Maggie got bitten by Royal Wedding Fever, and absolutely insisted we watch the wedding of Harry and Meghan. That dog is such a romantic! What???? That’s my story and I’m sticking to it (It’s the excuse I used when CPA Boy came over and saw it on TV. CPA Boy seemed skeptical of my explanation, but I know you all believe me, right?)
In other weekend news:
–Wizard is doing much better, and this recovery so far, is easier that his first back surgery. That’s a little weird since this was a more complex surgery, but we’re happy.
–Baby Slayer came over!! He’s 9 weeks old, and cooing away and giving small smiles. He really cheered up Wizard, and I got to hold him almost the entire time he was at our house.
–Maggie loves Baby Slayer!
–Friday morning, Wizard ran a very slight (100 degrees) fever. This can be normal after surgery, particularly for Wizard. An hour after I gave him Tylenol, I asked him if there was anything he wanted, and he said brownies, so I made brownies. He really should have asked for the Mustang he’s wanted for our entire marriage, LOL!
–Yesterday, I took Maggie out for her afternoon walk. Everyone is warning me of rattle snakes, so I decided to avoid the field we always go to and stayed in the neighborhood. Out of nowhere, a small dog came after us. I was able to handle it and scare the dog off, but seriously, people need to watch their damned dogs. I’m really fed up with idiots. This dog was running loose, no owner in sight anywhere. If I EVER have to hurt a dog, I’m going to be so pissed at the irresponsible owner. In good news, Maggie did exactly as I taught her, and stayed right at behind my left leg, letting me handle it. If she’d charged, it could have escalated the situation before I could defuse it and scare the dog off without hurting it.
–I just want to write again. But I’m staying positive. We’ve made huge progress in tackling Wizard’s issues, and it’s been a long two year road. I’m proud of him for continuing to fight for answers/solutions. We are doing the same for me. #NeverGiveUp!
So that’s my weekend, now I’d love to hear all about yours!
May 21st, 2018 at 7:18 am · Link
LOL, Maggie wanted to watch the wedding. Right. Sure. Okay. ;o)
I’m glad Wizard’s on the mend. And that you got Baby Slayer all to yourself for a while. Whew on the dog thing. People really should keep their animals on a leash. And clean up after them, for petesakes. Ew. You’ll get back to writing. It just takes time. :hugs:
My weekend was pretty bland. Exercising, reading, watching TV, editing. The usual. I’ve got 5 pages of edit notes and I’m not even a quarter of the way through. Ugh. Oh, well, if that’s what it takes to make this the best book it can be, I’ll deal with it.
May 21st, 2018 at 11:19 am · Link
B.E., everyone is a skeptic, LOL!! And I really wish people would keep their dogs on a leash or in their yards. This one has been seen roaming before.
5 pages of notes means you’re working hard to make that book shine! I know, though, how it feels when you have that many notes in the first quarter. Once you have all the read thought and edit notes finished, and dig into the revision, it’ll go fast.
Hope your week is getting off to a good start!
May 21st, 2018 at 12:37 pm · Link
If the TV was on, so was that dang wedding. Even ESPN!
I got copies of COWGIRLS DON’T CRY, the Korean version. Crazy!
So glad Wiz is doing better this time around! The two of you will get healed sooner or later. Really hoping it’s sooner.
The American Legion post had a pancake breakfast and I was in charge of all the bacon and sausage. I fried for almost 8 hours Friday night. Took me through yesterday to get my energy back.
That was pretty much my weekend. Today, I need to get back in gear and get words written before Stormy’s Tee Ball clinic this afternoon. Fun times!
May 21st, 2018 at 2:32 pm · Link
I’m sure Maggie loved the wedding. Did she like the two dresses? I really did. Simple and elegant. And I agree with Silver, there was no getting away from the wedding on TV.
I am so thrilled that Wizard is coming along so well. That must be a relief for both of you. Don’t you think brownies should be on the yellow forms they send you home with from the hospital covering your at home care ;)?
Honestly, some people are total idiots. Good girl Maggie. You are right to be concerned about these free running dogs. Do you carry that spry postmen carry?
FINALLY got a text from Andrew this morning and they were married Saturday night. My kids do everything their own way ;).
Having lunch with middle tomorrow and then going over to Harrison’s on the way home :)!
The bridal shower was wonderful. (Friend and family moved over from England 17 yrs ago. They lived in DE and moved up here 11 yrs ago and became citizens 6 yrs ago). They don’t have showers in England so she had no clue what to do. But a couple friends from Canada got together and ran the show for her. The maid of honor just had a 5 week premature baby 1 week ago so she wasn’t there but all of the b rides maids were and helped it run smoothly.
I hope you have a great week!
May 21st, 2018 at 4:51 pm · Link
Silver, I know, it was nonstop coverage. They barely mentioned the Texas school shooting, which is troubling.
Wizard is doing better than expected, and that makes me happy.
Wow, you did a ton of cooking! I’m sure they all appreciated it. I can see why you were so tired, plus I saw on FB that you haven’t slept much. That’s makes it tougher.
Hope you got words written before Stormy’s T-Ball!
May 21st, 2018 at 4:59 pm · Link
Viki, Maggie loved the dresses
Of course brownies should be on the care sheets when the hospital releases us, LOL!
The dog thing is so frustrating. A lot of people have given up walking their dogs because of issues like this. It’s not right.
Congrats on your son’s marriage!!! You have a new daughter in law! Are you guys having a reception later for them? Our kids do these things their own way, and we’re just along for the ride these days.
How wonderful for your friend! I love that her Canadian friends helped her navigate the unfamiliar custom of a Wedding Shower–it sounds like they made if fun for everyone. The poor maid of honor! She’s got her hands full with a one week old premature baby. Hope she’s able to recover in time for the wedding!
Sounds like a great weekend for you!