Jennifer Lyon
Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

Happy Wednesday! It’s the battle of the dog tags :-)



So which do you think is more worthy, #1 or #2?

Monday, September 25th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

That was a fast weekend! Friday I did my first in the series of three sessions of pain shots. I talked about it a little on my FB and hate to bore everyone with a repeat of the details. I’m still a little sore from having six needles inserted into the neck joints and moved around to position correctly, and I’m continuing to experience some nerve pain, but it may improve. I was also told that it may take at least two times before I feel real relief. I’m going to try to schedule the second set of shots, which is a little tricky as we’re going through a health insurance change in October.

So much of my weekend was resting and watching dog training videos which is one of my weird obsessions :-)

Yesterday I went out for a walk and got to meet a new dog-friend. I’m not sure of his breed, maybe a pit bull and lab mix? It was hard to tell but he had beautiful brindle coloring and was super friendly with excellent manners. He was off leash in a front yard with his people. Off leash is something I’m normally not thrilled about (as much for the dog’s safety as people’s), but this dog was a sweetheart. I kind of hoped he’d follow me home, but nope, he was too well-behaved, darn it.

Sunday I tried to work, and frustration set in, which resulted in:

I made chocolate oatmeal cookies. They taste okay. Normally, I’d prefer oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, but I didn’t have any chocolate chips and was too lazy to go to the story. But I still ate enough.

Too much really.

Yeah, let’s not talk about that. Or about how much it hurt my arm to stir the oats into the batter.

So that was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, September 22nd, 2017
Happy Friday Five!

It’s the end of another week! I don’t have enough pages to show for it, but it’s been a much better week! On to our Friday Five!

  1. I keep meaning to ask Anna (my awesome virtual assistant) to make a graphic for Friday 5, but then forget to follow through with her no matter how many times I talk to Anna during the week. That may be a metaphor for my life lately.
  2. So how do you guys feel about forgiving people who hurt you? I’m working on recognizing when the situation wasn’t really about me, but the person’s own personal struggles and demons. (Thank you to Wizard and Young Son (BLB) for helping me sort this out.)
  3. I’m listening to a Nora Roberts audiobook WITNESS and loving it! I can’t remember the last time I read or listened to a Nora book (I’m not including her JD Robbs).
  4. Tomorrow morning, I go for my first pain shot. Fingers crossed it works. I’m not nervous at all as I’m writing this, tomorrow could be a different story. And if anyone is curious, I’ve decided to do it under a local block rather an IV anesthesia.  Yes, I am that much of a control freak :-)
  5. I have a non-writing, not family secret and it’s killing me. And nope, I’m not telling you unless (unless a chocolate bribe is involved!)

Okay that’s my random five things about my weekend, now it’s your turn to share yours!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

We went out to dinner with youngest son (BLB) last night, then dropped in to see Wizard’s mom and it was late when we got home. Well it was 9:00 p.m. and that’s late for me :-) Anyway, I pulled the first guy I spotted out of my files for our Wednesday Worthy Candidate, and here he is.

What do you think?

Monday, September 18th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

This week will be better than last week! You know that one relative who is usually fine but sometimes decides to create a hurricane of family drama? Yeah…let’s not do that anymore, okay? Who’s with me????

In other news, I’m writing! Savaged Devotion is taking shape. I can’t write fast enough, and I’m getting frustrated at having to stop due to my shoulder, but at least I’m writing! My plan was to keep this very short and tight third book in the Savaged Illusions Trilogy but..can anyone else hear the characters laughing their butts off as they take over the book and tell the story their way? The length is heading towards longish, but I can tighten it up in the editing process so I’m just going along with the characters.

This Thursday I finally have my appointment for the first pain shot in my cervical spine. Physical therapy has helped about 20%, at least allowing me to write and think more than I was. We (my RA doc, my physical therapist and myself) are hoping this pain shot will target that stubborn swelling causing so much of my pain and nerve problems. Then I’ll be able to push even harder in PT and hopefully make more progress. Right now my physical therapist is keeping my PT somewhat restrictive due to the swelling she can clearly feel. (Shhh…I may push just a little bit when I do the exercises at home).

So that was my weekend, how was yours?

P.S. To everyone I didn’t answer on Friday, I’m sorry! I read all the comments,  I just didn’t get a chance to answer.

Friday, September 15th, 2017
Happy Friday

And another week has flown by! Okay let’s do our Friday Five

  1. I have to get this book done before I go to Florida, and I’m full on panicked, hating my shoulder, constant interruptions and endless frustrations. I am getting snarly mean trying to write.
  2. I’ve been thinking about gumballs. I have no idea why.
  3. Wizard was my hero this week. He’s also driving me crazy. LOL!
  4. My nails are lavender.
  5. There are brownies in my house. BROWNIES!! There was supposed to be a reason for those brownies, but the reason didn’t show up, leaving me with chocolate decadent squares of temptation. Sigh… The good news is Wizard is eating the brownies. The bad news…he’s not eating them fast enough.

Okay that’s my Friday Five, the stressed stupid edition. Now it’s your turn to share your Friday Five.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

Yesterday was one of those days that started off fine, then went all fun house mirror weird. Since I’m still distracted trying to find my way out of the fun house, I invited two comic book heroes to help me out with Wednesday Worthy. Now your job is to figure out, who is MORE worthy?





Who do you vote for?