The weekend came and went. Wizard’s on the injured and cranky list. It’s probably just a back strain that will heal, but because he’s had two back surgeries, I’ve put him on restriction, hence the crankiness. Bored and Wizard do not mix well. That whole situation has kept me busy trying to stay one step ahead of Wizard so he doesn’t do anything he shouldn’t
Otherwise, I worked a little, took a class on Zoom, cleaned a bunch, and planned out what I’m taking for Thanksgiving to CPA Boy and Special K’s house. I also made Youngest Son’s cookies into bars, and they turned out better than I expected. They are such a dense dough, I wasn’t sure they’d cook well as bars. Ironically, and totally unplanned, Youngest Son just happened to come by when the cookie-bars were in the oven. He was able to taste test and approve. I froze the bars right away, and will take them on Thanksgiving (to make sure Youngest has a dessert he can eat there), then I’m going to make an apple pie and some other homemade brownies on Wednesday or Thanksgiving morning. I’m also taking green beans, so I’ll need to cook those up too.
Maggie and I took several walks, and I fretted about not writing on Primal Magic. However, I’m getting pretty caught up on stuff so hopefully I can do some writing this week.
How was your weekend?
November 23rd, 2020 at 7:31 am · Link
Aww, poor Wizard. Back stuff sucks. And :hugs: for you taking care of him. Yay for yummy cookies for BLB. And yay for getting together with family this Thanksgiving. I hope you do manage to get some writing done this week. :additional hugs:
The weekend was okay. Bland. I made blondies. They’re okay, but a boring cousin to brownies. Slapped some ice cream on one and drizzled dark chocolate syrup over it all. That made it so much better. For me, baking is less about being motivated than giving myself something to do that makes me feel like I’m being productive and the end product is yummy. Today or tomorrow I’ll be making pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving. Which we’ll start eating immediately LOL. I picked up a 17lb turkey for the two of us – cuz that’s what they had available – and Hubs will do his magic on Thursday.
November 23rd, 2020 at 10:30 am · Link
Yay for all the good things! Boo on poor Wizard’s back. Yay for family get together and yummies. You’ll get the words eventually. No stress.
We did stuff this weekend. Sort of. LOL Spaghetti dinner Friday night at the Post. I had an adventure after getting home. It’s all on my blog today and involves the magic ghost dog. Saturday I wrote. I “won” NaNo but the book isn’t finished. I’d planned to mostly finish yesterday with maybe a chapter left today. Life had different plans. And this morning isn’t starting out any different. Still, I have seven days to finish, edit, and proof. I got this!
Not sure of T-giving plans. I need to tag Only again to find out if I need to go to the store. Other than that, life just keeps chugging along. Which sure beats the alternative!
Have a great week, everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving!
November 23rd, 2020 at 4:28 pm · Link
Oh no! Poor Wizard. I bet you were both a bit troubled considering his previous back surgeries. I hope the crankies go away and that he is feeling better quickly.
You did quiet a bit this weekend. It’s nice to have a taste tester right there when you need one too ;).
Sounds like you’re bringing many goodies with you on Thursday. I bet Turbo’s favorite is the brownies.
I have no idea what Harrison was baking last night but Cassie sent a video of him cracking 6 eggs into a bowl. The kid loves to bake and cook. I hope it lasts.
I’m making cranberry sauce tomorrow and my spicy pumpkin pie on Wednesday. The remainder of the meal I’ll do on Thursday.
Looks like we still may be able to go see Harrison on Wednesday and talk to him through the window. It will work. Oh, this morning I bought 1/2 of the Christmas presents we’re giving him. I have no idea what else to get him that his mom will approve. Play it by ear I guess.
Well I hope you are having a very nice day! Take care!
November 23rd, 2020 at 6:07 pm · Link
B.E., I don’t know if writing will happen, but I’m going to keep trying
Blondies will never be brownies to chocoholics like me, but lots of people love them. You described why I bake too, it’s a project I can start and finish, unlike writing and marketing. Pumpkin cheesecake sounds good too! And with that size turkey, you’ll have lots of leftovers.
I hope the week is off to a good start for you.
November 23rd, 2020 at 6:19 pm · Link
Silver, I suspect I need to stress myself a little on the words. But yes, I’ll get there.
Great job on Nano and your book! I’m so proud of you!Yeah, I know you’re not finished, but you’ve done a heck of lot.
The ghost husky is hilarious and weird! You need cameras to figure out how he’s doing it! I love huskys but at the same time, I have huge respect for their intelligence and ability to reason and problem solve. I’m sure the owner loves his dog, but I really do wish he’d make sure he couldn’t escape. I saw WAY too many bad outcomes back in my animal shelter days.
Hope you and Only can connect and make plans. Happy Monday!
November 23rd, 2020 at 6:24 pm · Link
Viki, he went to the doctor, and we’re sort of in a wait and see mode. But it’s entirely possible it’s just a strain of some kind.
It’s a pretty safe bet Turbo will like the brownies
I love that Harrison enjoys baking! Once this pandemic ends, maybe he can bake with Grandma Viki! And I’m so glad you get to see Harrison on Wednesday even if it’s through a window.
You’re doing the whole meal for Thanksgiving? I love homemade cranberry sauce!
I hope your day is going well!