So this weekend was a blur. Saturday we went to Middle Son and Fiance’s house, and had a great afternoon there. Sunday I did errands that included buying new drinking glasses and that morphed into cleaning out some cupboards, then I had a list of other projects and next thing I knew…Monday is looming.
I think I squeezed in an hour of writing. But today I’m definitely writing!
Tomorrow I’m taking Maggie in to the vet’s to get her teeth cleaned. They’ll need to put her under anesthesia, so she’ll be there all day. That will give more a few more hours of writing time once I get the grocery shopping done. Should be a good work week! Although Wizard’s bored since he’s still on restricted activity after his surgery, and he comes up with distractions to get my attention…so we’ll see!
But I have to write, the characters are sick of my excuses
How was your weekend?
June 25th, 2018 at 9:01 am · Link
Rain, rain, more rain. Thunder. Lightning. Rain. But that’s good. We needed it.
I finished NIGHT FALL yesterday afternoon and even got the blurb done. Only sent me the cover. As soon as I get enough caffeine, I’ll start edits. With luck, I’ll have it uploaded for release within 10 days.
No T-ball Saturday. The games are all early evening on Mondays and Tuesdays now. Sadly, no game tonight. Rain.
Speaking of Stormy, he’s grown 2″ since late March. Only now refers to him as Godzilla. I suggested we go back to the Sprout idea and call him Green Giant.
I finished my re-listen to Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling series with one of my favorite books, SILVER SILENCE. I started listening to the latest release in the series, OCEAN LIGHT, early this morning doing early morning stuffs. As soon as I catch up on the Innertubes of Doom (Internet), I’m going to break for one more cup of coffee, listen to one more chapter, and then I’m shutting down to edit and format. That’s my plan.
Here’s to a productive week for all of us!
June 25th, 2018 at 3:23 pm · Link
Sometimes blurred weekends are good :). Glad you got to see middle son and fiance’.
That’s sweet how Wizard gives you distractions. When does he see the doc and get the go ahead to be more mobile?
Maggie’s rather young to have her teeth cleaned. Her early life must have been bad on her oral health. I’ll be thinking of her tomorrow.
Nothing really happened here this past weekend. The younger boys and wife were at a State Park with friends celebrating the marriage so it was quiet here ;).
Have a great day!
June 25th, 2018 at 6:47 pm · Link
Silver, AWESOME on finishing the book!
Glad you guys are getting the rain!! If it gets to be too much, send some our way
Wow Stormy really is sprouting up!
Hope you were able to get offline, and shut down the book. I’m listening to a book I really like (How to Walk Away by Katherine Center) for excuses to listen.
Hope you got a lot of editing done!
June 25th, 2018 at 6:54 pm · Link
Viki, thanks, we had fun seeing them, and Baby Slayer came by with his parents too. It was the first time I heard him actually laugh when I was playing them him!
Wizard sees the doctor Thursday, and we expect a lot of restrictions will be lifted and he’ll refer him to PT.
Wizard and I think Maggie is older than the project 3-4, probably more like 5 or so. She’s getting more gray so that’s what we’re basing it on. But honestly, her past is a mystery to us. Anyway, they told us she had tartar buildup when we adopted her. Certain breeds are prone to bad teeth causing illnesses so we’re hoping this will prevent that. It’s not cheap, unfortunately, but worth it if it keeps her from problems later. I love her vet, and Youngest’s fiance works there too, so she’ll get great care.
I hope you enjoyed your quiet weekend, and your week is getting off to a great start!