Friday, July 13th, 2018
Happy Friday Five!
And it’s time for Friday Five, where we list five random things about our week:
- I had lunch with a writer friend I hadn’t seen in a while on Wednesday. It was so nice to see her!
- Maggie threw up yesterday. I heard her make the gaggy sound, jumped up from the computer and and ran for the door to the backyard, shouting, “Come on Maggie! Come outside!” She got her within two inches of the tile floor…but not close enough. She’s fine, and my carpet will survive.
- Speaking of the computer, I’m writing. That’s all I’m going to say, I’m afraid to jinx this.
- Baby Slayer!
- Middle son’s fiance invited me to have lunch, talk about their upcoming wedding and go shopping with her and her mom. I jumped at the chance, very pleased they thought of including me. And also, while I adore Baby Slayer more than all things chocolate or wine, the others in my family are just as important to me Of course, I need to double check today to make sure she meant this Saturday as in tomorrow, and not next Saturday as in a week from now. Because I like to make myself crazy by second guessing myself. It’s a gift, LOL!
Ha look at that, I got through 5 things without once complaining about the heat! Now it’s your turn to share five random things about your week. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
July 13th, 2018 at 9:01 am · Link
Baby SLAYER!!!! *dies from the cute* And lunch and shopping! Poor Maggie. And yay for that thing that shall not be mentioned. My five are rather mundane and boring.
1) It suddenly occurred to me that I leave Monday for RWA Nationals. *flail* I had to fix my presentation from PowerPoint to stand up photos. No electronics, just a mic. *headdesk* Done with help from Only.
2) Went to T-ball Tuesday night. Giant Sprout was on a roll. We all went to dinner after and it was a great visit with the kids.
3) Twists and turns abound in the current #WIP. The heroine is tied far closer to the original Moonstruck Wolves than any of the other “world” characters I’ve written. I think fans will enjoy. *crossses fingers*
4) Also on Tuesday, I drove down to a small town in the SW part of the state for the library’s 35th “birthday.” There were several local authors and we could sell books. I actually sold some! Enough to pay my gas. Then I discovered that all the signed books we’d donated to the library over the years had been stolen. I left a full set of my Red Dirt books (with the library’s name in the dedication with my autograph) and will send the rest as I get paperback copies made. Grrrr. I hate book thieves!
5) Adidas has discovered a small box with brown paper “stuffing” and it is her new home. I’d set it down next to my office trash can and she appropriated it before I could empty the trash in the big cans outside. Now, whenever I roll my desk chair back, she MEOW!s at me. Like I’d roll over her and her box or something. Silly cat.
And that’s my five. I’ll be working this weekend trying to get my word count up for an August 1st deadline, doing last minute stuff for the trip, and packing. At least I fly out at noon and it’s a direct flight! Yay! Have a great weekend, everyone!
July 13th, 2018 at 11:04 am · Link
1. How nice to catch up with friends.
2. Poor Maggie. I wonder if the heat is getting to her. It does my cat.
3. Good news ;).
4. Love Baby Slayer :)!
5. Have a great time shopping and planning tomorrow.
1. Harrison’s mom took pity on hubs and asked him to come babysit this afternoon so they could go to a movie. Eldest son loves movies, Cassie would much rather stay home. In fact, she’ll sleep through it. So this was very nice of her to do for hubs.
2. It’s hot here too but the humidity has been okay. Tomorrow it well be back to super high – YUCK!
3. A raccoon picked all my tomatoes and they were green. It bit them and spit them out .
4. Tomorrow is newest DIL’s birthday :). We’re not celebrating until the 28th because middle son is on call.
5. Youngest and hubs went kayaking and hubs got sunburn on his shins. Have you seen that post on FB by some woman on using shaving cream to cure sunburn? It really does lessen the redness.
Have a wonderful weekend :)!
July 13th, 2018 at 6:17 pm · Link
Silver, I’m later, one of those days! You’re never boring! Now for your five:
1) Wow RWA came up fast! Once you get there, you’ll have a great time. But the prep is always a bit overwhelming. Glad you have Only to help!
2) Yay Sprout!! He’s already shoping his baseball genes
3) I bet fans love ther heroine’s connection to your Moonstruck series.
4) What a great signing for you. Bummer on the stolen books you previously donated, and you’re awesome to donate them again. I hate book thieves too, and it’s somehow worse when it’s from the library that lends them for free.
5) LOL! She likes her box of paper! Not sure why she’s meowing at you when you roll back your chair, but it all makes sense to her.
Hope you have a good, productive weekend and awesome on the direct flight! Those seem to be a rare beast these days.
July 13th, 2018 at 6:31 pm · Link
Viki, it was nice to catch up with an old friend, and it could be the heat with Maggie. Now for your five:
1) Harrison is such a thoughtful grandson And Cassie’s a good wife.
2) I feel for you with the humidity! Were having more than we usually do, and I hate it, but it’s nothing like you have to endure.
3) Picky racoon! If he picks them he should eat them. How rude.
4) Happy Birthday to your DIL, and waiting to celebrate until son isn’t on call makes sense.
5) I don’t think I’ve heard that about shaving cream. Good to know! Hope his sunburn heals fast!
Have a great weekend!