Jennifer Lyon

Monday, September 17th, 2012
Weekend Roundup

We had a good weekend. Yesterday I was hanging out with Biker Witch in Starbucks where I had to watch her shamelessly flirting with a cute guy. Biker Witch is married! I was thinking about telling on her, but the story tends to lose it’s impact when I mention the cute guy happened to be 1 years old.  His dad might have been flirting with Biker Witch but she ignored him to talk to the baby so that doesn’t count.

Most of the weekend Wizard and I spent in the pool. I also worked–and I’m not talking about that.

Oh, I also made a chocolate molten lava cake using The Barefoot Contessa’s kit. Wizard and I went out to dinner Saturday then I made it when we got home.  It was awesome! Given that it had a stick and a half of butter, six eggs (three were just the yokes) and a lot of chocolate, it tasted like pure sin.

Wizard was watching me do make the cakes and says, “Uh, this isn’t Weight Watchers is it?” He’s quick like that, LOL! But man, he loved that cake!

Now I have to stop eating this week. There’s always a price to pay for sin :-)

How was your weekend?




8 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Viki S.
    September 17th, 2012 at 2:43 am · Link

    Oh my heaven – the cake sounds SO good! A stick and a half of butter and 6 eggs, now that would be called rich :). I made some cookies that the eldest is wolfing down. They’re pumpkin so I must confess that I’m eating them too ;).

    It’s been hot out your way so I think I would have been in the pool all weekend too if I were there. Instead it was nice a cool here, my kind of weather.

    Yesterday I went to my friends daughter’s Bridal Shower. It was at a family owned Mexican place and was very nice. Even though the place was closed for the party we all stayed out on the terrace. Did I say the weather here has been lovely ;)? She made out quite well. The wedding is October 20th so she’s beginning to get antsy.

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    September 17th, 2012 at 6:48 am · Link

    Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. Yay!

    After my yard sale on Friday, I was pretty pooped, so I just laid around on Saturday. Sunday, on the other hand, was all about writing. 5600+ words. I’m shooting to have this rewrite done so I can submit it to HarperVoyager during their two-week unagented submission window. Well, this rewrite or one of my other manuscripts. (Maybe both if I get brave enough.)

  3. Kat
    September 17th, 2012 at 7:51 am · Link

    BE- HaperVoyager- Cool. You should really look at Smashwords too as an out let for your writing. I am pretty addicted to the site and I don’t even have an e-reader. (may be I will get one at christmas) I down load in PDF and read on my computer. What ever you do keep putting your stuff out there.

    Jen the cake sounds Devilish. I earned my money at the football game on Friday night but did not get to go shopping this weekend. I plan to save it for the Readers Appreciation Weekend. I am just about finished with my costume. I am amazed at how well it is coming together. :-D

  4. Silver James
    September 17th, 2012 at 8:05 am · Link

    There was a weekend? :lol: Just kidding, though I’m not sure what I actually accomplished. The weather stayed cool and we had sprinkles from the overcast skies even if we didn’t actually get more rain. It was foggy this morning which should put me in the mood to write but the water pump went out on Lawyer Guy’s truck. I’m waiting for him to fill the radiator and then call the repair shop so I can follow him down, take him to the office, run my Monday errands, and then take Drover (my Highlander) back to him for the afternoon so he can do his running around.

    I did some reading, for a change, hoping that would jumpstart Iffy so I can get back on Sean’s story. I need to let that man blow up some stuff. Maybe that’ll get him to sit down and work with me on his story. ;)

    Glad you had a good weekend and if there’s any cake left over (yeah, right! Like that’s gonna happen :lol: ), you can send it my way!

  5. Jenn
    September 17th, 2012 at 11:36 am · Link

    Viki, I’m so jealous of a party out on a terrace in lovely cool weather! It sounds absolutely perfect!

    The pool is so nice in this heat.

    The cake was really rich and delicious but it’s something I would only make once in a great while. I want to make pumpkin cookies soon–when the weather cools I think. Yours must be a hit since your son is wolfing them down!

  6. Jenn
    September 17th, 2012 at 11:39 am · Link

    B.E., I saw your comment on the previous blog, but I think I only answered in my head, not on the actual blog :-) I was thinking when I read about your garage sale that they are a lot of work! We haven’t had one in years, but when we did we were exhausted.

    That’s a lot of words on Sunday! I never know how many words I write and am impressed with people who do. They always seem more productive.

    Go for it with HarperVoyager!

  7. Jenn
    September 17th, 2012 at 11:41 am · Link

    Kat, you need an e-reader! Look for contests, authors have them all the time where they give away e-readers. I love mine!

    Smart of you to save your money for the Readers Appreciate Weekend. Do we get to see your costume before or after?

  8. Jenn
    September 17th, 2012 at 11:45 am · Link

    Silver, so sorry about the water pump! I had a minor thing on my car when I left for the gym and had to come home. Mine shouldn’t be too big a deal (need Wizard to figure it out when he gets home). But yours sounds like a real pain and expensive.

    You’ve been having trouble writing lately again, haven’t you? Have you healed from the neck (back?) issue?

    I only made four individual cakes, and tossed out the remaining batter. The cakes are gone :-)

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