Jennifer Lyon

Friday, November 9th, 2012
Happy Friday!

Just to let you on know, all Rock it Reads gals are hosting a blog hop November 11th through the 13th. Here’s the link and I’ll have my post up this Sunday, and it will stay up through Tuesday. There will be prizes! Come visit us!

But that does mean I won’t have my regular post on Monday. However I will be back on Wednesday with Wing Slayer Worthy :-)

I’m working on PROPOSITION to get it ready to send the the editor next week. (Love her so far!) I’ve also been revising my Entangled book (coming out in March). It’s been a little crazy working on two books at once, but they are so different, I’ve been able to do it without too much trouble.

Today, however, I’m meeting Biker Witch for lunch.  It’ll be having a diet lunch for me, unfortunately.  I swear all this bakery research is not good for my weight :-) I have this recipe for double chocolate chip cookies sitting on my desk. I should shred it.

Except I could find it again in about four seconds.

But I’m not making them. I’M NOT!

This weekend, I may go to my chapter meeting of RWA. Best selling author, Darynda Jones will be there, and I’d like to see her again. I met her this summer when we both appeared on a panel at RWA National Conference. Just depends how much work I have to do.

So what are your weekend plans?

9 comments to “Happy Friday!”

  1. Viki S.
    November 9th, 2012 at 3:48 am · Link

    Thanks for the link.
    I hope you get to go to the meeting. You always come back from them enlightened.
    Have a nice lunch today. Don’t toss that recipe – it sounds yummy.
    Today is our anniversary. We going out to dinner at this local place. They have an alcove that is curtained off with a table for two ;).
    This weekend we’re going over to Julies to chop the 8 tress that came down in her yard from SANDY.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    November 9th, 2012 at 6:52 am · Link

    Happy Anniversary, Viki!

    The blog hop sounds like fun, Jen. I’ll try to remember to stop by. So glad you’re loving your editor and that working on two books isn’t making you crazy. I need to send you my recipe for ‘guilt-free’ chocolate cookies (if I can find it). And I hope you get to go to your meeting. =o)

    After a couple setbacks, my writerly stuff got derailed this week. I got some awesome pics yesterday of a hawk eating a squirrel, but that’s just for fun. I need to get back to work. And what better time than this weekend, right? Yeah. I’ll let ya know whether my road to hell was paved with that intention. ;o)

  3. Silver James
    November 9th, 2012 at 9:04 am · Link

    Yay for Biker Witch Time(tm). And Darynda is a lot of fun. I was lucky enough to meet her at the KOD reception as well as your panel at Nationals. (If you’ve read WOLF’S MOON, did you recognize the conversation between Mac and Sean? :lol: )

    Weekend plans? Writing. Yardwork. I might shop for some new curtains in the dining room. They’re OLD! I mean like original-to-the-house old! (1968). I’ve never changed them because I can’t find anything I like. Picky much? :roll:

    Glad the two books aren’t driving you crazy. I’m lucky in that I can shift focus between projects. Of course, I look a little like 8-O when I do it but…

    Happy weekend, witches. Linc? I need margaritas and cookies STAT!

  4. Kat
    November 9th, 2012 at 10:06 am · Link

    There is a weekend. Shh don’t tell anyone or they might think I have free time and want me to do some work.

    Actually- I am going to be a crafty witch this weekend. I am stirring up a table center peice for the people that I work with to make for their holiday recitial. I love doing this kind of thing.

  5. Jenn
    November 9th, 2012 at 11:34 am · Link

    Happy Anniversary, Viki! The place you’re going for dinner sounds romantic. Hope you have a great time!

    I’m trying NOT to think about that recipe :-)

    8 trees? Wow that’s a tall order. SANDY caused so much devastation.

  6. Jenn
    November 9th, 2012 at 11:36 am · Link

    B.E., I’d love the recipe if you do come across it. But no hurry, I need a week or so to level out into better eating.

    Was it writing setbacks or life setbacks? I hate them both, and hope you get back on track soon!

  7. Jenn
    November 9th, 2012 at 11:41 am · Link

    Silver! Yes I did recognize it! I don’t think I said anything, but I finished WOLF’S MOON a while back and really enjoyed it. In fact, it’s the last book I read from beginning to end. Great dialogue :-)

    I can sooooo relate on not finding what you want so getting nothing syndrome. My poor house lives it every day! Good luck finding your curtains.

    I can only shift focus because the Entangled revisions were light, not substantial enough to require me to go into total-crazy-mode. But I know you can switch back and forth and I’m jealous!

  8. Jenn
    November 9th, 2012 at 11:43 am · Link

    Kat, I admire you’re talent! I cannot craft anything. I can write and bake…and is the beginning and end of my severely limited creative talent :-) The people you work with will love the centerpiece!

  9. Dawn
    November 9th, 2012 at 12:48 pm · Link

    Those cookies sound really good. Actually, I have a Ghirardelli cookbook that has a choc. choc. chip cookie recipe I’ve been wanting to try. I got the stuff to make them last week, but have been too busy this week to make them. And I’m just too tired today.

    I have to work tomorrow morning. Then, I’m coming home to shower and change before going up to my BFF’s for my nephew’s b-day party. He’s turning 7. I also need to get some cleaning done as I have people coming over Monday night. And I need to get as much pre-made for Monday night as possible. I’d rather not be rushed after work Monday.

    Silver – margaritas and cookies sound great! Where’s Linc hiding them?

    Happy weekend, witches!

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