Jennifer Lyon

Friday, November 20th, 2020
Friday Five

Hey guys! It’s Friday again, can you believe it? Time to dive into Friday Five, here’s mine:

  1. Maggie’s mad at me for posting this pic of her on my FB. But she’s the one who refuses to let me take pictures, so…
  2. Savaged Devotion is out, and thank you to all who bought it! So far, I’ve had really nice feedback, and just love my readers. Seriously, you guys have been so amazing and I appreciate each of you!
  3. I’m setting up a sale for next month, plus planning other promo next year and it’s getting a little confusing because I’m doing different things with different books. So I set up a sale in a publication for January, and realized I put in the wrong title, but I couldn’t get in to fix it. So I emailed them and they asked me if it was just the title or if anything I sent was wrong. I assured them it was just the title. They kindly fixed it, and all was good. That is until I woke up at 5am in a panic, suddenly wondering if it was possible that I sent the wrong book cover afterall. Because I’m compulsive, I emailed them again and asked them to double check the cover. To their credit, they were gracious and did check, but you know they wanted to smack me for being totally annoying. Hell, I wanted to smack myself.  Sigh.
  4. I really want to do a lot more to give back to readers and writers with articles, podcasts and ways to support the goals and success of others. But. I. Am. Overwhelmed. Yet I want to do it, so I’m thinking that if I keep researching and learning, I’ll figure out a way to implement some of all of this in the first half of next year. Maybe…LOLOL!
  5. It’s hard to find jeans that fit!! Possibly because I’m one cookie away from all stretch pants, all the time.

Not sure what this weekend will bring. I’m clutching my to do list, and my wine glass, trying to figure it out. Now I’d love to hear five random things about your week! I hope you all have a great weekend.

P.S., Can you believe next Thursday is Thanksgiving???? The holidays are here!

10 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    November 20th, 2020 at 7:22 am · Link

    LOL, Maggie – you either sit pretty for a picture or you get what you get. Yay for SD! It’s an awesome book, Jenn, and it (and you) deserve all the accolades. Gah, I hate when I screw up advertising, but yeah, those places are usually pretty okay with fixing it. You can only do what you can do with regards to #4. And lastly, I gave up wearing jeans years ago for those very reasons. Oh, and no, I can’t believe TGD is less than a week away. I really need to buy a turkey.

    1) I made applesauce bread the other day and this time I pud diced apples in it. Oh, so yummy.
    2) We have a skunk who might be living under the woodpile closest to the house. I saw him go under there the other day. I’ve named him Pierre. As long as he’s not a smelly problem, he can stay.
    3) I’m trying really hard to stay positive, but it’s not easy and I’m tired.
    4) I admit I’m making a lot of this list up from my blog post yesterday because I’m kinda brain dead this morning.
    5) I took Hubs up north to get some stuff and we swung into the barber shop to get him a haircut. Despite being regular hours, it was closed. I hope the barber didn’t go under. It’s the only place around here that doesn’t butcher Hubs’ hair (including the one time we did it.)

  2. Silver James
    November 20th, 2020 at 2:56 pm · Link

    Maggie should learn! Yay for sales and good reviews! I’m loving it, though reading slow. Stupid eyes. Totally get the overwhelmed! Hang in there. Let’s not talk about jeans…
    Okay, my five:

    1. I just lost this entire morning to drama, which is why I’m late. And RL has plans for this afternoon so I may be up late trying to get words in. Blerg. I hate drama llamas, especially when I’m involved and can’t get out.

    2. We have a “magic ghost” dog. Long story. He’s a Siberian Husky who lives, we now know, down the street. He mysteriously appears in our backyard AND our house.

    3. This book is scaring me. I’m writing it almost linearly, which never happens, I’m at 48K words and know what’s going to happen from now until the end of the book, even if there is more drama llamas cropping up. Not only that, I’m LIKING it! Which means it must totally suck. :lol:

    4. I made one of the recipes I featured on my blog last night: Cuban Sandwich Appetizers, only I served them as sandwiches and I couldn’t find pork loin in the deli so I had to get some thin cut pork sirloin in the meat section and cook it. It was tasty but I’m already figuring out how to tweak it to make it tastier. :roll:

    5. Spaghetti dinner at the Post tonight, which is why my afternoon is discombobulated. At least it’s over at 8 and if my help isn’t needed, I can cut out early and maybe squeeze in some writing. Yes, Jake is going.

    That’s my five. Better late than never, right? Have a great weekend, everyone! 🥰

  3. Viki S.
    November 20th, 2020 at 4:35 pm · Link

    1. I love Maggie. She certainly let’s you know how she feels about photos :lol: .
    2. I’m loving SAVAGED DEVOTION!
    3. Isn’t it great how our minds work :(. You have good people supporting you and they are probably used to authors having panic attacks ;).
    4. Take a deep breath. You don’t have to go all out right away. Take it as it comes.
    5. Lockdowns! The root of shrinking jeans.

    1a. We’re all partly locked down. It stinks. Had to cancel my hair appointment :(.
    2a. No Harrison lunch on Wednesday because of the massive Covid-19 spread.
    3a. Read a nice new to me Christmas legend by Raymond Arroyo – The Spider Who Saved Christmas. Really nice but Cassie is anti religion so I can’t read it to Harrison :(.
    4a. It’s in the 60’s and yesterday we still had snow on the ground from the 2+ inches we got Monday – goofy weather.
    5a. I’m in need of wine. Three different trucks tried to kill me today on three different roads. They were all in my lane coming at me. The last one was more than 3/4 in my lane and he was testing away :evil: . Yes, I need wine!

    Have a great weekend :)!

  4. Jennifer Lyon Apodaca
    November 20th, 2020 at 6:05 pm · Link

    B.E., thanks :-)

    1) You are so motivated on your baking!
    2) Peire, LOLOL! As long as he’s not a smelly problem, then it looks like he found a home. Does Kira know?
    3) I’m so sorry. Being discouraged, either with the world right now, or writing, is an epidemic. I’m having a rather dismal day too for varying reasons, and I get the exhaustion. All I can do is say I’m here if I can help.
    4) I have to go read your blog post. My days were filled with errands that kept me out of the house and away from the computer.
    5) I’m with you hoping the barber didn’t go under too.

    I really hope this weekend cheers you up. And don’t forget, you have friends who care. Enjoy your applesauce bread!

  5. Jennifer Lyon Apodaca
    November 20th, 2020 at 6:11 pm · Link

    Silver, yeah, I do the same with reading. Sometimes I can read more than others, so I totally get it.

    1) Well crap, that just sucks. I loathe drama, and those who stir the drama soup. I’m so sorry. If I can throw you a lifeline, you know where I am.
    2) So a ghost husky…is he a ghost or a breathing dog? Now I’m dying to know because if he’s really a ghost, you have a book there. A really cool book! If he’s real…does he have thumbs and can open doors? So. Many. Questions!
    3) Don’t scare yourself, just keep typing! These books are magic, and you must not question it! Type! Also, I’m thrilled for you!
    4) New recipes are fun…when we have the energy :-) Sounds like you found one you’re looking forward to getting just right.
    5) I bet Jake’s excited to go to the spaghetti dinner and see all his fans. But I’m thinking you’ll be tired. It’s been a long day for you with the drama-filled morning.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Jennifer Lyon Apodaca
    November 20th, 2020 at 6:21 pm · Link

    Viki, thank you!!! And Maggie’s pretty funny these days :-)

    1) Oh no, I’m sorry about your hair appt. We’re all so exhausted and the numbers just keep growing. Here we’re in a sort of lockdown and a curfew. If we can just get through winter, there’s hope on the horizon with vaccines.
    2) Bummer on not seeing Harrison :-(
    3) It’s so hard when you loved the story and wanted to share it with your grandson.
    4) Wow, snow on the ground during 60 degrees is goofy!
    5) Oh my gosh, three trucks in your lane, thats crazy!!! Of course the last one was texting :-( I’m thankful that you didn’t get in an accident and you definitely deserve wine!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Silver James
    November 20th, 2020 at 10:22 pm · Link

    Real dog. Real owners, who aren’t home at the moment and have no clue how to deal with a Siberian Husky. I’ll get into all the detailsl in my Monday wrap-up so I have something interesting to talk about. LOL And he MAY have thumbs–he got the wooden door open and I thought I’d not only closed, but locked it!

  8. B.E. Sanderson
    November 21st, 2020 at 7:42 am · Link

    Kira spends the majority of her time sleeping these days. She doesn’t know about Pierre and even if I held her up to a window while he was walking past, she wouldn’t care. Old kitty is old.

    No worries about me. I motor through. Putt putt putt. Thanks for the offer, though. You help just by being here online and out there in the world. :hugs:

  9. Jennifer Lyon Apodaca
    November 21st, 2020 at 2:24 pm · Link

    Silver, I’m looking forward to this story on Monday!

  10. Jennifer Lyon Apodaca
    November 21st, 2020 at 2:26 pm · Link

    B.E., I’m glad Kira doesn’t care. I know she’s old, and so lucky to have you guys to take care of her now.

    Good to know you’re hanging in there. We all need friends more than ever right now. It’s hard times all around.

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