Jennifer Lyon

Friday, September 22nd, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF! Let’s dive into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Ack my roots are showing and I don’t have any idea where to go for my hair. I didn’t get a response from the person my previous hairdresser recommended, and when I called another place they wanted a deposit to make an appointment. I’m seriously considering trying a Fantastic Sams near me. Or coloring it myself. Or…I don’t know, my hair just hasn’t been the most important thing to worry about this week.
  2. This week has been a meanie head and therefore, Wizard and I are off are game in hilarious ways. For instance I went to make tea at night and found ice cream in the microwave. That was Wizard’s doing. For me, I was testing a gluten free chocolate chip recipe, and this failed like other the other by spreading too thin. But I thought I could do a little better with the second tray of cookies by making them smaller and it worked. I turn off the time…and left them in the oven until they burned into black disks. All while I was standing right there talking to Wizard. We both just shook our heads and laughed. Overall though we are fine and will get through this too.
  3. I took Maggie in for a drop off x-ray yesterday, and while she was gone, I cleaned the carpets. The floors drive me crazy, but its what we have until we have the time, money and focus to replace them. And Maggie can’t help her accidents.
  4. Thankfully her x-ray did not show any stones. We’re working on her issues with meds and other things. The doctor also suggested melatonin for her nighttime restlessness, including her need to “check” on me several times a night, and I love that suggestion. It’s a natural meds in the right does, and it could ease whatever is bothering Maggie and help her rest more. Maggie checking on me is not stressful for me, I worry it’s stressing her. I’m hopeful the melatonin will, over time, return her to a more natural sleep/wake rhythm for her.
  5. I hope that today I will finally get my Halloween decorations outside. We’ve been distracted by life, but we’ll get it done either today and sometime this weekend.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a really good weekend!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    September 22nd, 2023 at 7:41 am · Link

    LG and I plead the Fifth on the forgetfulness. Too bad it’s not a fifth of something potable. LOL Hopefully Maggie will settle back in. She’s such a good girl and she loves her people. Hey, Halloween doesn’t have to be up until October 1 so you’ve still got time. ;) And sending you good thoughts on the Life stressors. Big hugs. 🤗 Okay, my 5:

    1. Mother Nature and Summer are conspiring. Today is the last “official” day of Summer and the forecast is 100, with 90 tomorrow for the 1st day of Autumn. Grrr.

    2. Speaking of Fall, I the Spring tablecloth and centerpiece in the dining room to the Autumn ones and cleared off all the junk that accumulated on the kitchen table since last pre-Christmas. Yes, the Xmas cloth was still on there. Don’t judge me. We don’t eat at that table.

    3. I’m reading the 67K words previously written on the WIP and I’m still loving this book. I found one BIG OOPS (repeat of a scene from end of chapter to beginning of the next, written two different way. I liked the original better but figured out how to shift the timeline by a day to use the next part almost in toto. Yay! The not-so-fun part will be when I hit the “orphan” scenes and I have to figure out where they actually fit, which will mean adjusting the 19 chapters already “labeled.” That’s okay. It’ll be worth it, especially if I can get it out before the end of the year!

    4. Soccer tonight at 7:30 which really messes up dinner. We tend to eat around 7 then feed Jake around 8. These evening games and travel times mean our schedules get all out of whack. Also, I have no clue what I’ll fix. Probably grilled cheese or hot links/brats. Fast, quick to eat, and easy clean up. LOL

    5. Pete and Loki antics to finish up my 5. Pete “chases” the bedspread. If I pull it while he’s on the bed, he runs and pounces. He’ll keep doing that as long as I pull the covers around. Then he discovered the ties on my sleep pants. So I went to the rag bag and pulled out one of the ties from an old pair. He likes the new game and will grab this 2-foot long cord and race off. Last night, Loki caught the tail end and the tussle was on. When one got the string free, he’d take off dragging it and the other would chase. This went on for almost an hour. Good thing we weren’t trying to sleep. Poor Jake just laid in a corner and sighed a lot.

    Have a great weekend, all! No tournament but hot weather so it’s college football, AC, and working on the Boston Irish Wolves for me.

  2. Viki S.
    September 22nd, 2023 at 2:50 pm · Link

    1. It sure is a pain in the butt trying to find a stylist. Fantastic Sams may not be all that bad an idea while you are looking for a permanent stylist. Harrison’s mom, a master stylist, ran one of those for a while. She only hired good quality people.
    2. Oh man. Stress and upheaval can really mess with us in so many ways. I am so very sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. My prayers continuing to go up for you.
    3. Great job getting the carpets cleaned. It’s so nice that you don’t fault Maggie for her accidents. I never have a problem with Spunk either. I’m sure they are not happy having these issues and it’s just not fair to be upset with them.
    4. Fantastic news on Maggie. I never thought of melatonin for a pet but heck, that may work. How do you give it to her? I would think crushed pill but maybe it’s a gummy.
    5. If you had a good day, I hope you got you decorations out.

    1a. I got my hair done today. It had been 7 weeks because she was busy with family things. It looks good. We’ll see how I do with it 😄.
    2a. Poor Harrison has pink eye. My kids never had it but before we were married hubs and eldest got it all the time. He’s off school until Tuesday.
    3a. I’m trying to figure out when I’ll be able to go check out a small appliance store for the ovens. It may have to wait a full week. I or hubs have appointments every day next week. I just can’t put this off.
    4a. Hubs is trying to get me to agree to buy us the new iphone. He forgets that we have just had the conversation and I have decided that we will wait a month or so for them to work the kinks out. We do need new phones so it will happen eventually.
    5a. A & A are reunited. She got back from Italy late Wednesday night. He was so excited to pick her up. I am looking forward to hearing all about her trip too.

    I hope your weekend goes well.

  3. Jenn
    September 22nd, 2023 at 4:50 pm · Link

    Silver, Wizard said the same thing about the Halloween decorations, LOL! I can do it myself, but I want him to get out there and have fun too. Thank you on Maggie. Overall she’s a happy girl, and that’s what matters. And thank you on life stuff, it really does help. Today has been a better day where Wizard and I both caught our breath a little. I even took a second short walk with Maggie.

    1) Mother Nature is being rude. Here it’s nice, if a little overcast. I like the cooler temps though and hope they show back up for you too.
    2) Trust me, I won’t judge. I swore I would not have boxes in my closet after one year, and well, I have fewer boxes, but I missed my goal. And guess what? Life still goes on so I think we’re both doing well! But I notice you’re doing a lot of clearing and reorganzing stuff lately. And that always feels good (well maybe not physically, but mentally it does!).
    3) Still loving the book is key! I’m also very impressed by the way you use all your scenes if possible. That’s so much more efficient than the way I do it, and much smarter too. I believe you will get this out before the end of the year! Which reminds my I have your other book right there on my Kindle! I just haven’t been reading much lately. But it’s there when I’m ready!
    4) I really sympathize with the dinner schedule. We’re have a similar type of thing, except we eat earlier. But I seem to forget how to make a meal when it’s not on my timeline. My go to solution is usually throw something in the crock pot in the morning or try to plan a leftover, but your idea is probably easier and less cleanup!
    5) Cats! They are so danged entertaining, I could watch them play for hours. And I always love Pete and Loki stories! But poor Jake seems to feel he’s the only grown up in the room, LOL!

    Enjoy the AC and college football! I’m meeting up with all three of my boys to see their uncle (Wizard’s brother). Wizard will stay home as he was there today. Oh and have fun at Stormy’s game tonight!

  4. Jenn
    September 22nd, 2023 at 5:12 pm · Link

    Viki, I hadn’t thought of melatonin for a pet either, and thought it was a great idea. The vet told me she can have 1 to 3mg for her weight. I bought 3 mg pills, I cut them in half and crush half into a treat or dinner for her. I have to crush her other medication for her meals twice a day so I’m getting good at it. If all else fails, I mix it in a bit of peanut butter. This is all after I tried to convince Maggie the pill was a treat, and she was disgusted with my ignorance :-)

    I stopped by Fantastic Sams today, met a stylist and booked an appointment with her for next week. I feel better just getting that much done, but it relieves my mind that your daughter in law used to ran one for a while. This one if fairly close to me and I like that.

    Thank you for your prayers, they mean so much, truly.

    Now let’s talk about your five!

    1) Yay on getting your hair done! 7 weeks is a long time so I bet it feels great. I hope you love it even after you wash and do it yourself — that’s always the test for me.
    2) Aww Harrison! I hope it’s not too itchy for him. I think my kids had it, but it cleared up with the meds. Still not fun for Harrison.
    3) This week was like that for us, so I get it. But you need time to be able to concentrate and talk to the people in the smaller stores to see if they can get the right sized appliances. Hope hubs appointments all go well this week.
    4) I haven’t had an iPhone in a while, but your plan to wait and make sure the bugs have been worked out makes sense to me. I know it’s hard to have to keep explaining it over and over though.
    5) I bet he was excited she’s coming home! I hope she had an amazing trip and has lots of great stories to share! I also hope she had some awesome food, and maybe wine if she’s into that.

    Thanks on my weekend, I think it will. I hope you have a good weekend too!

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