Jennifer Lyon

Friday, November 10th, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF!! This was the shortest week in history! But here we are on Friday again, and that means it’s time to share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. I made meatloaf! It’s been years since I made it. I used oatmeal which made it gluten free and it was fine.  Meatloaf isn’t my favorite but it’s good for something different. I really like it dipped in mustard, is that weird? Even better, I divided the leftovers into two more meals and froze it, so that’s a win :-) I enjoy cooking, but I also appreciate have easy meals available, and stretching food dollars when I can. Next up, I’m trying my daughter-in-laws gluten and dairy free creamy lemon pasta dish — I’m excited about that one! I let you know what I think of that after I make it.
  2. With all that’s been going on, I’ve been doing less yoga. I tried to keep doing some, and maintained a reasonable amount of flexibility and balance. But I am definitely going to work a bit harder to get all the way back to where I was. That said, all the yoga I’ve done for a couple years now really helped me keep up with what I needed to do these last few months :-) I did keep up with the walking — Maggie and I generally do one and a half to two miles a day unless weather or obligations get in our way. Walking is a great way for me to manage stress, and it’s great for Maggie too.
  3. While in Cambria, I had something called a Chevre Omelet for breakfast. It had roasted balsamic red peppers, spinach and goat cheese. I enjoyed it. I also had an ollaberry muffin that was delicious. I don’t remember having ollaberries before, but I could have and just forgotten. The muffin did have dairy so I only had a few bites, but it was soooo good! Those were the most new-to-me food I had. The last night, we ate on a patio overlooking the ocean. The food was good, but standard so nothing to really talk about. However despite it being dark, we could feel and hear the ocean across the street, and the weather was cool not cold. The atmosphere and company made it perfect.
  4. I’m going to tease Wizard here. So we told him we were going to see the elephant seals. Evidently, what Wizard heard was elephants and seals. He never said anything until after we saw the seals. He told us afterward that he’d realized elephant was the species of seals. But when we’d first told him, he could not figure out how or why elephants would be there with the seals. LOLOL!! We cracked up. But honestly, I’ve done things like that, so I can’t laugh to hard. Plus on the way home from my brother in law’s service a few days before that, I was so tired, I told my son to check the weather when I meant check the traffic. My son and his wife tormented me for the hour long drive home about that (youngest son and his wife were with me as Wizard and his brother were driving the deceased brother’s Mustang). We all do silly stuff that makes people around us laugh.
  5. Last night, oldest son sent pictures of himself on the roof hanging Christmas lights. Sigh…why do my kids do this to me? Even though they are all responsible adults, I always have a mom-moment when I see stuff like that! Trust me, they know it and do it just to freak me out :-) But seriously, he’s going all out and making his house bright and fun for the holidays! Turbo loves it! We’re going to have to put up some lights and get some decorations for our house soon. But I haven’t thought that far ahead yet :-) I will soon. Maybe…or not…and either way is fine.

That’s my five. Not super exciting, but it works for me. Now I’d love to hear your five!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    November 10th, 2023 at 8:19 am · Link

    Your five are far more exciting than mine! I often use oatmeal in meatloaf. I pretend it makes it healthier. LOL Yay for good and different food, getting back into yoga, elephants and seals, checking weather IS important BTW, and glad oldest is out from under said weather and up to decorating. Okay, my five…

    *taps fingers on desk*… Uhm…Uh…

    1. I did NOT get the ironing done on Wednesday. That said, it is now done.

    2. LG, at the last minute, applied for, tested for, and interviewed for a job. By last minute, I mean it was a midnight deadline for on-line application and his sent his off at 11:58. He ran into an old friend of ours, a retired cop, and she’d done the same thing, even the 11:58 time stamp. Both are moving on in the process. There’s a “p-test,” and background check to be passed but they both have a provisional offer. I told LG they’d have to sit on opposite sides of the training room or there’d be havoc for the instructions. LOL

    3. Jake has suddenly started barking at weird things. This morning, it was the crows cawing. :roll:

    4. I was a little late with filling the squirrel feeder yesterday. While doing so, I looked up and a very bold squirrel was perched on top about three inches from my nose. I told him to hold his tail, I was working on it. He chittered at me in what was totally a scolding tone. Critters. :roll:

    5. Bad news of the week, I hooked a toe and fell on my left knee yesterday. My yelling and cursing scared Jake. Pete sat on the corner of my desk staring at me like I was an idiot. Jake did come back once I stopped yelling. Nothing broken and Jake did his job to help me stand up. Luckily, I also had the desk and a file cabinet for leverage. Jake actually got behind me and pushed. 🤣 Knee is bruised, swollen and really sore to the touch but I’m not limping though a little stiff all over. Just call me Captain Klutz!

    College football tomorrow, soccer on Sunday, baking more snickerdoodles today before the buttermilk goes bad. Somewhere in between I hope to get some new words recorded on the WIP. Have a great weekend, all!

  2. Viki S.
    November 10th, 2023 at 4:15 pm · Link

    1. I’m glad you made meatloaf. When I make it, I put hard boiled eggs inside. When you slice it you have an egg looking at you.

    2. You have been very busy with stressful things. Getting the yoga back will be a good thing 🥰.

    3. I’ve never heard of ollaberries. I love those omelets. They’re a go to for me.

    4. Poor Wizard. Also, poor you. We all make those really strange mistakes, especially when tired.

    5. It’s the duty of our children to see how many times they can scare the living daylights out of us.

    1a. Had the house washed on Monday and noticed how the deck windows were no longer see through. The solution got on them and didn’t rinse off. I corrected that this morning.

    2a. Tired making sour dough bread in my dutch oven. FAIL! I followed the recommendations on line and heated the pan in the oven during pre-heat to 450F. I then put the dough in the pan lid on for 30 mins. It was too hot.
    When I took the lid off and continued to bake I could see it was burning. Pulled it out. Will not do it again.
    3a. A & A are going to come by Sunday late morning. That will be nice.
    4a. We’re going to this local place tomorrow for hubs Veteran’s Day free dinner.
    5a. I had a pc of plastic in my dinner the other night.
    It came from a Kraft mix. I called to let them know.
    They were really nice. I feel bad when quality issues come up. Having worked in manufacturing I understand how things can happen.

    Spunk is yelling at me. He’s hungry so I better go feed him.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Jenn
    November 10th, 2023 at 4:55 pm · Link

    Silver, thanks Oldest and family seem much better now and we’re all glad. We’re taking bets on if they can stay well until Christmas :-) School aged kids are cute virus spreading machines, LOL.

    1) Getting the ironing done at all is a win!
    2) Sounds like LG and his friend will both make the final cut! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that no last minute snags crop up.
    3) I wonder if Jake is just now noticing these new things he’s barking at? Speaking of dogs, I was walking Maggie when I saw a neighbor across the street giving a bath to 1 Rottie (Rottweilers), with 2 more looking on. I stopped and asked if he’d always had three and I somehow hadn’t noticed. Nope he just got two of them yesterday. I laughed and so did he. Rotties are a fun breed but they can be a handful at times. However not one of them barked at or reacted to Maggie (other than normal, healthy curiosity), so he’s clearly got a handle on things.
    4) Squirrels are always mad and complaining about something! I find them too funny.
    5) Ouch!!! That sounds awful and I’m sorry you fell. But it happens to all of us. Jake’s a good boy for coming back after you scared him, and helping! I bet getting up this morning wasn’t a bit fun. Rest and ice the need when you can.

    Enjoy college football, snickerdoodles and writing lots of words! Don’t forget to rest and elevate your knee too.

  4. Jenn
    November 10th, 2023 at 5:05 pm · Link

    Viki, a hardboiled egg inside a meatloaf is new to me! I bet it’s a surprise to cut into it. And oh good, now I don’t feel so bad having not heard of ollaberries either!

    1) You are on top of things having your house washed! But it seems like they should have cleaned with solution off the windows, but then, I’ve never had it done it so I’m probably wrong.
    2) Hmm, I wonder why it didn’t work for you? I preheat the Dutch oven, then drop the bread in (I use parchment paper), spray a bit of water on the dough if I remember, cover and bake it for 25 minutes at 450, then take the lid off and bake it another 10 minutes, then it’s done. It may be different types of flour, hydration levels or the way our ovens work — who knows?
    3) Hope you have a great visit with A and A.
    4) The free dinner for vets is wonderful. Hope you enjoy it!
    5) It sounds like you saw the plastic before eating it, so that’s really good. I bet they really appreciate you being so understanding about it.

    I hope Spunk feels better now :-) Have a great weekend, enjoy the free veteran’s day dinner tomorrow and seeing A and A on Sunday!

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