Well hello there, Friday, how are you? So nice to see you again even though it feels like it’s only been ten minutes since we last saw you Okay, it’s time to list 5 things about our week. Here are mine:
- My Brother In Law wins the Mega-Tough Award! He had open heart surgery and while he’s in pain, he’s getting up, sitting in a chair and walking a few steps at a time. That’s pretty danged impressive! My sister, Biker Witch, is doing well. I worry about her because that’s what sisters do, but she’s been handling all this like a champ.
- Maggie is mad at me right now because I won’t move the trash cans fifty million times. She’s convinced there’s a lizard under there, which there was, but he escaped to a safer spot an hour ago. Maggie refuses to believe it.
- I bought new Sketcher sneakers at Target. I think I can wear them for everyday stuff, not for hiking though (I use my old, dirty but reliable, Reeboks.) Finding shoes I can actually wear has been a battle for years. I’ve wasted so much money on shoes, and I hate that. Every time I find a pair I can wear, I want to celebrate!
- Wizard’s new phone is doing this quirky disappearing act with keyboard screen. He took it into the cellphone store once and they reset it for him. It still did it, so he went back again, and they ordered him a new one. It’ll be here in a day or two, and I’m happy with that response. I did try to get him to upgrade to the same phone that I have, but he refused. He really likes his phone, except for that one weird issues. If the new one works as it should, he’ll be satisfied.
- Today I have my last pre-op, and this one is with my surgeon. He will go over my pre-op tests, and make sure everything is set for surgery. After that…I can still run Okay I’m mostly kidding. I’m focusing on a positive outcome and getting back to the job I love!
That’s my five, now it’s your turn to share five things about your week.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
October 19th, 2018 at 6:12 am · Link
:hugs: for Biker Witch. I had no idea the BIL in question was her hubs. I was thinking Wizard had a brother or something. Derp. I’m glad he’s recovering well. Heh, silly Maggie. We have to buy new tennies like once a year, especially with all the walking we’ve been doing. I’m glad you have a pair that works in the long term. Good luck with Wizard’s new phone. Fingers crossed for all your pre-op tests. :hugs:
1) I finally started working on my edits. Did like one page and then shut down. I’ll do better today.
2) My iris bulb project is nearing completion. The replanting is about 2/3 done. I still have a whole medium garbage bag full and not that much more space in the iris bed. I’ll find someplace to put them.
3) Irises don’t actually have bulbs. They’re tubers (I think), but I’ve been calling them bulbs forever, so I’m not changing now.
4) Yesterday when we were out walking, we saw a car parked alongside the road. It was running with no one anywhere near it. A little farther down the road, we saw a guy walking. It was one of our back neighbors. He’d stopped and walked back to encourage a tarantula out of the road. :shudder: I do that for turtles and snakes, but spiders? Hell, no.
5) I need to go fishing. The weather’s finally cool and the tourists are finally staying home. Maybe later this morning after I get all my stuffs done.
October 19th, 2018 at 10:28 am · Link
I suspected it was Mr. Biker Witch. Huge hugs and continued good thoughts to them and the whole family! Same to you on your upcoming surgery. I’m with Wiz on phones! And Maggie is just trying to protect you from those killer lizards. Okay, my five which will probably be as boring as my week.
1) Haven’t seen the skunks or coon twins lately but a smallish possum is way too happy to traverse along the fence and tease the boys. At bed time. *sigh*
2) My sleep pattern is so messed up. Some nights, I’m up and down, up and down, and crash around 6, to sleep until a bit after 8, which is sleeping late for me. Other nights, I’m asleep before the news and then awake at 4 am but with no motivation to get up and do anything before the world awakens, which is when I could actually get something done.
3) Lawyer Guy got his flu shot a couple of weeks ago. He was home sick yesterday with ear ache, sore throat, and fever. Not exactly flu symptoms but… (I haven’t had a flu shot in over 20 years and I’m seldom sick, except around Christmas when I get stressed out– )
4) I’m not discussing writing at the moment. Or sports.
5) Lawyer Guy did something this week I never thought he’d do. He texted me. From the family room. I was in my office. There is a wall between the two but no door. Going from one room to the other necessitates a walk into the dining room, a short pass-through to the kitchen, and traversing a hallway. LG used to rail at Only when she’d text from her room rather than emerging to communicate verbally. I did not laugh. At least not where he could hear me.
Have a great weekend, everyone! B.E.? GO FISHING!
October 19th, 2018 at 2:53 pm · Link
1. So happy to hear that you BIL is doing so well. He’s a real trooper. Hugs to Biker Witch too.
2. Poor Maggie. Once they get something in their head they stick to it ;).
3. Good job on the sneakers. I had no idea that Target sold Sketchers. Glad they fit well. I also have trouble with fit because my feet are small with high arches.
4. Poor Wizard and his phone. Sounds like you he’s getting good customer service with the replacement :).
5. Hope all went well with the final pre-op today.
1a. I got my flu shot Monday. My arm was a tad sore at the shot location on the second day. Otherwise fine.
2a. My allergies are giving me fits. It’s the worst they’ve been in quite a while.
3a. Harrison had his 1 yr check up Tuesday. It’s so hard to remember he was 6 1/2 weeks early since he is now 24# 8 oz and 30 inches. A BIG BOY.
4a. It has gotten cool (some would say cold) here and hubs had to have the furnace on. Wednesday afternoon it quit working. The blower would run but the burners never ignited. Youngest sons buddy put it in for us 2 yrs ago. He was at the house an hour after kid text him. There was an igniter issue and all was up and running in 15 minutes :).
5a. Got hubs his pumpkin. He doesn’t do anything with it but he keeps it in the house until spring. When it finally starts to decompose he takes it outside into the woods and we shoot it from the deck. Yes, we are strange.
Have a wonderful weekend!
October 19th, 2018 at 3:24 pm · Link
B.E., yep, Biker Witch’s hubby. I didn’t want to say too much until I saw how things turned out. Shoes are a pain. And the pre-op is all done except when hospital calls with time and info they need. Thanks! Now for your 5:
1) Hope your edits go smoothly!
2) Wow I amazed how many bulbs you have leftover. Hope you fine the perfect place for them.
3) Tubers…hmm…I had no idea.
4) Tarantula, ugh!
5) I hope you’re out fishing!
Have a great weekend!
October 19th, 2018 at 3:37 pm · Link
Silver, thanks for all the good wishes. Wiz is getting his new phone this afternoon, but while he’s happy, I’d like him to have the better one because I know he’ll use it for his hobbies and other stuff. But he’s happy so I’m shutting up. And thank you on the surgery well wishes for my BIL and myself. Now for your five:
1) That possum has to be really annoying. In the day it’s be funny, but getting the dogs stirred up at bedtime is not amusing!
2) I hate that random pattern insomnia! I’m sorry you’re dealing with it, it makes us always feel tired.
3) Assuming LG got the dead virus flu shot (not the nasal spray) it shouldn’t cause illness. BUT nothing in medicine is certain. Who knows, it could have triggered something. Wizard and I get the flu shot with no problems. **shrug** everyone is different. I hope he feels better soon and you don’t get sick!
4) Nope not talking about writing, and I rarely bring up sports so you’re safe!
5) LOLOL! You told The Only yes??? How much did she sicker? FYI it was nice of you not to laugh in front of him. Poor Wizard! The kids and I torment him about stuff like that, he gets annoyed, but forgives us so fast, we do it again. You’re much nicer!!
I really hope you have a great weekend! Tell LG to get well soon, and you stay healthy!
October 19th, 2018 at 3:54 pm · Link
Viki, Thanks on BIL & Biker Witch. Maggie’s get obsessed with lizards, LOL. I feel you on the shoes, normally I can’t wear Sketchers, these seem ok so far for light use and my recovery. My pre-op was fine, so I guess this is happening.
Now for you five:
1) Good for you getting the flu shot. Have you had reactions before? A sore arm is all I get too.
2) Sorry about the allergies! We’ve had Santa Ana conditions here (dry and windy) so Wiz and I both have them too.
3) Harrison is amazing! He didn’t seem to have any growth or development delays that sometimes come with premature babies. It likely helped that your daughter in law took good care of herself while pregnant, giving him a good boost. Nutrition is so important. And Harrison’s so darned cute, too
4) I’m glad they could fix your furnace so quickly! Although you don’t sound thrilled to have the heater on right now.
5) LOLOL on the target practice pumpkin. That’s an interesting tradition!
I hope you and your family all have a great weekend!