Jennifer Lyon

Monday, September 11th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

We have the refrigerator! So far we’re happy with it :-) It came 5pm Friday, and that I was day I was glad to see end, LOL. Hopefully we’re set for another couple decades (although I’m told they don’t last that long anymore). Here’s to no more fridge shopping for us!

Saturday was good — well for me and Maggie. Youngest son and Wizard dug a trench and connect the rain gutter downspout to the underground drainage pipe in 100 degree heat. Youngest did the most of the digging, but Wizard was out there working too. Maggie got to go out there and supervise once in a while and she loved watching them. That night we made dinner for youngest (his wife is on a trip with her mom) and the next day I took cookies over to him, and a toy for Phoebe (their dog).

Sunday was quieter and nice, except that it was a bit rainy here and humid so I didn’t go see Turbo play T-ball. I had to laugh though, he wanted me to call him in the morning before his game and I did expecting to hear all about his upcoming game. Nope, he wanted to tell me about jumping in the deep end of a 9 foot pool and swimming to the side. That kid loves swimming! When I asked him about playing baseball, I got one word answers. That’s fair, though, he hasn’t had enough experience yet to know if he likes it.

Humidity feels like an unwanted houseguest around here. Just leave already. But otherwise, it’s a new week with new opportunities!

How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    September 11th, 2023 at 6:40 am · Link

    Ugh on your weather! I totally understand. Youngest is a blessing so Wiz isn’t totally worn out and yay for good drainage now! Also, yay for new fridge! Wouldn’t it be nice if appliances lasted as long as they used to? My range is at least 35 years old and still works. Mostly. The upper oven’s door frame and handle has a few issues but duct tape and care when opening and closing works so far. I dread having to replace it because there’s nothing out there like it. 😟 Yay for Turbo Timeβ„’ even if it’s just over the phone. Hope he had a great game and awesome “minnow” time. 😊

    We had soccer Friday evening and I wasn’t impressed. The field had one light pole and half the lights were burned out. Made it tough to see the ball in the dark. It was also a hike and no handicapped parking. And yes, we kept those thoughts to ourselves. Also Stormy’s team has just started playing together and are playing teams that have been together at least one year if not more. The game Sunday was down the interstate. Those fields were very well kept, there were line judges and refs. Temps were in the low 90s so not as bad as it has been.

    Saturday, I bit the bullet and started “renovations” on my office. After boxing up 10+ years of detrius in and around my desk, I got the desk taken apart, all the various pieces moved and in place. I don’t feel like I’m in a cave anymore! I have unobstructed line-of-sight to the door (previously my back was to the door) and the TV cabinet, plus I can see out the whole window! I even saw a hummingbird at the feeder! Next job is to sort through all the boxes and get rid of unnessary junk and the rest placed. I can work now, except there will be something I need at some point. LOL Anyway, I was exhausted from the physical work on Saturday.

    Yesterday was the 2nd soccer match. I did a little work on the office after we got home then about 5:30 I went to stretch out for a bit before dinner. Yeah…about that… 🀣 I woke up at 11:30, managed to put on jammies and take my nighttime meds. Then I was pretty much down for the count until 5 a.m. this morning.

    One last note–I don’t want to rub it in because like I said at the beginning, we’ve had your weather! But this week? IT’S FALL! It might make 71 today and it’s currently raining. Not hard but RAIN! And cooler temps. Supposed to be this way all week. I’m hoping to turn off the AC, at least for a few day! That said, glad I hit Wallyworld yesterday because…RAIN today! I πŸ’– rain!

    Have a great week, all!

  2. Viki S.
    September 11th, 2023 at 1:59 pm · Link

    Yippie on the new refrigerator finally showing up. Did I tell you that the one I bought last Oct was supposed to be delivered at 10 am and didn’t show until 8:57 pm? Really shines a light on the poor scheduling skills at all of these appliance delivery companies.

    So sorry about your crummy weather. You had the triple whammy.

    Youngest is a great guy. The more I see of our boys, um I mean men, they all turned out to be wonderful people.

    C took hubs to TN and all seemed good Friday night and most of Saturday. He got up at 4am Sunday, woke C, and they were on the road in 1/2 an hour. Poor Harrison didn’t even get to say bye. I sure hope eldest and DIL are able to explain things to Harrison in an appropriate way for someone his age.

    I hope your weather cools soon.

    Have a great day!

  3. Jenn
    September 11th, 2023 at 5:39 pm · Link

    Silver, Yay for your weather embracing fall! It gives me hope that fall will show up here too! And so true on appliances not lasting like they did! I hope you one day find the perfect oven at the perfect price.

    I’m sorry about the substandard field for Stormy’s first game. That really does affect the quality of everyone’s experience there. But it sounds like the next games will be better.

    I’m so excited about your office renovation! I know how much you’ve wanted to do it and it seems Real Life kept getting in the way. You’ll love the direct line of sight to the door as opposed to your back to the door. I’m sure you were completely wiped out from the work, but it’s worth it!

    See you were tired to conk out like that! I’m happy you got that much sleep as you clearly needed it. And now you can take on the new week.

    Hope you’re enjoying the rain! And enjoy the fall weather!

  4. Jenn
    September 11th, 2023 at 5:46 pm · Link

    Viki, I think I remember that with your refrigerator. Sadly, this isn’t a unique experience for any of us. However I will say the salesman in the store was great (he was a saint for his patience with our days and days dithering and did not pressure us at all) and the delivery people were fine too. It’s the schedulers– at least on our end– that caused the headache.

    We all seem to have our turn with humidity lately. I just complain more because if I’m paying CA taxes, I want CA weather :-) Yeah, it’s a lame joke, but then, I’m kind of lame all around, LOL.

    Well I’m glad they had some quality time with Harrison before Hubs got agitated or stressed and needed to return home. I’m sure his parents will help Harrison understand, but I know you wish it had been different. If it helps, Turbo takes some of Wizard and my limitation in stride. Kids are pretty amazing. And my kids handled it really well when my mom was on oxygen and in a wheelchair — they still wanted to see and hang out with her. Hopefully Harrison will be able to roll with hubs situation it the same way.

    But that doesn’t make it any easier on you and the boys (Well as you said, they’re all men now, but we’re still their moms!) Also C is awesome for taking hubs to TN.

    Hope you have a nice evening!

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