It’s hump day and the Poppy Apocalypse continues! I wish I’d had the foresight to create Poppylicious Cookies and sell them I mean, why not? The CHP (California Highway Patrol) has been shutting down the on and off ramps, so we’re trapped here in town — I might as well bake and sell cookies and make money for our vacation!
Or I could write my book, which I plan to get back to today!
Now onto Wednesday Worthy. There are no poppies in this shot, but there’s a bit of happy trail if you’re into that sort of thing
So what do you think, is he worthy?
March 20th, 2019 at 6:34 am · Link
Ugh, sorry you’re being overrun by people with no common sense. It’s approaching tourist season here, and while we don’t get them in gluts, I totally understand your pain. It’s like their vacations start and their thinking stops.
Eh, I’m not keen on this one. Too heavy on the pecs for me. Looks kinda booblicious and I like to be the only one in the equation with that designation. ;o)
March 20th, 2019 at 8:24 am · Link
Y’all made CBS Evening News last night, and even my local channel picked up the on the Poppycalypse. Also, people who lay down in the poppies for selfies are getting slammed on social media so maybe there’s hope. I feel sorry for y’all, your neighbors, and the first responders. Total PITA! Making extra money isn’t a bad idea! But, yeah, you’d probably be better off writing.
I sorta like this guy. I was too busy looking at the treasure trail to notice anything else.
March 20th, 2019 at 11:47 am · Link
B.E., it’s been interesting, LOL! Once I got some sleep after a stressful weekend, I’ve regained a little humor and perspective. This too shall pass. We’ve had poppy visitors before but this years has been unprecedented, and unexpected.
Yep he does have well developed chest area. I hadn’t noticed, I was distracted by his abs
Happy Wednesday!
March 20th, 2019 at 12:01 pm · Link
Silver, we’re famous, LOL!! Like I told B.E., I’m trying to keep my humor and remember this will pass. All the agencies are trying, it’s just a matter to too many people descending in an area that doesn’t have the infrastructure to handle it.
I could have made some awesome cookies But I barely fit in my clothes as it is, and I tend to eat the profits, so yeah…writing is a better options.
I’m guilty of the same with this guy!
March 20th, 2019 at 2:50 pm · Link
Cookies would have been an excellent sell. Wish you had come up with it over the weekend. You’d be rich :).
I say he’s worthy.
The corned beef was very good. We’re making corned beef sandwiches tonight to use up the leftovers.
Have a great afternoon!
March 20th, 2019 at 4:19 pm · Link
Viki, wish I’d thought of the cookies then! On the other hand, I baked and cooked all day Saturday around visiting Wizard’s uncle, so I never had time to do anything else
I’m glad your corned beef came out good. Hope you enjoy the corned beef sandwiches! Just reading this is making me hungry!