We had a pretty good weekend. Wizard and I went to the movies to see Bookclub. Eh, it was just so-so, but it did the trick as far as getting Wizard out of the house (he’s still on restricted activity), and to distract me from an post-procedure headache. Saturday, I did errands and some writing. Sunday I made these:
I had Special K and youngest’s fiance come over to talk about a family party thing we’re doing in a couple of months. Of course, CPA Boy and Baby Slayer, and Youngest Son came too. But I made the chocolate covered strawberries for the girls
Baby Slayer was hilarious when he got very interested in one of my couch pillows and chatted away with said pillow. LOLOL!! Babies are awesome.
My goal this week is to finally get out of a plot dip that I’ve been swimming around in so long that I’ve turned a “dip” into the Grand Canyon. So I realized it’s time to stop worrying about the whole book, and focus on getting out of this ever-deepening spot before I drown.
So that was my weekend, how was yours?
June 11th, 2018 at 6:36 am · Link
Yay for getting Wizard out and about, even if the movie wasn’t awesome. Yay for Baby Slayer. Those berries look totally scrumptious. You’ll get out of the dip and forge ahead. Go you!
I spent most of the weekend reading. I feel a little guilty that I wasn’t writing, but meh, not that guilty. Summer is not a good writing place for me. And I’m finally getting caught up on my reading goals. I was all set to make BBQ ribs yesterday, went into the fridge to get the ribs and remembered I bought a pork loin instead. Derp. I cut it into rib sized portions and did my thing anyway. Hubs thought it was awesome, so it’s all good. And thank goodness for the crock pot. It was too hot to cook otherwise.
June 11th, 2018 at 10:38 am · Link
Any movie based on 50 Shades is not one I want to spend time or money on, despite the so-called star power involved but I’m totally on board for you guys getting out for a bit.
Babies are all things awesome. So are toddlers and kids. Stormageddon had two T-ball games on Saturday. So. Much. Fun!
Lets not talk about writing, um-kay?
I’m halfway through my re-listen of Nalini’s Psy-Changeling series, waiting on Tuesday’s release of the next book in her spin-off Psy-Changeling Trinity series. I won’t be ready to listen to it then, because I have like 8-9 more books but it’s all good.
It’s too hot to do much of anything. I’m staying under the AC this week. And maybe writing. Okay. I will be writing. I have no choice.
June 11th, 2018 at 10:55 am · Link
B.E., I always feel guilty when I go on a reading binge too, but I tell myself it’s important as writers to read. So you were doing the right thing
Summer writing is a bit harder for me too, but I’m jumping in and trying.
Yay on your pork loin. I generally stay away from pork except for ribs. And so true on the crock pot! If I lived alone, I’d make even more meals in there!
Hope your week is getting off to a great start!
June 11th, 2018 at 11:02 am · Link
Silver, noted, no 50 Shades movies for you It wasn’t really based on it, they just read it in their bookclub, but I get where you’re coming from.
Is Stormy enjoying T-Ball? My kids had fun at that age with it, and I’m hoping Baby Slayer might try it. Although I suspect soccer is in his future. Then I can call him Soccer Slayer
Oh, what a great idea to listen to the Nalini’s Psy-Changeling series on audio. I loved those books! I’m going to keep that in mind, although I’d break the bank buying all those too. Sigh.
Not talking about writing here, but good luck doing it! Hope your week is productive!
June 11th, 2018 at 2:26 pm · Link
Glad you got Wizard out to a movie. How was the seating on his back? What about you? Movies tend to be overly loud. Were you okay after the procedure and the resulting headache?
I can picture Baby Slayer having a grand conversation with the pillow :). Babies are great!
Those strawberries look so very good! Glad you and the ladies got together and that the guys showed up too ;).
We went to the honeymooners Saturday night. I love their apartment! It’s open and bright and looks out to Lake Erie. The storms that come across a Great Lake are amazing (I grew up on Lake Ontario) so these two are in for some treats. We then had dinner in the restaurant in their building and it was really good. All the food is locally sourced, non-GMO, free range, etc. Very good.
I’m sure you’ll work out of the canyon soon. Try not to stress too much about it. We all know the trials you’ve endured this past year so we get it.
Have a great day!
June 11th, 2018 at 6:08 pm · Link
Viki, Wizard did surprisingly well with the movie theater seating. He just needed to get out and we took it all slow. I almost didn’t go thanks to the headache, but it turned out to be fine. I couldn’t have done an intense action movie or thriller, but this one was lowkey and not too loud.
I love how thrilled you are for your son and his new wife with their apartment and location! They sure found a place with an incredible (and at times, I bet moody and intense) view! How lovely for them to have such a great, environment friendly and healthy restaurant right there in their building too. It’s so exciting to see our kids doing well!
I want out of this canyon! I’m trying, although I had a bit of a manic Monday (just busy, not bad!) today.
Have a great evening!
June 11th, 2018 at 6:40 pm · Link
Jen, my library has most of them on audio book, and most are also included in the Audible Romance package subscription. I’ve been slowly buying the back list in audio as I get Amazon GCs. Angela Dawes is the narrator and she does a terrific job! And yeah, Stormy is having fun, I think. Also, today was a decent writing day for a change. I figured out the hump, got over it and moved on. So yay! My goal is to get this puppy finished and revised and to my editor and beta readers by this weekend. I keep having to up my final word count goal, which is good, I guess.
June 12th, 2018 at 4:12 pm · Link
Silver, I had some weird conflict happen with the romance package, so I stopped it for awhile. But it sounds like it might be worth another shot.
Stormy probably love having his grandma there to watch and help!
Yay for a good writing day! But Yikes, finished and revised by this weekend is a big goal! Go, go, go!!!