Jennifer Lyon

Friday, November 8th, 2013
Happy Friday!

Okay so the stress has hit me and I’m in full-blown deadline panic for THE COWBOY MARINE.  It’s crazy time over here in our house.  I have no idea how I’m going to get this book done. The ONLY saving grace is I’m now feeling this book, so connected to it that I wake up thinking about it. But it’s not translating into enough words yet.  All I can do is keep trying.

Let’s talk about something else! Wizard and I had a great anniversary and thank you so much all of you for your good wishes! All he got me this year was a card, and I was thrilled.  We went to a nice dinner, came home and had apple pie.  However, while at the restaurant,  I think we scandalized one couple which still cracks me up. Wizard and I were sitting in one of those horse shoe booths. I was on the inside sitting a few feet from him.

But once we were finished,  we were talking, and Wizard had his arm up on the back of the booth.

That looked like an invitation to me. So scooted in and he put his arm around me. I don’t remember exactly what we were talking about but I remember laughing.

That amused Wizard and he kissed me. Trust me, as kisses go, this was TAME. Totally G-rated. So G-rated I’d have done it in front of my kids or anyone’s kids.

But I looked up to this middle-aged dark-haired, very nice looking lady staring at us. Then she said something to her companion, an older gentleman and his head snapped around to stare at us.

SO. WEIRD.  Even Wizard saw it. I swear up and down it was a G-Rated, impulsive kiss. But we must have scandalized those two. Near as I can tell, nobody else in the restaurant even noticed.  See? I get into trouble without even doing anything! Really! It was a G-rated kiss!

In other news, I’m so excited to go to my RWA Meeting tomorrow. An old friend who moved out-of-state will be there and I can’t wait to see her! I can’t afford the time off, but sometimes friends come before work!

So what are you doing this weekend?


11 comments to “Happy Friday!”

  1. Viki S.
    November 8th, 2013 at 3:44 am · Link

    Oh what a great moment that must have been to see that other couple so shocked ;). I enjoy moments like that. Makes you wonder how boring they must be or are they trying to cover something up ;)?

    I very happy you two had such a lovely anniversary. Wizard got his apple pie too :).

    Now that you’re really feeling it I think the book is just going to start flowing. You just need to take a breather now and then.

    Have a great time at your meeting. Should be fun catching up with your friend too.

    I’m going to see Thor alone today. Anniversary dinner Sat. and regular weekend stuff the rest of the time ;).

    Have a great weekend!

  2. kat
    November 8th, 2013 at 8:15 am · Link

    Friends and family should always come before work. Don’t worry about the writing you will find your grove.

    G-rated kiss huh. At least you waited for dessert till you got home. They would have really been shocked over how you two might moan over chocolate cake. :lol:

    Love like no one is watching is a good thing.

    My weekends are now about doing things to get my husband out of the house and finding ways to make him feel useful. Because his sight is still so bad he does not drive and he is home all week, he gets cabin fever really bad. I try to plan or make up things I need to do away from home that he “needs to help me with.” At times battling his depression makes me feel like a military strategist. Fortunately I am good at manipulating him for his own good. Wives get that way after a long time of marriage I guess.

  3. B.E. Sanderson
    November 8th, 2013 at 8:55 am · Link

    You should’ve smiled and waved at them – both of you together like you were celebrities or something. That’d cork their tomatoes. (Something my grandmother used to say.) I’m so happy you two had a good time together and a nice anniversary. :hugs: And enjoy your time with your friend. What’s work for if it doesn’t give us the opportunity to enjoy friends and family?

    I’ll be writing this weekend. NaNo is doing me some good this year. I’ve written seven days straight. Feels like a personal victory to me. I just need to keep that going. Sure, I’m also feeling a little whacko-bananas, but hey, that’s the writing life. LOL

  4. Silver James
    November 8th, 2013 at 10:11 am · Link

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Only you two. You should have ducked below the table while they were watching. :twisted:

    Take the day tomorrow to refill you creativity batteries. You’ll come home ready to write and go all Drill Instructor on the book. ;)

    I’m still slogging through the Christmas novella. I HAVE to get it finished this weekend or it’ll be New Years before I get it out. Not to mention that my phone call Wednesday gave me a set of marching orders on another project that needs to be finished by Thanksgiving. Plus NaNoWriMo’s main project. I’m obviously a glutton for punishment and insane.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  5. ban
    November 8th, 2013 at 11:56 am · Link

    G-Rated … sure ;) Me thinks thou dost protest too much! Don’t feel too bad Jen, that couple probably needed a little stirring up!
    Glad you enjoyed your anniversary, I hope you have many, many more to follow!!!

    Not much going on here this weekend. Of course I hope to get some more words in, I passed 100,000 but I’m not done yet :roll: but like Silver said, sometimes I need a little break to re-charge my batteries!

  6. Jenn
    November 8th, 2013 at 11:56 am · Link

    Viki, I want to see THOR–let me know if you enjoy! Have a great weekend and Happy Anniversary!

  7. Jenn
    November 8th, 2013 at 11:59 am · Link

    B.E. it is a victory! Congrats on kicking your writing into gear! Keep going! (Yeah, crazy is part of being a writer!)

  8. Jenn
    November 8th, 2013 at 12:00 pm · Link

    Silver, what phone call? Did I miss something? I’m always amazed and impressed at how you can juggle so many projects!

  9. Jenn
    November 8th, 2013 at 12:01 pm · Link

    Ban, passed 100,000? Awesome! That’s a LOT of words!

    I swear it was totally G-Rated! Not sure what got that lady and her companion’s attention :-)

  10. Jenn
    November 8th, 2013 at 1:29 pm · Link

    Kat, I somehow missed you my first pass–sorry! Not sure how I did that.

    Great line: “Love like no one is watching!” Well…up to a point, LOL!

    Your husband is very lucky to have you! Hope you and your family have a great weekend.

  11. Viki S.
    November 8th, 2013 at 4:51 pm · Link

    Jen – THOR was fantastic. First, within five minutes we have topless Thor :). What could be better than that? Loki was SO good. I’m beginning to really like him. You should go when you can take 2 hours off. Wizard should like it too. It’s a fun movie even with all the bad stuff.

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