Jennifer Lyon

Friday, April 12th, 2013
Happy Friday!

Today is Bathroom Granite Day! I can’t believe we’re finally doing this.  But as I write this blog on Thursday night I’m deep into POSSESSION revisions and pretty tired, worried, stressed…so all is normal here :-)

But to prove I’m not the only crazy one, here’s what I deal with on a day basis.

Oldest son, CPA Boy,  sent out an email arranging his own birthday at a restaurant . I’m rather impressed with that because it means both me and Fiancee Girl are of the hook in planning! Yay!   Wizard and I agree to the plans. Then I sent a group email back.  “All I need is a birthday list that does not include me buying you a house, paying for your wedding or honeymoon.”

In my deadline and remodel insanity I forgot that not only is my family crazy, we have completely corrupted Finance Girl. She’s a lovely young woman, graduated college young, super smart and talented…but alas even she can be corrupted by our brand of crazy.

So Fiancee Girl emails right back to all of us, “CPA boy says he wants a new baby brother for his birthday because BLB is too big to boss around now.  He’s requesting that you get to work on that now.”

Picture my mouth hanging open. CPA boy tries to embarrass me with stuff like this, but Fiancee Girl? Yeah..I might be a little impressed.

Then Wizard jumps in with “Witch and I will grant this gift, look for Witch to be four months along at your wedding. And then Wizard went onto to torture Fiancee Girl, who is tiny, about how he will lift and spin her at the wedding, saying, “Behold my new daughter!” (Told you, they are all insane).

I send my own email. WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO MAKE ME FAT? Then I remember I have to a book due in like ten minutes and got back to work , totally ignoring the crazy people.

My email dings again. It’s oldest son, CPA boy who started all this madness. “Hey Mom, did Dad (Wizard) and Fiancee Girl work out their Baby Bargain yet? Get it, Mom? Baby Bargain? It’s a book , maybe you’ve read it?”

I cannot make this stuff up. My family is nuts.  And they make me laugh every day.

What are you doing this weekend? Something fun I hope!

5 comments to “Happy Friday!”

  1. Viki S.
    April 12th, 2013 at 2:34 am · Link

    Crazy families are the best :). We’re insane too. Especially my husband. He’s the worst of the lot and we all love it! By the way I’d have the same response as you – Why is every one trying to make me fat :).

    Granite day!!!!! It’s a mess like all installs but you will be amazed at how it will change the room. The kitchen will not be far behind after today ;).

    I’m meeting my girl friend and daughter later today for coffee and to talk. A friend of the daughter was found dead earlier this week by her mom. Apparently drug related and Becky is not taking it very well. Tomorrow hanging with hubs first wife. Yes, we’re all friends. That’s about all that is totally boring.

    Have a great weekend and keep telling us fun family stories ;).

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    April 12th, 2013 at 6:07 am · Link

    Sounds like you have a great family, Jen. Congratulations on choosing them and raising them and having them choose other great people to add in. =o) And tell Wizard he can try all he wants to make a baby AFTER you meet your deadline, but all he gets is the trying. ;o)

    Heh. In my defense, it’s early and I woke up tired.

    If cleaning and waiting on furniture deliveries is fun, I am so there. I might also take some time to walk through our woods – covered in OFF this time so I don’t get any more ticks. And I should probably get back to writing now that I found my WIP notebook and my last excuse for not-writing is gone.

  3. Kat
    April 12th, 2013 at 9:40 am · Link

    Okay My good friend who I have totally crupted by making her read books after me and having her go to cool things like book club meetings and Reader appreciation weekend has her birthday this weekend. :twisted:

    So what could I do but buy tickets to “The men from los angles” who are performing tonight in a near by town. :lol: Yes we are going to see a male revue tonight. I can not wait to just go have fun-yelling and laughing and letting our hair down.

    My husband’s response was leave me money for your bail and bring back a picture. :-D The bring back a picture is from when he went to a club with my brother in law and they got to get a picture with the girls because they were the loudest table. So now it is a standard expection. I know I am going to try my best to be fun and wild tonight. 8) I have got to get a picture.

  4. Silver James
    April 12th, 2013 at 11:23 am · Link

    Yay for new granite! Fiancee Girl sounds like she’ll fit right in with the family. But you’d think being a girl she’d be on your side to team up against the males! :wink:

    My sinus infection appears to be shifting into my lungs. I plan on staying in, sleeping lots, and hopefully getting some writing done between hot and cold spells. My brain is doing the Crazy Writer Polka(tm) — it’s a little like the Chicken Dance. :lol:

    Have a great weekend, witches!

  5. Viki S.
    April 12th, 2013 at 3:50 pm · Link

    Silver – Stay on top of that infection. I still have a slight cough and pain in the center of my back from having been sick a couple weeks ago.

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