This weekend was good! Maggie’s test to check for crystals that form bladder stones came back all clear. I was relieved and happy about that. She got her rabies shot, and while she was sore and slept a lot, she didn’t throw up. I call that a win.
I made an Oreo Drip Cake–all non dairy. I was happy with the results:
I played with fondant, this is my first attempt at cutting out the flowers and experimenting with some various painting techniques (food safe). I have so much to learn, but it’s all fun.
We had a great time at Youngest’s yesterday. My test victims, uh, I mean family seemed to enjoy the cake. And way more impressive, Youngest Son built Turbo (my grandson) a really cool, bright orange wagon. Youngest had it in the garage under blankets, took Turbo out to uncover it. Turbo was surprised and thrilled! It was so cute to see Turbo’s joy as if he understood that this was a special handmade gift, and Youngest son was beaming too.
So that was my weekend, how was yours?
August 23rd, 2021 at 6:57 am · Link
Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. Yay! So glad that Maggie’s test came back clear! And that she didn’t have tummy issues after her shot. Your cake looks awesome. And I would’ve never guessed those were your first attempt at making flowers. So pretty! Yay for Youngest’s gift to Turbo! I bet he’ll cherish it forever. =o)
The weekend here was a bust. Our plans fell apart, so we didn’t do anything but laze around. I did finally get back to my edit notes, so that’s a win.
August 23rd, 2021 at 3:14 pm · Link
What a great weekend!
I am so happy to hear that Maggie did so well this time around with the rabies shot. You must be so relieved to know that she also tested clear for crystals. Maggie must be very thrilled too ;).
That cake looks so good! Did Turbo like the cake or was he just happy with the cookies? You did a very nice job making/painting the flowers. My favorite in this photo is the lower left lavender flower.
BLB is so sweet making the wagon for Turbo. That’s a gift that will be loved forever.
My weekend was a normal busy weekend doing all the stuff that just has to be done.
I spoke to my mom but she still isn’t telling me anything. My step father says the results from the CT will be in this week. I have to rely on him to fill me in.
Spunk has been off all day today. He threw up all his breakfast and has just been sleeping all day. I’m keeping a close eye on him and will only give him a tiny dinner and see how it goes.
Speaking of dinner, I have to go cook one :).
Have a wonderful afternoon!
August 23rd, 2021 at 5:11 pm · Link
B.E., thanks These are basic little cut and mold flowers, but I have to start somewhere. The wagon came out so cool!
I’m sorry your weekend plans fell through. Sometimes, that does suck out the motivation to do much else. But yay for working on edit notes!
Hope Monday is behaving for you!
August 23rd, 2021 at 5:15 pm · Link
Viki, I am thrilled about Maggie, thanks!
Turbo loved the cake, but most of all loved the Oreos.
That one you mentioned I figured out how to do a light color then shade it a little. I have a ton to learn.
I bet your frustrated trying to get more info about your mom. Still, at least you have your step dad. I’m just so sorry your mom is going through this, and you must be very worried.
Poor Spunk. Is it possible he’s feeling your anxiety over your mom? That just popped into my head when I read your comment, and I know Spunk can be sensitive at times. I hope it was just a one time thing.
Hope you had a good dinner, and that this week brings better news for you.
August 24th, 2021 at 8:20 am · Link
A day late and a dollar short but I was out of the house at 5:30 a.m. and LG and I didn’t get back from VA until about 1:30 p.m. I did a few necessary things and then my brain shut down and I hit nap time until 6 a.m. Sounds like you had a great weekend. Yay Maggie. PRETTY cake and flowers.
We had Stormy for the weekend. I got waaaay more Shaun the Sheep than I wanted but he was pretty good other than dragging his feet in the mornings. He pops up wide awake but getting breakfast into him, teeth brushing and dressing? Argh. I see why his mom is stressed out every morning. Still, we enjoyed having him, even though LG was not doing well. Glad the procedure is over and the doc was pleased with the outcome. He was almost perky by the time we got home yesterday but he also hit the couch and conked out. LOL
Have a great week!
August 24th, 2021 at 4:48 pm · Link
Silver, I’m so glad to hear this procedure seemed to go better. I really hope it gives LG relief.
LOL, I don’t what what Shaun the Sheep is yet, but I’m probably destined to find out.
I have no idea why getting kids out of the house is so hard. Turbo drags his feet too, although he’s only 3. But still…it’s a kid thing I guess. Funny how we don’t really remember those things.
I’m sorry LG had a tough weekend, but hopefully, things are looking up.