Jennifer Lyon

Monday, August 27th, 2018
Weekend Roundup

We had my middle son’s fiancée bridal shower brunch yesterday (Sunday). We chose Sunday to make it easier for youngest son’s fiance who often works Saturdays as a vet tech, and because traffic is better on Sundays. The shower turned out lovely, and my soon to be daughter in law was beautiful and gracious. The two other girls took pictures–I haven’t rounded those up yet or I’d share one, but it was a good day. The wedding is about five weeks away now and then two of my sons will be married, and one more to go in November of next year!

This week Wizard and I will get the second opinion on my neck and see what we want to do there.

And the book…well I keep trying??? Even though the advice to hold off until I get my neck fixed is good advice, I can’t just leave it alone. I love Justice and Liza and very much want to finish their story. So I keep trying, and I guess, right now, trying is the best I can do. I’m not happy about it, and it bugs me enough to keep me up at nights, but it is what it is.

FYI I noticed my middle son uses the phrase “It is what it is,” like I do. He’s a driven perfectionist and says that when he can’t control a situation too :-)

So that was my weekend, now I’d truly love to hear about your weekend!

8 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    August 27th, 2018 at 6:00 am · Link

    I’m so glad you had a nice bridal shower. Can’t wait to see pictures. Did the chocolates survive the trip? Fingers crossed for a good second opinion. I love Justice and Liza, but I also want you to not hurt. :hugs: Yep, we use ‘it is what it is’ a lot.

    Weekends around here are just two regular days. I did writerly stuff, watched TV, read. I also did some cleaning and some yard work. Nothing exciting. :thinks about it for a minute: Nope, I got nothing.

  2. Silver James
    August 27th, 2018 at 10:27 am · Link

    I saw the chocolate seashells on FB. Did they make it to the shower in one piece? And…what B.E. said on your other news because, yeah. ;) Except around here, we say “Que sera, sera.” And yes, I hear Doris Day singing whenever I say it. :lol:

    Weekend. I worked. When under deadlines, there are no weekends in publishing. That said, LG and I finally had a conversation I thought was as funny as some of the ones you and Wiz have. I transcribed it into my Monday blog. It’s about snakes.

    I am inching closer to the end of revision hell. I looked back and there isn’t one page that doesn’t have some sort of change on it. In some cases, it’s the whole freaking page. I keep remnding myself it’ll all be worth it when I hit the end, because deep down, I know the book is better for this rewrite. Still…

    And on that note, breaktime is over. Back to work for me.

  3. Jenn
    August 27th, 2018 at 11:32 am · Link

    B.E., I was so tired last night, I don’t even know what I wrote, LOL! There were some funny moments I wish I’d thought of last night to write about. Yes the chocolates survived, and peoples seemed to like them :-)

    Excitement is overrated, it’s good to have relaxing weekends where stuff gets done, then you get to kick back and do the things you enjoy.

    Happy Monday!

  4. Jenn
    August 27th, 2018 at 11:51 am · Link

    Silver, yep the chocolates made it, and were enjoyed :-) I had fun making those, and will probably do it again if anyone wants them for a family event.

    Que sera, sera works too. It was interesting when I realized my son uses that same phrase to frame things he can’t control. But I want this book done!

    I went over and read your blog, and I LOVE LG!! That hand grenade comment is priceless! I tried to post a comment, but I don’t think it went through. I have to leave, but I’ll try again later.

    You’re so right about no weekends in publishing! But you are making great progress on your revision and the book is going to brim with awesomeness!

    Back to your blog, I haven’t even started B.E.’s book yet :-( Now I want to even more! I think I’ll set the book Im reading aside to read SLEEPING UGLY, then go back and finish the one I’m reading now.

    Hope you have a good and productive week!

  5. Viki S.
    August 27th, 2018 at 2:46 pm · Link

    It was very smart to have the shower on a Sunday. Much easier on the bride to be and the guests too. Happy to hear it was wonderful. How did the shells make out? They traveled okay?

    I’m very interested in the second opinion. Hopefully it will put you at ease. Did Wizard re-schedule his PT to go with you? Somehow I see him doing this ;).

    Funny how our kids become us ;).

    Not much interesting happened here this weekend. It got humid and hot again :(.

    Have a great afternoon.

  6. Jenn
    August 27th, 2018 at 4:20 pm · Link

    Hi Viki, yep the chocolate shells made it fine :-) The traffic was sooo much better on Sunday! And yes, Wizard rescheduled his PT, even though I assured him I’d be fine. I’ll let you know on the second opinion.

    It was funny when I realized my driven middle son was using the same phrase as I do when faced with a situation we can’t conquer through sheer force of will. I’m sure you see the same thing in your sons now and again.

    I’m so sorry for the return of the heat and humidity. It’s amazing how much it can sap our energy. We’re finally having a little cooler weather and have our windows open.

    Hope your week is off to a good start.

  7. Silver James
    August 27th, 2018 at 4:30 pm · Link

    Nope, your comment didn’t go through and unless you’re “Cherry Jordans” posting about retro athletic shoes, you aren’t caught in my spam filter either. ;)

  8. Jenn
    August 27th, 2018 at 6:28 pm · Link

    Silver, I wrote another comment, and got it to go through by using my FB account. Which by the way, is a much easier way to do it than what I was trying to do this morning! What can I say, it’s Monday :-)

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