We finished our feature gallery wall–whew! One more thing done! This is a crummy picture from my ancient cell phone, plus there are three windows in the room creating too much backlight, but you can get the idea:
Then we had a contractor out yesterday to get a quote on redoing the kitchen cupboards, but I think that’s going to come out higher than our budget. **Shrug** I’d love to get it done, and also refinish the old oak table in there, but overall, we’ve made some good progress before a self-imposed deadline (I’ll talk more about that at a later date when Wizard and I are sure about it).
Now I can go back to the book! I took a couple of hours off yesterday afternoon to rest up as I’ve pushed my joints and shoulder too hard, but a little rest always makes that better Today, I’m writing, tomorrow, I’m going out to see my main man, Baby Slayer (my grandson), and then on Friday, more writing.
And now, here’s our Wednesday Worthy Candidate (and yes, he’s popping a LOT of veins.)
And a quick LOL–as I was writing this, from inside the house, Maggie saw a bird on the fence that’s at the top of our slope. She raced outside, determine to earn her Great Doggy Hunter Badger. The bird flew off the fence, circled our yard and headed off into the horizon (or wherever birds go just before sundown). Maggie kept running/jumping as if she could get high enough to catch the bird. She didn’t give up until the bird was out of her sight. The dog is a dreamer! LOLOL!! I laughed so hard, I think I pulled a muscle. But Maggie came back in the house preening, sure she’d done something amazing. Before anyone gets mad at me for laughing at her, I also took her to the dog park yesterday and she had a blast, so I get points for that
Okay so back to our Wednesday Worthy Picture–what do you think, is he worthy?
April 4th, 2018 at 6:27 am · Link
What a lovely feature wall. Good job! Self-imposed deadline, eh? I look forward to hearing more when the time comes. Yay for writing and for Baby Slayer! You weren’t laughing at Maggie, per se. You were sharing your joy with her. =o)
I’m not sure about this one. His torso looks angry.
April 4th, 2018 at 9:34 am · Link
I like the gallery! Looks all professional and stuff. Yay for Maggie the Magnificent! Did you give her her Mighty Hunter badge? And Baby Slayer is definitely worth a day off. Like, B.E., I’m curious too, about secret deadlines that have to do with houses.
And our candidate? Maybe a rogue, not sure he’s Slayer material. But there’s something about his hands that is just…intriguing.
April 4th, 2018 at 11:44 am · Link
B.E., thanks on the wall We like it, and it’s a refreshing change from what we had before.
The self imposed deadline isn’t fun news, sorry I didn’t mean to make it a tease. There’s been so much going on, I barely know what i’m doing from one second to the next.
I think the whole picture makes him look angry. But then…if it’s paranormal, I kind of like him. I think I could see the rage and bloodlust pumping through his veins. If it’s contemporary, I’m less impressed.
Maggie forgives me most anything, even laughing at her But okay, I’ll tell her I was sharing her joy of the futile hunt. She wouldn’t know what to do with a bird if she caught it anyway. When she chases crickets (They HOP!! Oh the fun!!) she they stop moving, she gets bored and wanders off.
Hope you’re having a good week!
April 4th, 2018 at 11:49 am · Link
Silver, professional???? Awesome! We just wanted something that we enjoy on the awkward wall.
As I mentioned to B.E., it’s not fun news, sorry! But then we’ve had a lot of good news, so I can’t complain.
I can’t wait to spend the day with Baby Slayer so Special K can get a few things done. Wizard will be there part of the day too so I guess I have to share???
I liked our candidates hands too. The whole image doesn’t quite work for me, but then it doesn’t not work either if that makes sense? Yeah…I need more coffee, LOL!
Hope your week is going well!
April 4th, 2018 at 2:42 pm · Link
I really like the theme of your wall. You and Wizard did a wonderful job picking perfect pieces.
Please wish Wizard a Happy Birthday!
Have tons of fun tomorrow with Baby Slayer :).
I have mixed feeling on this guy. It’s like he’s trying too hard to be a Slayer ;). He looks great!
Harrison has learned to roll from tummy to back and is working hard on back to tummy. Mobility – watch out!
Have a great day!
April 4th, 2018 at 5:05 pm · Link
Viki, thanks It was a challenge. It’s nice to finally make some progress after years of debating and procrastinating.
I’ll tell Wizards, and thank you on his behalf! We’re going to dinner tonight to celebrate.
We are looking forward to Baby Slayer day!
And wow, Harrison is going to be mobile very soon, and then the only time he’ll stop is when he’s asleep :-). He sure is growing fast! It all goes so quickly, doesn’t it?
Have a great week!