Jennifer Lyon

Friday, August 20th, 2021
Friday Five

TGIF. Let’s jump right into sharing 5 random things about our week:

  1. Today Maggie is going to the vet for a urinalysis to check for crystals that form bladder stones and her rabies shot. Unfortunately, the rabies shot make her sick, but getting rabies is a lot worse than not feeling well for a day. She’s due for two more boosters, but we’ll do those in a couple months.
  2. I made a non-dairy chocolate cake from scratch that was good! My only note so far is that I should have used parchment paper on the bottom of the cake pans instead of just relying on my baking spray (that’s me being lazy, LOL). One of my 8 inch pans lost a couple chunks when I released them. On the upside–that gave Wizard and I some tasting pieces to confirm the cake is good. AFTER Wizard tasted it, I told him it was vegan. His shocked expression was priceless as his experience with vegan baked goods in the past hasn’t been great. (By the way, I wasn’t looking for vegan, just dairy-free but this recipe looked well designed to me, so I had to try it.) This was a large recipe that yielded two 8-inch layers and two 6-inch layers, so now I have two full cakes ready to pull out of the freezer and decorate when I wish to do it.
  3. We are going to Youngest’s on Sunday. Oldest, his wife and Turbo will be there too. Middle and his wife are helping another family member.
  4. I might break out one of my freezer cakes to try an Oreo cake with chocolate drips–all non dairy. It all depends if Youngest on what they want me to bring–if anything.
  5. It’s been a quiet week–the highlight was buying Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla for my cakes and cookies. I was seriously excited when that came and made Wizard smell it, then I made him tell me it was amazing or I wouldn’t bake anymore :-) Yep, that’s right, I got excited about a fancy version of vanilla extract, LOL

So that’s my five, I bet your five things are more exciting than mine :-) I hope everyone has a safe, happy and healthy weekend!

6 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    August 20th, 2021 at 7:15 am · Link

    Aww, poor Maggie. I hate going to the doctor’s, too. :hugs: Yay for your cake experiment! I’m glad it turned out yummy. Yay for family time! I hope you have fun and that they like your cake. Yay for fancy vanilla! Real vanilla is always better than fake.

    1) I was supposed to be gone today helping a friend pack her house and get it ready to transfer ownership, so I made sure I had all my stuffs done yesterday. But she called last night and has to be out of town, so I’m at loose ends now. I’m thinking it’ll be a baking day. And maybe reading.
    2) My one tomato is turning orange! Yay! Unfortunately, it is still alone. =o\
    3) A neighbor brought over a boatload of tomatoes, zucchini, and green peppers. Half the tomatoes are now blanched, peeled and diced, and ready to be added to recipes. Half the zucchini is sliced and in the freezer for easy use later. I love produce season.
    4) I need to shred the big zukes for baking and then freeze them.
    5) I feel like a walking brainfart this week. Derpy-derpy-derp.

  2. Silver James
    August 20th, 2021 at 7:52 am · Link

    How can it be Friday? Yikes! Poor Maggie but she has good people to take care of her. Yay for the baking success and fancy vanilla! Fun family times ahead! My five…If I can come up with five…

    1. Stormy was here Monday and Tuesday. He started back to school on Wednesday. This year, he wants to be a Mythbuster and an archetect.

    2. Speaking of Stormy, I’m picking him up after school and he’s spending the weekend with us. His folks are headed up the turnpike to help Baseball Boy’s dad (Stormy’s other grandpa) do some stuff and then they are meeting friends for a celebration at the big casino up there. They need a break and Stormy is usually good for us.

    3. Lawyer Guy had MD followup yesterday for his out-patient surgery earlier in the month. First, they lost him in the computer. Then, when they finally got that straightened out and he saw the doctor, he was given a couple of options since the 1st procedure didn’t work. He, Jake, and I are headed to VA on Monday so he can have laser surgery and readjust of the stent. SOOO glad I’m not prone to kidney stones.

    4. Speaking of Jake, he’s has a fan who we bump into at Walmart sometimes. The little dude is…Russian? Eastern European, certainly. He’s an older guy, with a grown daughter that he shares pictures of Jake with. He likes to visit with us and I hate to be rude. I might start changing grocery day around.

    5. I had wisteria blooming this week. WISTERIA!!!! WTH?!? Due to the Big Freeze, no blooms in May. It didn’t leaf out until kate-June (wisateria usually blooms THEN the leafs appear) and I noticed a few bracts of blooms then. This week, Stormy informed me that the “viney thingy” had purple flowers. Sure enough, I had about 4 bracts hiding among the foliage. In AUGUST! Tell me Mother Nature isn’t drunk!

    That’s my five. Yay! I actually came up with five. Have a fun weekend, all! 🥰

  3. Viki S.
    August 20th, 2021 at 3:22 pm · Link

    1. Is Maggie doing okay after her trip to the doctor? I just don’t understand why they haven’t come up with a rabies shot that doesn’t make some dogs ill.
    2. Wow, that is one big recipe to give you two full size cakes. It’s kind of nice that you didn’t use parchment paper in the pan, you got to taste the cake :) .
    3. You should have a nice family get together this weekend. Sorry Middle can’t be there but we all know how had it is to get everyone together now a days. We’re all going in different directions all the time.
    4. An Oreo cake sounds yummy. I bet it will be a hit.
    5. Totally get your excitement over Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla. I get mine from Trader Joe’s and then hide it so no one can use it but me :lol: .

    1a. The heat is ramping up again and the humidity never left. It is August so I’ll be quiet.
    2a. Had my massage yesterday. It had been 6 months. Renee’s baby girl is SO cute. She showed me photos. The little doll has had some issues and that is why it took Renee’ so long to make it back to her business.
    3a. My mom has been ill for al long time but insisted that she had celiac disease and doctors know nothing. She’s a bull head and think she knows it all. Well has has dropped from138 to 96 lbs in the past three months and finally saw the Dr. in July.
    She was scheduled for tests but they weren’t until Sept. I told her that was BS and she called her Dr. and the things were pushed up. She has told me nothing outright but from a text from my step-father it is not good. There is a mass in her intestines that was CAT scanned today. I don’t know when I hear from her. In the meantime I’m just praying and wishing she wasn’t so bullheaded and had seen a Dr. 8 years ago when she first started having issues.
    4a. Harrison is a trip. He had hubs send me a video of him making me ice cream cones. It was so cute.
    5a. I told hubs about Maggie the drama queen. He loved it. We both agree, she’s very smart.
    Extra tid bit – I’m still having difficulty staying awake to read at night but I have done a bit better the past two nights. I think I read about 4 pages before I noticed the drool :lol: :lol: :lol: .

    Sure hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Jenn
    August 20th, 2021 at 5:26 pm · Link

    B.E., thanks and at least that doctor appointment for Maggie is done. She’s getting more anxious than she used to at the vet’s but that’s understandable.

    1) I hope everything is okay with your friend.
    2) I’m surprised that’s still the only tomato. But at least you have the one to cherish :-)
    3) Impressive how much work you do on fresh veggies!
    4) And still more work with the zucchinis, but it all pays off.
    5) LOL, I don’t that’s true, but some weeks sure do feel like it!

    I hope you have a good weekend!

  5. Jenn
    August 20th, 2021 at 5:34 pm · Link

    Silver, I don’t know how time is passing so fast.

    1) Stormy has goals!!
    2) You guys get a lot of Stormy time this week. He’s at such a great age where he’s easier than smaller kids, but still young enough to want to hang out with you :-) And your awesome to help out his parents.
    3) Um, they lost him in the computer? I didn’t realize that LG was having kidney stones. That has to suck big time. I hope this next procedure works. I really feel for him.
    4) It’s sweet that Jake has such a big fan. That said–I totally get that you don’t always have time to chat like that. I’ve avoided people when I’m just trying to get shopping done.
    5) Honestly, I think the whole world is drunk, so Mother Nature falls right in place :-) That is weird though. And yay Stormy for noticing! Enjoy your pretty out-of-season wisteria!

    Have a great weekend and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for LG on Monday.

  6. Jenn
    August 20th, 2021 at 5:43 pm · Link

    Viki, I don’t know on the rabies shot, but at least it’s only every 3 years. Maggie’s still doing okay. I’ll see if she eats and how she does over night.

    1) You don’t have to be quiet, I don’t care if it’s the right time of year–heat and humidity are not a good combination any time of the year :-)
    2) Yay for your massage and I hope your therapist’s baby is doing well now.
    3) Oh no–I can only imagine how frustrated and concerned you are. I’m hoping it’s something that can be treated, or that turns out to be a non-issue kind of thing. I’m so very sorry she’s going through this, and you and your dad too. I’ll pray for her to get some good news.
    4) Harrison making ice cream cones had to be an awesome video! So cute!
    5) Ah, thanks. Maggie is smart, but it’s not always visible because of her submissive/soft nature.
    Bonus: Four pages is better than me!

    I hope you have a good weekend and are able to talk to your mom soon.

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