it works better.  I’ll see today which one I think works the best.

And finally for Wednesday Worthy, I’m not sure what you guys will think of our candidate. Here he is:

white muscular man wearing jeans and sunglasses

Do you think he’s worthy?

6 comments to “Wednesday Worthy and Chatter”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    August 31st, 2016 at 6:58 am · Link

    I’m so happy for BLB! Sounds like he’s got himself a good one there. Yay! Good luck on your furniture hunt, and LOL about your home touring thing. We did that for years – but all online. We must’ve looked at thousands of properties before we were ready to beat feet out of CO.

    This one? Meh. He makes me feel old. I want to tell him to brush his hair, zip his shirt, and pull his pants up.

    I got my final edits back yesterday and dove into them last night. Shouldn’t be too long now. Yay.

  2. Silver James
    August 31st, 2016 at 9:25 am · Link

    YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! I didn’t get back to check comments on Monday–pesky deadlines! Huge congrats to BLB and his lady! So very happy for them, and all of your family. I’m betting his brothers are just excited.

    RDR#6 proposal went off to NYC a day early. Heard back from HQE…RDR#5 went straight to line edits. No big revisions. I’m…stunned but flying because of editor comments in his email. I’m on to the next project–another Kindle World. This story was previously written but I’m editing it to fit the KW. Much easier than writing from scratch. The book I’d planned for the October Dallas Fire & Rescue release needs to be a straight Nightrider book.

    And thanks so much for enjoying DOUBLE TROUBLE. The end of that one really stumped me! Where the beginnings get you, it’s the endings the usually trip me up! :roll:

    Oh, and yeah. He’s a little (okay, a LOT!) young for me but if I were his age? Yeah…I’d hit on that. LOL

  3. Jenn
    August 31st, 2016 at 10:47 am · Link

    B.E., it was worth all the work for you guys since you found a property you love. Right now, we’re happy where we are, just doing some future planning :-)

    Hope the edits go smoothly for you!

  4. Jenn
    August 31st, 2016 at 10:49 am · Link

    Silver, double congrats for getting RDR 6 in early and RDR 5 going straight to line edits! That last one is pretty danged incredible! It rarely happens that way!

    Both the beginning and ending or tripping me up on this one. But if I fix those…the rest should be easier.

  5. Viki S.
    August 31st, 2016 at 3:37 pm · Link

    So happy for BLB and his girlfriend. She’s a keeper :). I love how he surprised her on her birthday. How sweet. Oh, did they win (other than each other ;)) in Vegas?

    You are so funny with re-working scenes. You know it too so it makes it even cuter :).

    Did you find any furniture that you’re leaning towards? It takes a while to find the perfect fit. That’s funny how you ended up looking at model homes again ;).

    I hope you’ve had a great day and got tons done so you can relax tonight.

    Have a good one :)!

  6. Jenn
    August 31st, 2016 at 8:20 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks on BLB and his fiance! I’m not sure if they won anything in Vegas–I’ll ask them this weekend.

    I have to be happy with the opening and I’m not yet, but I’ll get there, and everything flows from that. I worked out some other issues in my notes though so that’s progress. I’m definitely weird–but I can’t seem to do this any other way, LOL!

    I found some furniture I liked, but I’m not sure about colors. and Wizard is into the search now, so he’ll want to look more (he’s a shopper, while I’m like…just buy it and move on)Plus I’m kind of in a holding pattern, waiting to find out what exactly we need to do for Wizard’s back.

    Hope you’re have a good week!

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