Jennifer Lyon
Wednesday, June 5th, 2019
Wednesday Worthy

Happy Hump Day! Okay our candidate today billed himself as a cowboy.

I’m seeing a little more country singer than cowboy but that’s just me. What do you think? Cowboy Worthy? Country Singer Worthy? Or Not Worthy?

Monday, June 3rd, 2019
Weekend Roundup

How is it June already????

Saturday we went out to visit Turbo. He was adorable as always. Wizard and Turbo were playing together a lot and having a great time–until Wizard was holding him to take a picture, and took his glasses off. Turbo freaked out a little bit and reached out for me. That was interesting. Turbo hadn’t cried once through going out to breakfast, going by the new house, then back home to play some more. I’m not sure if Turbo just got tired, or it confused him when Wizard took his glasses off.

When Wizard put them back on, Turbo stopped crying. Toddlers are wonderful and weird creatures :-)

I have a quick video on my FB page of Turbo eating a chocolate chunk cookie that I made. If you haven’t seen it and are interested, this link should take you to it.

Sunday was a little mixed. The good part was I got to plot with a friend on her project, and we ended up talking for two hours on the phone. She moved out of California years ago and I miss her. Catching up like that is priceless. Plus her project is awesome! And it’s nice to think about someone else’s story! The second good thing is I spent a short amount of time working on a scene I plan to insert to increase tension in my book. I haven’t worked much at all, so any work is good!

The icky thing is Maggie was in the planter that surrounds the pool, and she clearly had found something unusual. My first thought was OMG, not another snake! I called her inside, then went to check it out.

It wasn’t a snake.

It was a rabbit head. Just the ears and the top of the head, like it had been scalped. Sometimes, it sucks living at the base of the Cleveland National Forest. There are a lot of rabbits, I see then all the time when I’m out walking in the field. And yes, it was absolutely real. Our best guess is that a hawk had it, and it dropped the remains while flying over. Nothing else makes sense as there wasn’t any blood or other surprises in our yard or the pool (we’ve found dead rabbits in the pool, unfortunately).

Wizard got rid of it.

Maggie sulked. Evidently she thought she’d found something very interesting. Me…not so much. I like seeing the live bunnies hopping around the field, not as the remains of some critter’s meal.

Today, I plan to go back to the gym. I haven’t been since we went to Hawaii, so I’ll have to go slow and work back up. Then home to write.

How was your weekend?

Friday, May 31st, 2019
Friday Five

TGIF! Okay here’s five random things about my week.

  1. If I had witch powers, I’d stop the crazy ass storms ripping across the country. I’d also do a bunch of other stuff, like heal sick kids, and zap common sense into some people.
  2. Wednesday was Middle Son’s birthday. I made him lemon pound cake, and we went out to dinner with him and his wife. It was low-key, but a really nice evening. I’m so very proud of Middle. He’s grown into an interesting, caring and responsible adult that I want to hang out with–all the things any mom could hope for. And I love his wife, I can easily hang out with her too!
  3. Maggie spent long time smelling one of my shirts. It needed to hang dry, so I hung it on the doorknob, and for some reason, it really caught her interest. I wonder if she could smell my scent on it despite just washing it? Or maybe she liked my choice of fabric softener? I have no idea.
  4. I just started listening to an audio book called, DOG ON IT. It’s a mystery about a PI and his dog investigating case, and told from the dog’s POV. I’ve only listened to a chapter, but it seems cute. As soon as I saw the dog was the protagonist, I bought the book :-)
  5. To test my self-control, I bought the ingredients to make a homemade version of Dole Pineapple Whip (it’s like a creamy pineapple soft serve and delicious!) and to make chocolate chunk cooks. Will I cave in and make one or both? It’s a trick question, I don’t have any self-control, and I really need to get back to the gym ASAP!

So that’s five random things about my week, now I’d love to hear about your week. Stay safe and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 29th, 2019
Wednesday Worthy

It’s hump day and here’s our Wednesday Worthy Candidate:


He better not be asking, “Do you think I’m fat?” LOLOL! So what do you think, is he worthy?

Monday, May 27th, 2019
Memorial Day

Today in the U.S. we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. It seems like a good time to post these pictures I took when Wizard and I had to the opportunity to visit Pearl Harbor earlier in the month.

This is the Memorial to the U.S.S. Arizona, where 1,177 men went down with the ship during the attack on Pearl Harbor. In total, 2,403 died during that attack. Pearl Harbor is what propelled us into World War II. Like all wars, the devastation was terrible and far-reaching.

And here is the U.S.S. Missouri, the ship where the documents were signed to end war, and bring peace to a weary world.

Peace never lasts long enough. And every time there’s a threat or call to duty, men, women and service animals step forward to protect and defend, sometimes paying the price with their lives. Their families and loves ones pay an unbearable cost too.

We don’t forget. One day each year, we take a moment to say to each and every one who lost their life in the line of service to the U.S., Thank You. And to the grieving families and friends, We Are Grateful.

Friday, May 24th, 2019
Friday Five

TGIF!! You all know the drill–it’s the day we share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. I can brush my teeth without pain! My elbow has improved. It’s a work in progress, but much better and a huge relief.
  2. The weather needs to STOP messing with people! Here in So Cal, yesterday was just depressing. Cold, dreary and drizzle-wet. It’s been raining off and on in a totally weird end-of-May weather pattern. But other parts of the country, like Oklahoma and Missouri have suffered severe weather spawning tornadoes and tragedies. Then I saw a headline predicting at least 4 major hurricanes this season. I didn’t even read the article…ENOUGH.
  3. Wizard is going in a four-day outdoor Radio Control Car Race with his friends Thursday — Sunday, and the weather is really dampening his, and his friends, fun. I know this is minor in the scheme of weather problems facing others, but this is a big race he’s been looking forward to for months. Yesterday they a couple of rain delays and then had to call the race early. Come on weather–let the guys and gals play with their toys!
  4. I’ve spent days staring at my book. This time, while it looks non-productive, what I’m really doing is mentally revising. All my writer friend’s excellent critiques are starting to take shape, and I see a path. Of course, it’s not an easy path, but I either write the best book I can, or why bother?
  5. Saturday I’m meeting a friend for lunch and fun-shopping. I’m looking forward to that!

That’s my Friday Five. Now I’d love to hear yours!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019
Wednesday Worthy

Apologies first: I’m sorry for not answering Monday’s blog. First thing Monday morning, I got the shot in my elbow tendonitis, and about an hour and half later, it was too sore to move. Even sitting still, that sucker ached. After 24 hours, it’s began steadily improving, but it was pretty bad, and therefore is probably going to take a few days to improve as much as I need it too. So, I’ve severely limited my time on the computer to rest it and let the cortisone work its medical magic. I really am sorry for not answering, but I read, and appreciate, each comment. And Silver, I’m glad you are safe from the tornadoes and weather, and hope you kick the crud soon.

I hope everyone out there is safe from the dangerous wild weather, and its aftermath.

Now for Wednesday Worthy. This shot is timely, as the hunk is moving…and my oldest son, CPA Boy and Special K just closed escrow on a new home! They bought a nicely remodeled existing house that is twice as big as their condo and has plenty of room their family :-) This is the news I teased a couple of weeks ago, then I decided to wait until they got the keys to mention it.

So here’s the hunk:

What do you think, is he worthy?