Jennifer Lyon

Archive for May, 2019

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Wednesday, May 15th, 2019
I’m Back!

Aloha!!! That’s right, I now speak Hawaiian, LOL! It was an awesome trip. The island of Oahu is stunningly beautiful, and we took some great tours. Here’s a few shots:

The Arizona Memorial. This was the most somber, touching and humbling part of the trip. We honestly felt the weight of all those men ambushed and killed or injured, and the incredible heroics of those who risked their lives to try to save them. The dock to get onto the memorial has been closed for a year now because it needs repairs, but just riding by in a boat was an experience I won’t forget.


The Missouri, where the documents to end World War II were signed.


These are replicas of the documents that ended World War II


The castle that I believe the last king on the island built. We learned so much, it’s hard to keep it all straight. The island has an amazing history and culture!


Me and Wizard on the beach at our hotel. This is also where they had amazing fireworks on Friday night.

I have a lot of beautiful beach shots, but you guys have seen all those on TV, and FYI, it’s just as clear and pretty! I’m the one who really loves, and I mean LOVES, beaches so I soaked it all in. Wizard likes the beach, but enjoys time at the hotel pools even more. We did a lot of sightseeing, eating, drinking and laughing. We both relaxed, and enjoyed our one totally selfish moment in time :-) This trip was just for us and we savored it.

But I couldn’t wait to get home to Maggie! I missed her more than I imagined I would! She did well at boarding, and after a few minutes of excitement when she got home, she settled right back into her routine. That tells me that boarding her for a week didn’t cause her any undo stress.

And finally, my friend Marianne, critiqued a large part of my manuscript from Savaged Devotion and gave me the most insightful and helpful feedback I could have asked for. I’m so pleased, and in many ways, relieved. I spent yesterday just thinking about her comments and suggestions. I need to do some revisions, but overall, I’m feeling much better and ready to finally get this book written!

So that was my week, now I’d love to hear how each of you have been!

Monday, May 6th, 2019
Weekend Roundup

Before I get started, I have an important Blog Schedule Note: I won’t be posting for a week, and will return Wednesday, May 15th. 

Turbo Time was awesome on Saturday! Now that tax season is over, Turbo’s dad has more time, and they all hung out for the entire day. We went to breakfast, then played and played and played. When Turbo’s parents when to pick up lunch, Turbo wore out and fell asleep on me.

Being a Grandma is amazing :-)

So here’s Turbo looking at his mom when she suggested Turbo NOT drink Grandpa’s tea. She warned Grandpa Wizard that Turbo slobbers.

Everyone knows that Grandpa Wizard is squeamish. He’ll barely eat after me! But here’s how much he adores Turbo:

LOLOL!! Trust me, Turbo can do no wrong.

Maggie and Turbo are doing great together too. Turbo has a super cool red car that we can push him in like a stroller. We took him out for a walk in it, and Maggie trotted along beside him. Here is Maggie after Turbo left:

She’s on an old ugly quilt that she loves to burrow in when I watch TV upstairs. She was totally zonked out. Normally she creates a really nice “bed” there but she was just too tired to do more than splat down and snore.

Sunday I had a nail appointment that didn’t work out. I ended up going to another place and spent two hours getting a manicure and pedicure. I like my baby blue nails, but I’m not a fan of sitting like that. We’ll see if I keep the gel nails and just go back to quick pedicures for summer because shoes are optional in my world :-)

And I sent a chunk of my book off to a friend to see if she can wade through it to help me out. I only sent her 250 out of 568 pages. Some of the scenes after the 250 page mark have potential, and other stuff is just Word Soup that has no nutritional value. So…yeah…we won’t talk about that. Sigh.

That was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, May 3rd, 2019
Friday Five

TGIF! Okay here are five random things about my week:

  1. I’ve been making my gym goal every week, but today I have to skip because my arm and shoulder are cranky. Some of it is tendonitis that flared up in my elbow. I knew Monday I should make the doctor’s appointment to get the shot I need, and I didn’t follow through. Then yesterday afternoon I tried to get an appointment, but they were booked. Totally my fault for ignoring and procrastinating. I’ll take care of it after our vacation. It really won’t bother me much in Hawaii because I won’t be doing the repetitive motions, or lifting weights, that irritate it so I’m not worried about that.
  2. This weekend, Turbo should be coming over to visit!
  3. I’m so tired of not writing, or writing and not getting anywhere. But I’m focusing on Hawaii, then the book. I’m going to have to make some work-rules too, so that (1) I actually work, and (2) don’t get interrupted when I’m on a roll. I’m pretty sure Wizard will cooperate once I tell him, but Maggie…not so much, LOL! And I have to admit for the first time in my life, Writer’s Block is a thing. It’s a thing I’m conquering, but still–it’s a thing. There I said it.
  4. Maggie looks so cute and peaceful sleeping while I write this quick blog after dinner on Thursday night. She’s been lizard-hunting all day in the backyard and worn herself out.
  5. Mother’s Day is a week from Sunday. My rose-bush that my sister-in-law gave me when my mother passed many years ago is blooming, and it always makes me smile and think of my mom.  That single rose-bush has brought me years of memory-smiles. Interestingly, I went to my mom’s gravesite a couple of times but felt nothing. I look at a single bloom on that rose-bush and feel everything.

That’s my Friday Five, now I’d love to hear 5 random things about your week. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019
Wednesday Worthy

Another oldie, but I think he stands the test of time.

What do you think, is he worthy?

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