Jennifer Lyon

Friday, June 16th, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF!! If I have my days of the week correct, then it’s time to share 5 random things about our week! Here’s mine:

  1. Maggie is in the dog house! So her stitches are fine, and if you ask her, she’s 100% and has no clue what all the fuss is about or why I’m taking her on fake walks only to the end of the street and back. So I was outside working with my plants, and I got a new plant — chives — which I transplanted and gave some plant food. Maggie tried to eat the plant food <<insert eye roll >> and I told her to leave it. Then I decided to wash out my standing planter and put all the herbs on the ground on the side of the house. When I went back a couple hours later to move the plants — Maggie had dug out half the soil in my chives, probably eating the plant food or maybe the chives just smelled interesting, I don’t know. I was so mad at her! But it does show that A) She’s feeling good enough to be mischievous enough to get into something I’ve never seen her do before, and B) I’m leaving her out in the back unsupervised so I’m not worried about her.  I am worried about the poor chive plant! We’ll see if he survives.
  2. Wizard told me yesterday I couldn’t wash the floors because I’d done too much already. I just looked at him. He goes, “What? You say that to me and I listen.” Ha! Sometimes, he listens. Also, I washed half the floors only because I ran out of time and energy to do the rest. So I guess we both won? (Yes, I do listen…sometimes.)
  3. Wizard started clearing rocks and raking out the soil on the long side of the hill (with the retaining wall) where we haven’t planted anything yet and I helped in between making sourdough bread, which was as crazy as it sounds, LOL! I moved tons of rock. Well okay maybe it was pounds rather than tons, but I was happy I could do it without hurting myself. It’s so nice to see Wizard feeling better! We’re going to put my tomato and bell pepper plants there as we don’t think there’s enough sunshine on the other side where I originally wanted them. I’m not even sure I can keep the plants alive and get them to produce, but I’m gonna try!
  4. Last week I hit 10 miles of walking on my tracking app. I was pretty happy with that since I only track when I go out for long walks. This week will be much sadder. I think I got one or two 2-mile walks since I feel guilty going without Maggie. I’m trying to save the last couple hours of the audio book HARD DAY FOR A HANGOVER because if I don’t have Maggie with me, I love listening to it while walking. I just need the time in the morning when I tend to be busiest!
  5. I made and froze four layers of 8 inch found cake so I can decorate them for fun when I get the inspiration and chunk of time. It’s nice to have the cake layers in the freezer, ready to go when I am.

That’s my five (I know, I’m soooo bring these days!), now I’d love to hear yours!

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all the Dad’s!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    June 16th, 2023 at 7:24 am · Link

    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. I bet she likes the scent of the chives and/or there’s like fish stuff in the plant food. Glad she’s feeling better and good luck with all the planting. I hope you’re keeping the rocks to use for “decorating” and/or drainage areas. Yay for Wiz being better and you being smart enough not to overdo just to prove him wrong. ;) Yay for walking and your fortitude to resist the end of that book. Not me. I gotta get to the end. LOL And yay for found cake for later decorating. You’re so organized. Ok. My five.

    1. I’ll start with the weekly Pete story. 1) He’s spending far more time inside than out so he’s home now. This morning, I couldn’t find the channel changer to turn off the TV in the bedroom when I was ready to move to my office. I looked for FIVE MINUTES!!! On the bed. In the bed. Around the bed. Under the bed. In the bathroom AND the kitchen. (Because sometimes I think I have my phone and it’s the channel changer. Don’t get old!) Pete decided we were playing a game. Dang magic cat (yes,, still having weird dreams whenever he’s on the bed sleeping with me.) I flipped the bedspread at him so he could play with the fringe. When I flipped it back to the pillows THERE WAS THE CHANNEL CHANGER! In. The. Middle. Of. The. Bed. Where it had NOT been previously. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    2. Speaking of audio books, I wish producers/directors and voice actors would LISTEN to previous versions/books in a series if they are taking over for the previous narrator. Weird accents, mispronounced names, and other irregularities drive me crazy. Since I’m doing a marathon of the Kate Daniels series, I’m reminded of this pet peeve because it happens a lot with books in spin-off series and “re-mastered” editions of previous books.

    3. The storm dragons were out in force last night. I guess we sacrificed enough virgins (or baloney and cheese sandwiches) to them to leave us alone but for some rain and lightning but they sure hammered other parts of the state–literally. Tornados and up to softball sized hail. Three of the local channel’s stormtrackers lost windshields last night. LG took his truck to park it under cover before the storm (which pounded the town just west of us with golfball sized hail) moved through. The core of the storm moved south of us. Whew!

    4. I’ve done a little writing this week. Part of it was for a project on the back burner but hey–words! I did spend time taking a hard look at the current WIP and realize that I’m not very far from The End–at least on the first draft. I hope for more progress today. And maybe Sunday. We’ll see if the brain cooperates.

    5. It hasn’t happened yet but there’s nothing else to report so tomorrow is Stormy’s first summer soccer game. Last week’s game was postponed due to weather. It’s a late game (11:40) but we’re all going to trek to the other side of town afterward for one last family lunch (late lunch) at Alvarado’s. Only talked to the owner and basically, after 27 years, he’s just tired. He wants to spend time with his grandkids and while business remained mostly steady, they never did fully recover from the pandemic and then with added problems finding good employees and the continuing rising cost of food, he decided it was time. I get that but it still makes me sad. They have the best Mexican food in the entire metroplex, which is why we’d drive all the way up there to eat. Ah well. Anyway, it’ll be a fond farewell and one last family celebration (Father’s Day) since it’s their last day to be open. 😥

    So that’s my world. Have a lovely weekend, all!

  2. Viki S.
    June 16th, 2023 at 3:19 pm · Link

    1. Oh no! Maggie must be feeling better to be getting in to things.
    2. Good for Wizard! I would have done what you did too 😊. Floors have to be done.
    3. I’m so happy to hear that Wizard is doing so much better. I know you’re making sure he doesn’t over do it again 😉.
    4. Excellent on the waking miles. I’m glad you’re enjoys Hangover.
    5. WOW! You did quite a bit of baking. Smart doing that and freezing them to play around with when you are inspired.

    1a. The boys and Hubs took off for TN this morning. It took them almost 9 hrs but they are there now.
    2a. I was so pleased. Last night wasn’t as bad a all other nights when he has a change (like a trip). I only had to tell him to go back to bed twice with no incident.
    3a. Spunk is out of sorts. “A” stayed here last night so they could hit the road early and that bothered Spunk’s routine. He’s doing better now.
    4a. I had to go to the bank today for a CD and was SO pleased to get a 7 month at 5%. Rates haven’t been that good in years.
    5a. My brother is still in the hospital. They cannot get his heart stable. Tomorrow he should know what the next plan of attack is to get him better.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Jenn
    June 16th, 2023 at 4:55 pm · Link

    Silver, we definitely keep the rocks! The big ones (we have some REALLY big ones) we move around the hill if possible for decoration and the smaller once are moved to the long dirt side of the house where we’ll use them later.

    1) Pete really moved it???? That cat is too funny! Great next I’ll be trying to answer my remote — I already do too many “old people” things like lost my reading glasses when they’re on my head :-)
    2) Oh I can imagine!! I’m so picky about narrators. I tried to listen to a book recorded by author and couldn’t make it past the first chapter (I’ll just leave it at that since I have nothing nice to say). So yeah, I can see why how a new narrator not listening to all the pervious versions would be annoying and distracting.
    3) Yikes! I heard about the weather in your area, and Texas. It was BAD. Glad you were safe but man, it sucks for all those caught in it, and worse for those who lost their lives or were injured.
    4) I love that moment when you realize the end is near! Yay!!! You’ll get it done soon. But it sure would be nice if the Writing Goddesses all cooperated and granted us the speed we desire.
    5) Hope Stormy has a good game! And it will be a bittersweet lunch but hopefully it’s nicer knowing they owner is choosing to retire as opposed to being forced to. He’s probably not the only one who hasn’t quite recovered enough from the pandemic and poor quality workers to make it worth it. I’m sad for him in that respect, and he’s been such an important part of your family memories too.

    Hope LG and Baseball Boy both have great Father’s Day and you all have a nice weekend!

  4. Jenn
    June 16th, 2023 at 5:02 pm · Link

    Viki, yeah I did and now I’m doing more for a Father’s Day dinner at Youngest’s :-) But it’s all good. I put off washing the kitchen floor while I get through this next project — but it’ll get done eventually. Maggie is feeling better. Today she’s a big tired but I expected that since she did more than she should have yesterday when Wizard and I were distracted.

    1) Glad they got there all right! That’s a long trip.
    2) I hope you’re getting some sleep with all this. Glad the night was better than expected.
    3) Poor Spunk! I get out of sorts too when my preferred routine is interrupted so I sympathize :-)
    4) Interest rates are much higher right now. Yay for getting your CD at a rate than makes you happy.
    5) You’re poor brother. I hope they can determine the root problem and fix it. The important thing is he is getting the care he needs.

    I hope hubs has a great time and you get some rest and have a good weekend.

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