Jennifer Lyon

Monday, November 13th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

It was a pretty quiet weekend for me, which was really nice. The highlight was that we went out to dinner Saturday night, and had a great meal. That dinner was from a gift card, the second to the last gift Wizard’s brother left him. So we toasted Mike and enjoyed our dinner. Of course, grief is always with us, but we focus on celebrating his life and our memories, not wallowing in loss.

And now that Wizard has posted this on his social media, I can tell you all about the very last gift his brother left him. One that shocked Wizard to his soul.

The 2007 Shelby GT 500 (Mustang). It’s a truly special gift, and one we cherish and promised Mike (his brother) we would keep in the family.

I’m not a big car gal in general, but this car has a special place in my heart. Mike loved that car beyond words, and in the last years, Wizard cared for it when his brother couldn’t. He’d make the 100 mile round trip just to take the car out for a drive, or take it be washed or whatever it needed. We’d bring that car home (100 mile round trip) to have detail work or maintenance done on it. And yet…despite all that…Wizard was so shocked when in the last week or two before he died, his brother told him he was leaving Wizard the car. But his brother wanted him to have it.

So that’s what happened to the beloved Mustang, it lives on here in our home, and each day we feel a bit of Mike with us. It’s not the hunk of metal, but the memories and the laughter stored in that hunk of metal that matter so much.

I won’t keep sharing stories of Mike, but the Mustang is such a big deal to us, so I wanted to share it. I’ve just been waiting until Wizard was ready.

Now I should probably brush up on driving a stick shift, LOL! This thing is a six speed with a sports clutch, and I haven’t driven a stick in 3 decades. I’m going to need to practice in an empty parking lot. I’ll let you know how that adventure goes when we get around to doing it!

How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    November 13th, 2023 at 8:32 am · Link

    I was hoping that would happen because I know Wiz loves ‘Stangs and that car in particular because of Mike. I dated a guy who had a ’68 Shelby Fastback. He kept that car pristine and gave it to his son years later. The last I heard, there’s a grandson who will inherit it eventually. Cars aren’t just hunks of metal. They are hearts and souls and love and memories and y’all now have a special piece of Mike to care for. Oh, yeah. And good luck with that stick shift. Keep reminding yourselt it’s like riding a bicycle. 🤣🤣🤣

    Our weekend was quiet for the most party. The James Gang gathered at Hideaway Pizza on Saturday night to celebrate belated birthday’s–LG’s (Aug), Uncle FixIt (Sept) and Only (Oct.) Food was good, company was better.

    Sports got a thumbs down. I got a little work done on the book, and some laundry done. The weather was nice. Sometimes, we all just need a down-time weekend. Have a great week, all!

  2. Viki S.
    November 13th, 2023 at 3:47 pm · Link

    Last week when you said that Wizard was driving the Mustang home I figured his brother had given him the car. Says quite a bit. He knew that Wizard would take care of something that meant so much to him. ❤

    It’s been many a year since I drove a stick too, but I often feel my left foot moving when I’m driving. Guessing it’s like riding a bike. It will come right back to you.

    Our weekend went okay. C came over and waited for the tree to be delivered Sat PM so that hubs could have his free Veterans Day dinner. The tree showed up 20 minutes after we left, so C wasn’t put out too much.

    A & A came over Sunday with Queso and took hubs for a walk. C came over and the two of us set up the tree.

    Today I had lunch with my bestie who has been up from NC. She leaves tomorrow until Christmas.

    I hope you have a really great afternoon.

    PS – That car is SWEET!

  3. Jenn
    November 13th, 2023 at 7:17 pm · Link

    Silver, thanks! The car means a lot to Wizard but you knew that :-) And time is making it all easier for him to talk about. I just wanted to make sure he was ready to share the info before I said anything.

    I think shifting will be okay once I learn the six gears, it’s the clutch that may give my ankle a bit of trouble. But I just need to be able to move the car, not race it :-)

    3 birthdays is a lot! But it sounds like everyone had a great time. And company always makes meals better!

    Sorry for the bummer sports over the weekend. Yay for some words. And yeah, we all need downtime. It’s been a slow to learn lesson for me, LOL.

    Happy Monday!

  4. Jenn
    November 13th, 2023 at 7:21 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks! Wizard was pretty much the only other person he let drive the car :-) Yep, I hope it’s like riding a bike! I just need to see if my ankle is up to the hard clutch. I think it will be.

    Sounds like C got off pretty easy with the tree arriving so soon after you guys left. I’m glad hubs got his free dinner. Vets should have perks.

    You had a busy weekend with the boys! It’s really nice of A and A to bring the cool dog and go for walks with hubs. While it seems normal to us, not all kids and significant others would do it. And C helping with the tree is great too! It really does take two sets of hands to get those things set up.

    Awesome that you got to spend time with your best friend!

    Have a great evening!

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