When I say something like, “Oh this revision will be easy.” That is your cue to
Seriously. I’ve fought with this blasted opening scene for DAYS. I have figured out a lot of the rest of the revisions, but this opening scene, and the first two chapters overall, are sucktastic drek. However, today I will go to the gym, then come home and kick the suck right out of that first scene and make it freaking shine. Or I’ll clean the bathrooms and make them shine. But one way or another something’s gonna shine!
On the upside of things, I emailed my editor with a question about a plot thread in this novella, and she emailed back with “Before I answer this, I wanted to let you know that I’m 20% of the way through edits on Savaged Dreams, and WOW, I love what you’ve done. The opening is soooooo much stronger. I was hooked immediately. You really brought it.” I did a happy dance! And that reassures me that all this frustration when I’m revising really does pay off into a stronger book and that’s what I want for my readers. It’s truly worth it.
It’s Labor Day weekend here in the states, which means a three day weekend for some. I’m hoping to see youngest son and his fiance, but we haven’t firmed up those plans yet. What about you–what are your weekend plans? Whatever you’re day, be safe and have a great weekend!
September 2nd, 2016 at 6:14 am · Link
You’re gonna kick that scene’s butt. You may come out with a shiner and maybe need stitches, but, yeah, you’ll win. Cuz that’s what you do. Yay for happy editor comments! Enjoy your weekend!
Labor Day Weekend… Well, living in a tourist area means I will be at home for the duration. All my fishing spots will be crammed with people enjoying the lake in loud ways. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing for me, though. I have to finish editing this book and formatting it so I can put it out into the world. So, that’s what I’ll be doing. Sitting here, going through edit notes and the pretty pink ink my editor leaves in my manuscript to make it right. =o)
September 2nd, 2016 at 9:46 am · Link
Yay on the great news re: SAVAGED DREAMS!
Boo-hiss on fighting that first scene. You’ll tackle it, pin it down, draw and quarter it, and shine it up like toothpaste on sterling silver.
Yeah, don’t ask. LOL Weekend? There will be one. We’re doing “siren test” tomorrow then lunch with Only, BB, and Stormageddon at our fav Mex place to celebrate Lawyer Guy’s birthday then it’s college football! Go ‘Pokes! Go Sooners! Sunday and Monday is back to work. So many freakin’ deadlines and projects but I really wouldn’t have it any other way.
Have an awesome and safe weekend everyone!
September 2nd, 2016 at 10:45 am · Link
B.E., I will conquer this scene (I’m projecting confidence, LOL). Although and no sleep and a tough workout this morning, I’m going to need a LOT of coffee.
The editorial comments made me insanely happy even if it’s only 20% of the book. If the set up works, everything else can be fixed.
I’d avoid the tourists too! The joy of living there is you can enjoy the amenities like the lake when it’s less crowded.
Hope you get a lot done this weekend and have some down time too!
September 2nd, 2016 at 10:50 am · Link
Silver, thanks on Savaged Dreams.
I’ve heard of toothpaste on silver I’m not great at non-action openings, but I’ll get this figured out. Coffee is my friends today.
Happy Birthday to LG!!Hope your teams win and you have a great weekend!
September 2nd, 2016 at 3:16 pm · Link
WOW! Excellent news from your editor. You must be thrilled, I am thrilled for you. Bet that helped you with your revision of DAYS today.
I hope you do get together with BLB and his lady for Labor Day.
Our middle one and his lady are going camping, the youngest is working and we’ve invited eldest and wife for ribs but they haven’t responded yet. But I’m sure all we be good no matter what we do :).
Have a great holiday weekend :)!
September 2nd, 2016 at 5:45 pm · Link
Viki, thanks!
Today was better work-wise and I cleaned bathrooms
Hope your eldest and wife come over for ribs. Are they the ones who have PeeWee? I know he doesn’t usually come over because the kitty but I was just thinking about him.
Have a good weekend!
September 2nd, 2016 at 5:49 pm · Link
Yup, they’re PeeWee’s parents. If we stay outside they might bring him over ?.
I hope you are having a great evening.
September 2nd, 2016 at 6:22 pm · Link
I thought they’re PeeWee’s parents I’m having a glass of wine now, that always makes the evening better.