I can’t believe it! Two more weeks until Savaged Dreams is released! Liza and Justice will go out into the world. One of the advance review (on Netgalley) says;
…holy shit this book was absolutely mesmerizing and there was no way on Earth I could put it down!!
All the work, sweat, insomnia and gut cramping worry is worth it when I see an honest review like that! Savage Dreams is up for pre-order now, and book 2, Savaged Vows will be up for pre-order soon, probably in a week.
Book 3 is currently torturing me. But this is what happens when I have too many balls, and decided throw them all up in the air.
Then set the on fire.
Oh and did I mention the fiery balls are rigged them with an explosive device so if one of them hits the ground…
And there I am on the ground, staring up a dozen flaming balls arcing toward me. And somehow I have to catch them all. But you know, no pressure…Bwhahahaha!!!
Anyhow…in good news, tonight Wizard and I are meeting a friend at a wine bar for Martini Madness.
How was your weekend?
June 5th, 2017 at 8:56 am · Link
MARTINI MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like a win to me.
Yeah, I’m ready to try some skeet shooting with those flaming balls as targets. In the meantime, YAYAYAYAY for SAVAGE DREAMS!
I have a funeral this afternoon and rewrites this morning. It’s Monday. That pretty much says it all. :/
June 5th, 2017 at 10:54 am · Link
Silver, your day really is on the suck train. I’m so sorry for the funeral, and your loss.
I bought NIGHT FIRE yesterday!
June 5th, 2017 at 3:28 pm · Link
You’re too funny. I pictured the witch tossing her fireballs up in the air when I was reading this at 3 AM :). I’m sure you’ll catch them all.
Love that tid bit from Netgalley.
Have a great time out tonight.
Update on traction and CBD oil balm. I thought the traction helped a little until I went to bed. OMG did the searing pain start shooting through my shoulder and arm. May try again but don’t really know. The CBD oil balm makes a huge improvement on the RA pain in my thumbs. It even helped with the neck. It’s an oil balm but worth the mess in my hair for a little relief.
Again, have fun tonight!
June 5th, 2017 at 4:17 pm · Link
Viki, hmm, I think I’d be leery of traction that caused that much shooting pain. I’m feel so bad for you! I wish I had an answer.
Glad the oil helps!
I’m delighted with the advance reviews on DREAMS so far, but man… DEVOTED is being a pill. But I just realized why, so and that’s a good thing
Happy Monday!
June 5th, 2017 at 6:57 pm · Link
Ack. Flaming balls of death! You can do this, though. :hugs: YAY for an awesome review! I can’t wait to read this. I hope you’re out having a blast at Martini Madness.
Nothing’s going on here. The usual – yardwork, sports, reading. I inhaled Silver’s Night Fire yesterday. Trying to decide what to read tonight. Something light. (Both physically and mentally. My wrists and my brain are tired. LOL)
June 5th, 2017 at 9:08 pm · Link
B.E., love the “flaming balls of death”
I saw your post on Silver’s book yesterday and bought it
Hope you find something light and fun to read and rest up your brain and wrists.