Jennifer Lyon

Monday, December 5th, 2016
Weekend Roundup

Oh for the love puppies, my crappy Internet service once again dropped over night, so my post didn’t publish at 1am as schedule. Grrr…I have to do something about this service (and my antiquated cell phone) but I’ve been procrastinating for six months so why stop now?

Whoa…what a weekend. Friday and Saturday pretty much sucked, and Sunday was much better. Not going to get into all the stupid annoying stuff except to say I either have a mean allergy attack or a cold. I don’t have time for a cold, but who does? No one. If it is a cold, I’ll suck it up and deal :-)

Yesterday I think I finally figured out why I didn’t like my first chapter in Savaged Vows. I was doing the usual panic and worry, then I binge-watched Pitbulls and Parolees (because DOGS!!! I know you’ll all be so surprised to hear this, but I love dogs :-) ). On Sunday, I think I know how to fix it. Yay!! I’m sure getting my conscious mind off the chapter gave my subconscious mind more freedom to work out what was off.

This year, I’m toying with attempting to make a gingerbread house. This is just for fun since I probably won’t do a lot of other baking. So what does any self-respecting writer do when she’s thinking about to attempt a project? I ordered a book on gingerbread houses! I think I might be more excited about knowing a new book is on its way to me that anything else. I’m such a book-nerd sometimes.

In fun news, I’ve asked Anna to reveal the cover for Good, Bad and Sexy novella on FB this week. I’ll post the cover here too once she does.

So how was your weekend?


4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    December 5th, 2016 at 11:56 am · Link

    *sigh* There was a weekend? I have a short deadline extension (thank goodness!) but RL keeps intervening with getting any work done. I’m on Chp 11 and totally panicked because I think I left out a whole long scene and I’m at my max word count. *tears out hair* I hope to get through the rest of the book today to see and fix.

    I’ve given up on my poor ol’ Toasterbox. He was created in 2007 and has served me well but when I can’t even watch a Youtube video because his processor/RAM won’t keep up despite high speed internett, things are dire. My whole Christmas arrives tomorrow. I ordered a new HP All-in-one 24″ touchscreen with a 2.2 gig i5 processor and 12 gigs of RAM. It’s factory refurbished, which is why we could afford it. Thing is, I have to clear this project off my desk–and clear off my desk :lol: — before I can take it to Lawyer Guy’s computer geek to suck off my harddrive and reinstall it in the new machine. Fun times.

    So glad you figured out the problem with VOWS! Shakin’ my pompoms for you!

  2. Jenn
    December 5th, 2016 at 1:38 pm · Link

    Silver, you’ve really hit a rough patch lately. I hope the short extension helps.

    On no on the missing scene! I struggle with word count, so I **really** feel for you. My only suggestion is one you’ll already know but maybe it’ll reinforce the decision because when we’re stressed, sometimes it’s hard to make the obvious decision. So here goes: Look the weakest scene in the book; jot down any key points that move your emotional arc or plot forward. Then delete that scene and weave in those key points elsewhere. It’ll go faster than you think it will. Then hopefully that will give you room for your other scene. If you are still a bit over your word count, ask you editor if he can look for places to cut as he reads it.

    I’m thrilled you ordered the refurbished computer! You need it! I know it’s probably stressing you out to deal with the change over, but once it’s done it’ll be worth it. Although I agree with you on waiting to finish this project first.

    Hugs Silver! You’re going to get through this and be able to take a breath. It’s hard, but you’ve got this!

  3. Silver James
    December 5th, 2016 at 3:51 pm · Link

    Thanks, Jen! I’m not sure I’ll have to cut a full scene. I did find just the right place for the necessary scene I’d left out. It also fixes a problem with the emotional arc, which is good, and it’s not a massive, full chapter scene, also good. This is a first pass over the rough draft and I’m finding extra words, unnecessary verbiage, etc. I’m hoping I’ll come in close to 50K, rather than 51K. If not, then a second pass and maybe a few shorter scenes to cut the words. Fingers crossed.

    Can’t wait for my new shiny! But it also means going from Win7 to Win10. Fun stuff. Not! :lol: With that learning curve, I want this deadline met! :D

  4. Viki S.
    December 5th, 2016 at 4:01 pm · Link

    Pups – Yup, they can always help you out. Can’t help but focus on them and all the other stuff floats away. Glad they helped clear the way for you on Chapter One ;).

    Really take care of yourself and don’t let that cold take hold. Get some rest – I know, coming from someone else who doesn’t sleep ;).

    I love that you bought a book on gingerbread houses ;). I’ve never made one and I’d be afraid to let anyone see the thing if I ever did make one :lol: . Are you going to share yours?

    Tomorrow the middle boy turns 28 so hubs and I are going to take him to lunch close to his work. It should be a nice little get away for him. His birthday dinner will be Sat. downtown at a German place.

    I hope you have a wonderful afternoon!

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