These weeks are just blowing by. Okay so…
Friday, we went back out to the design center, which is 50 miles one way. It’s a bit of a trudge, but I’m really glad we went back. We switched the quartz to the more durable granite countertops. We chose blue galaxy granite with white shaker cabinets. That particular granite was on one of the counters in the design center and we really liked it, but we’ll get an opportunity to see and approve it at the slab yard before they install it. We are still making adjustments before we lock in, but we’ll need to do that this week as they’re supposed to break ground on our house on the 14th.
By the time I’m done with this process, I’ll have a dozen book ideas. Most of them murder mysteries, LOL. Our experience so far has been very positive so far, but I can see some buyers being more upset. Wizard and I had researched this so had a good idea what to expect. But…you’re told you can customize your home, however everything is “packaged” into major upsales. So if you want pullout shelves in your cabinets, first you have to buy the premium package that gives you a bunch of cool features and upgrades, and ONE pullout shelf. Then you can add to that.
So, yeah, I can see some book plots in this experience. All that said, our designer has been amazing to work with, very helpful and respectful of our budget. I like her a lot and I appreciate her straight up answers when we ask questions.
Saturday we had to drive about 80 miles to the memorial service, but it was worth it and we’re glad we went.
Sunday, Wizard and I were both wiped out and nothing exciting happened. We wanted to see Turbo, but both of us needed a day of not driving.
That was my weekend, how was yours?
March 7th, 2022 at 12:25 pm · Link
Wow! Busy days and lots of windshield time. Gas prices have to be eating y’all’s lunch. The granite sounds lovely, especially with the white shaker-style cabinets. I can’t wait to see pics after y’all move in and the 14th? Wow! That’s quick. Exciting times coming for y’all and you and Maggie can check the progress on your walks.
There was a weekend, wasn’t there. LOL First Saturday was…Saturday. Siren test and lunch at Alvarado’s with the Kids. Yummy food. Jake, as always, was a dream dog.
Sunday, I made some writing decisions. The rights to the majority of books I had left in another author’s world (republished through the “publishing house” she established) are being returned to me, at her suggestion. That’s fine. It means a some work on my part because they’ll have to be revised to remove all reference to her characters. I decided to plug in the members of my Hard Target team for cross-pollination of my series. At the same time, I’ve had the idea of a Hard Target book simmering, based on current events. So, decision made. I’m stepping away from the Boston Wolves, the current WIP, and writing the next Hard Target book, hopefully to be released close to the same time as all the other books are re-released. We’ll see if real life will cooperatre. I have started on CROSSFIRE and hope it almost writes itself. If I keep watching the news, it will.
I also did some beta reading for a friend and watched my OSU Cowgirls play some softball. Saturday was almost 80 degrees. Sunday was 33. Gotta love the weather around here.
Not much else going on my world. Busy week and month ahead.
March 7th, 2022 at 3:57 pm · Link
You certainly did do some driving this past weekend. Even though you miss Turbo you needed a day to relax and not be in a car. Hopefully you will get to see him soon.
The blue galaxy granite with white shaker cabinets sound great. Blue is my favorite color and it should be nice a calming in the kitchen.
Oh man, the way they get you at every turn during a build or even reconstruction is immoral. Good to know that you and Wizard are well schooled in this nasty technique and planned for it.
Our weekend was good. Saturday was 71 and sunny. The winds really kicked up over night into Sunday and the temp went to 74. Very strange for so early in March. Usually these flukes occur mid March. So today we’re cold and the snow is starting. We’re supposed to only get an inch or two.
The baby shower was fun. Two of her friends brought their baby girls 4 and 7 months. They were hits. Becky is also having a girl. There was quite a bit of pink .
Sure hope you have a fantastic afternoon!
March 7th, 2022 at 4:58 pm · Link
Silver, yep gas is high, but with the world problems right now, I’m not complaining. And thanks on the house stuff, if it works out, it should be a good home for us. If not, we have a home and family and that’s a lot to be grateful for these days.
I love Jake He’s such a good boys and an example of we dog owners (I’m looking at me) should strive for! Glad you had a good family day.
And WOW you have made some decisions. I’m happy that you have a path and are jumping in with both feet to achieve it. Now that you’ve gone wide with your books, this should work well. It’s hard to step away from any current WIP, but i think you’re on the right track.
I hope life cooperates!
Yay for beta reading (B.E.???? Never mind, you don’t need to tell me, I’m just nosy) and softball. We’re getting weird weather swings here too, although not quite as dramatic.
March 7th, 2022 at 5:09 pm · Link
Viki, Turbo called me to make a special request for his birthday cake, so I was happy with that.
Thanks on the granite. I like blue too. And yeah it’s frustrating, but it’s all market driven. There’s a shortage of homes and an abundances of shows and influencers peddling this stuff as Must Haves. It’s consumerism gone wild. I just remind myself that we’re just looking for a home to live in not a showroom. We’ll be happy with a simple home.
The weather is crazy. Then there was that terrible tornado in Iowa. So sad.
I’m so happy the baby shower turned out so well! How fun that two other babies were there Girls are ruling right now, LOL!
Hope your son is having more luck finding a house. I’ve been thinking about him.
March 8th, 2022 at 4:50 am · Link
I have been waiting for years for the last book about the wing slayer hunters. Do you plan on finishing the series?
March 8th, 2022 at 1:42 pm · Link
Hi Janet, thank you for waiting. Unfortunately I don’t have good news at this time, as I’ve taken a hiatus from writing. You can see more about why I needed to do that on my website here