Thursday, June 23rd, 2022
Friday Five
TGIF! Boy this week! But it’s all good, and now it’s time to share five random things about our week.
- We hit some stress this week and as a result, my house is clean That’s the good news. The bad news is I ate cookie dough. And to make it worse, it was some left over store bought cookie dough I happened to have in my fridge, LOL. It was only one piece because I have standards, and my stomach had serious hard limits that it strictly enforces. If it had been home made, then I’d be in more trouble. And probably sick due to previously mention limits.
- The stress is resolved. This is normal stuff in the process of selling a home. We will see what happens next week.
- I can’t honestly remember much else about this week. I did yoga. I cleaned. I desperately wanted to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, but am trying to resist because we’ve had enough junk. By the way, I still love yoga.
- Oh, on yoga. A week or two ago, Wizard walked by when I was doing some poses. He sees me doing this all the time, but this time, he commented on being impressed. Not because I’m good, I’m really not. But he could see the progress I’d made and how the core and balance work paid off so I could hold a tricky balance pose. I know this is a tiny thing, but having him randomly see and recognize that meant a lot to me. Mostly, thought, I’ve been doing yoga for my own joy.
- I took Maggie to the vet yesterday for the mass on her belly. For the first time in my experience since I switched vets, they were using their “Covid Protocol”. I was unsure what to expect, but it was easy. They have a courtyard in front of their office, there’s chairs and benches, and they have a sign in sheet. Super easy. It was hot, but we could get up and walk around, find shade, etc. All the dogs were well behaved and the cats were in carriers or being carried. The tech came out to get Maggie, took her in, and the veterinarian brought her back out. My stomach clenched when I saw the vet because up to then, I hadn’t seen a vet come outside. But it’s not bad news. Maggie’s mass is either a lipoma (fatty mass that we just watch) or a small hernia. The vet couldn’t manipulate the wall behind the mass to tell for sure. However it’s not urgent at this point. The vet assured me it’s fine to just watch it for now. And together, we developed a plan to remove it when she has her teeth cleaned next time, and if the vet finds a hernia then, she’ll repair it. I feel so much better. And I appreciate so much that the vet came to go over it with me. She gave me specifics to watch for that (if they happen) will make it urgent, but for now, Maggie’s in good shape. Also we discussed her over health which is also very good for her age.
That’s my five. We aren’t sure about our weekend plans yet as it’s been a weird and hectic week so we’ll see. Now I’d really love to hear about your week! Have a great weekend!
June 24th, 2022 at 6:59 am · Link
Yeah, homemade is better but hey, oatmeal is healthy, right? I’dda made those cookies! Sorry for the stress. Building and selling is not for the faint-of-heart. My balance sucks so go you on the yoga front! Sweet Maggie and it sounds like you found a jewel of a vet! Okay, my five:
1. It’s hot. It’s humid. It’s miserable. LG and I had ice cream for dinner twice in the past week because nothing sounded good.
2. The Kids love their “new” vehicle. Financing went through. Drover is happily parked back in my garage.
3. I had to get birdseed yesterday. Ace was still running their Father’s Day sale so the Ace brand was $9.00 for a 20 lb. bag, with is over half less that Wallyworld. They’ve also had it on special 2-20lbs. for $20, is a few bucks less than WW and the Ace store is only a few blocks away.
4. I also needed gas and my GasBuddy app said the cheapest (at a station where I feel safe) was close to Starbucks so yes, I’ve had Starbucks TWICE this week! I highly recommend the app for finding cheap gas close to you.
5. Pete came into the house yesterday afternoon and sort of settled in my office because the other critters were elsewhere in the house. Then Stormy arrived. Pete spent the next few hours under the pine hutch I use as a TV cabinet in my office. I didn’t realize a chair pillow had gotten shoved up under there. He had a bed and was perfectly happy. Boone mostly ignored him. Jake flopped right in front of the cabinet, nose edging under and started snoring. Loki got within about 8″ and “loafed” up on the outside in, what I assume was, a staredown. Around dinner time, everyone had cleared out, Pete finally emerged and I got him safely back to his sanctuary in the garage. We’ll see what happens next.
Have a great, stress-free weekend all! 🥰
June 24th, 2022 at 3:11 pm · Link
1. I am so sorry that the stress is building up. Unfortunately it happens with buying and selling a house.’
2. Happy to hear that the stress is alleviating. Sure hope this coming week is less stress filled.
3. Working in your yoga is so smart. It will help eliminate those aches and pains that accompany stress.
4. Wizard is a really good guy. It’s so sweet that he notices so much and is supportive.
5. You have a good vet. Nice that she actually puts together a plan and has you contribute. Very nice.
1a. Our TV keeps freezing at night after I go to bed and leave hubs to watch his aliens on demand. He gets me up to try and fix things. I am not happy but I somehow get things going. I have no idea what he has done or what I’m doing to fix it. Called Spectrum today about it and they have no idea. I will try a couple other things and if nothing works, they will send a guy out.
2a. Youngest has been busting a hump at the new house. It’s nasty hot and he doesn’t have AC and they are painting. He wants to get the painting done before he lays the new floors.
3a. My brother appears to be recovering well. He was having a video chat with the Dr. today about the biopsy results. Hopefully the nodes were clean and it hasn’t spread.
4a. Is it Christmas in July already? I’m seeing all kinds of super specials on line. I have to say no and look away. Just buying food and gas has me out of funds.
4a. I scrubbed the floors this morning while hubs was at youngest’s helping paint. Now we’re both worn out . Still having a nice glass of wine. You know, to take off the edge .
Sure hope you have a great weekend!
June 24th, 2022 at 3:16 pm · Link
Silver, thanks and I will make the cookies today or tomorrow. Maggie had a fabulous vet at the last place too (she was why I stayed sooo long), and I’m very lucky to have found another. I know people get paid to do their job, but when the care and are kind, it’s something to celebrate these days. Now for you:
1) I don’t blame you! Heat’s bad enough but adding humidity is like adding a dozen layers to the misery. Ice cream to the rescue! We’ve had some monsoon weather here but I would bet your humidity it worse.
2) YAY!!!! You’ve got your freedom back! I hope for Only and BB too.
3) Great score on the birdseed!
4) And smart to use the app too. We have limited choices here in our town, but I’ll mention the app to Wizard.
5) Okay I love the Pete stories! I really do! He’s finding his place in your home and pack. It’s so cute. I love Loki’s reaction too. He’s, um, adjusting Jake is too funny. He sounds curious and tired, LOL. Boone is way to cool to be bothered. You have a great family of critters!
Hope you have a great weekend too!
June 24th, 2022 at 3:30 pm · Link
Viki, you’re right, the stress is part of it. And it hasn’t been bad overall. Yoga really is helping me, but again, that’s what is working for me at this time in my life. I don’t love it when something works for one person and they think everyone else should do it too. We all have different needs at different times And Maggie is lucky! I 100% agree. A good vet helps keep our pets healthy without financially breaking us. Now for you:
1) Okay he wakes you up?? When my TV does something funky, I turn it off and tell Wizard in the morning. You’re an amazing wife to get up and fix it for him!
2) Your Youngest is really working hard. I feel for him in this heat and without AC, but it’s all going to pay off. Hope he’s drinking lots of water and resting too.
3) I’m so happy to hear your brother is healing well and hope the biopsy nodes and margins were all clean.
4) Inflation is a killer for sure, and unfortunately, a hardwired part of our economic cycle. Only two ways out that I know of and neither are good. Sigh. I think sales are the pre-hype for Amazon prime. It’s annoying to me. Both Amazon and Target had lower than expect profits last quarter and they are really amping up the machine. Especially Amazon. I’ll stop now, LOL! I was interested in business and economics in college.
5) You and hubs deserve the glass of wine! Scrubbing floors (and showers!) is as hard as painting. Plus freshly painted walls last longer than clean floors Enjoy the wine!
Hope you have a great weekend and get good news about your brother!