Yep, there was a weekend
Friday, I saw the doctor of my ankle. Then he brought in his intern and described the mess that is my ankle to her: Arthritis, soft tissue damage, lots of swelling…as I listened, I was kind of impressed at my ability to multitask injuries, LOL! Long story short, he did the shot, and things will improve.
Saturday, we saw Turbo, and had fun as always. I realized when I pulled out a bag of mini M&M’s out of my purse for Turbo that I now am the proud owner of a “Grandma purse” that always has treats in it. Thankfully, Turbo’s parents are very tolerant
Sunday I was in a knock down, drag out battle to fix a scene. I’m close, but haven’t shed enough blood yet to satisfy Justice and Liza. Justice is impatient with me these days, which I gotta say, I don’t blame him! Today I have a couple more boring errands to do then back to the battle!
How was your weekend?
August 10th, 2020 at 7:40 am · Link
Only can tell you all about interns. And yay for Turbo Time. Guess I fail as a grandma because my purse–though large–does not contain treats.
As for around here, it was a weekend. We didn’t do much. Stormy is coming today and will spend the night and stay tomorrow while his dad gets ready for classes. School is supposed to start next week. 🤞 I pretty much stayed in. Got 3K words written Saturday. Not so many yesterday. It’s a battle but all new words inch me closer to THE END.
Sorry that scene is a struggle. Justice needs to take a chill pill.
This week will see us all reach our goals, whatever they may be, right? Right! Have a good one.
August 10th, 2020 at 7:45 am · Link
LOL, isn’t it great when medical professionals bring in colleagues to look at your oddities? It used to amuse me greatly. (Not sarcasm, by the way.) I had one doctor who used to take my x-rays with him to conferences so he could discuss my weirdness with others. Yay for your shot! I hope it helps. :hugs: Yay for Turbo time! And lol about your grandma purse. Good luck with your battle! You can do it!
The weekend here was good. I wrote every day. I made oatmeal cookies and then stuffed peppers. I rescued a woodpecker who probably didn’t really need rescuing. (Detailed on my blog today.) All in all, a weekend win. This week, I have to make a birthday cake for Owl and write every day. Other than that, it’s up in the air.
August 10th, 2020 at 2:44 pm · Link
I love being the prop for medical studies. It seems to happen quiet often with my youngest and me, too. Makes for interesting less stressful visits. Is your ankle feeling better now?
Love the Grandma purse . I don’t think I’ll ever have one of those. I don’t usually bring a purse with me when I see the guys and families. But who knows, things change. M&M’s are a really good treat to carry too. Smart thinking.
Sorry about the scene. I hope you kicked it’s butt today.
Our weekend was rather boring again. Next weekend will be better because middle, DIL, and Queso are coming over on Sunday to celebrate my birthday (which is this Friday). It should be fun. I’m making a dark chocolate fudge cake .
Have a great afternoon!
August 10th, 2020 at 5:45 pm · Link
Silver, the scene will sort itself out eventually. I’m trying a thing and we’ll see if it works.
Yay for your 3k saturday! Hope you have fun with Stormy today, and school works out for the best. I have no real answers that national delima, and feel for all the parents and kids (and teachers, assorted staff, etc) caught up in it.
We will go for all the goals this week!!!
August 10th, 2020 at 5:51 pm · Link
B.E., your case must be interesting! My is just a boring mishmash that came together in a difficult mess, and yes the shot is helping, and I expect it a bit more relief over the next few days.
I’m making myself crazy, and having fun while chasing my tail Good times!
Wow what a weekend! Okay, first you’re my hero for writing every day!
When I read the next part and my brain tried to put the peppers in the oatmeal cookies, LOL! It only took a second to realize I’d read that too fast. Hope both the cookies and the stuffed peppers were yummy!
I’ll try to get to your blog to read the woodpecker adventure. I’ve been all but offline for awhile. But I love stories like that!
Happy birthday to your daughter! Did she love her cake?
August 10th, 2020 at 5:56 pm · Link
Viki, yep my ankle has had some improvement and I’m always less stressed with a good doctor. Well this guy is a P.A., but excellent. I enjoy watching him teach interns too, most of them are bright and want to learn so it’s a win-win.
I actually had some mini m&ms for baking, and I took some of those since I couldn’t stand on my ankle to make the cookies I had planned for Turbo.
Well I’ve either messed it up more or fixed it, we’ll see
You have a big weekend to look forward too! The cake sounds fabulous, but do you want to make your own cake? Sometimes I do, so I understand that. Seeing Middle, his wife and Queso will be great! You deserve a special birthday!
August 10th, 2020 at 9:01 pm · Link
When I re-read the section of my comment about the oatmeal cookies and the stuffed peppers, it sounded like I put them together to me, too, so I tweaked it to make it clearer. Didn’t work. LOL
Owl’s birthday isn’t until Wednesday, so no cake yet, but it’s just boxed strawberry with store bought chocolate frosting. It’s what she wants so it’s what she gets. I’ll make it tomorrow.
August 11th, 2020 at 4:16 pm · Link
I read fast, and often conflate stuff and have to go back and reread. I don’t think it was you
I’m sure she’ll love her cake!