Such a nice weekend! Since Youngest invited us over, it gave me an excuse to bake cookies I make non-diary lemon cookies and non-diary peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. We went over to youngest house, and had a great time. Daughter in law’s mom and sister were there along with her niece and nephew. It was one of those stress-free relaxing afternoons, and we both really like DIL’s family. I also took their dog, Phoebe, her new toys. She loved them, but first she just wanted me to pet her and tell her she’s pretty–only then did she take her toys to her bed and play with them. I love a dog with priorities.
Youngest and DIL gave me a Bromeliad plant with a gorgeous orange flower. Youngest told me it’s for the new house and not to kill it, LOLOL! I know he’s not joking, so I may send him a proof of life picture daily just to prove I’ve managed to keep it alive. Unless it dies…but I’m trying! I’ve read up on it and everything. Eventually, I’ll find a really nice pot for it and replant it. I’m also trying to think of a name for the plant. Wizard is like… “Are you serious?” Yep
Oldest and Middle both called too, and it’s always great to talk to them. All the boys (and their wives!) are always a phone call away, which is the best gift for any mom or or dad, I think.
Wizard and I went to check out the framed house. It’s really coming along. The estimated date for closing is mid-August but delays are very likely. We’re just planning the best we can and trying not to stress of the things we can’t control.
Otherwise, the weekend was filled with too much food and hanging out with Maggie.
How was your weekend and Mother’s Day?
May 9th, 2022 at 6:49 am · Link
Sounds like you had a great weekend! I suggest Bromeo for a plant name. Yummy cookies, yay for house progress and double yay for sweet puppers.
My weekend was mostly quiet. I tripped and fell Friday night clearing dinner dishes. Don’t ask. Left knee is still not happy. Saturday was siren test and early Mom’s Day lunch with the Kids at Alvarado’s. Yummy food and awesome company. The rest of the weekend was spent vegging and icing. No real work but lots of Audible time. Doing a marathon of Jennifer Estep’s Crown of Shards/Gargoyle Queen double series. These books are all kinds of awesome IMO and new release last week, hence the marathon.
That pretty much sums it up for me. Getting out early-early to Walmart as we’re forcast for 94 as a high when normal is 74, which is our current *low* temp. Hopeing to be more productive this week. We’ll see. Have a good one, all! 🥰
May 9th, 2022 at 3:25 pm · Link
Sounds like you had a fantastic Mother’s Day weekend.
I got three of those plants in a planter when my Step dad died last year. Only one is still alive. What I read is that they only last a year but are supposed to send out pups (new plants). So far no pups and the last one is starting to fade :(.
Wow, the house is coming along great.
My weekend was good. The younger boys took me to see my mom and brother/SIL. It was nice. Yesterday youngest took me shooting and we had a great time.
I hope your week is off to a great start!
May 9th, 2022 at 3:41 pm · Link
Silver, Bromeo is a great name!
I’m so sorry for the fall and resulting unhappy knee. It’s just too easy to fall, unfortunately. I really hope your knee heals quickly. At least you had a good Mother’s Day family lunch after the siren test. I’ll check out Estep’s series
Smart to get to Walmart before the heat hits, and hope your knee isn’t too mad at you afterward.
Hoping for a good week ahead for you!
May 9th, 2022 at 3:54 pm · Link
Viki, huh I didn’t know the plant would survive cold weather like you guys have. Mine wants to be an indoor plant, but all I know is what I’ve read so far. But I did see that about the pups.
The house is moving along, but who knows if the market will hold long enough. We’ll see what happens.
You had a busy and good weekend! So glad you got to see your mom and brother, hope they looked as well as possible. And then shooting with your son topped it off!
My week is doing what it’s supposed to do so far:-) Hope yours is going well too!
May 9th, 2022 at 6:25 pm · Link
Crap. I was here this morning and then I got distracted and wandered away before I commented.
I’m so glad you had a nice weekend and a lovely Mother’s Day. :hugs: Yay for progress on the house, too much food (because that means it was good), and time with Maggie!
Another quiet weekend here. I had leftover steak and shrimp from Easter, so I made that. I also made a cake for myself (but Hubs gets to share). It was a lemon cake with strawberry frosting. Not the best iteration of cake I’ve ever done, but it’s yummy, so not a total fail.
May 9th, 2022 at 6:33 pm · Link
B.E., I get distracted or interrupted all the time. Glad you made it back over here!
Yep the food was good
Your steak and shrimp dinner sounds perfect, and lemon cake is always a win in my family (second fave to chocolate). And it’s always good to try our recipes in different ways.
Hope your week is going well!