Jennifer Lyon

Monday, June 8th, 2015
Weekend Roundup & The Dress

A working weekend for me, but a good one! My final edits came back from my editor on Friday and she was very pleased. The best part is when she said working on Caged Magic made her want to read the rest of the Wing Slayer Hunter series :-) . I have a professional proofreader and formatting all lined up, I just need to finished the edits, do a last read through to get the book as clean as possible, then it’s off to the proofreader.

After all this time and worry, and the whining, LOL! It’s really going to happen, Linc and Risa story will be released to the world…or at least whoever buys the book.

Should I mention how crazy it is to have back-to-back releases? It’s going to be a wild summer! Even better, Caged Magic will be released July 20th and I’ll  flying to NY July 22nd. I won’t have much internet access on my flying days right in the middle of the blog tour, but Anna’s going to help me out there (plus she’s arranging the blog tour) and we’ll figure it out. Then I’ll catch up once I’m in my hotel. That conference will be a whirlwind.

I fly home the 26th, then on August 4th, Exposing the Heiress will release with more promo and blog tours. Bwhahaha!! It’ll be fun and crazy but these are some pretty good problems to have so I’m not complaining :-)

Okay enough about all that. I’m just a little excited and a lot scared, hoping readers like Caged Magic and Exposing the Heiress.

Shifting subjects, here’s a snapshot of the dress I’m wearing for the RITA’s. It looks tiny here because of the way it’s hanging, but trust me I don’t look tiny in it. I wish I did! The color looks a little prettier in person.

dress for rita



Here’s the shoes. I kept it simple and they were on sale:

Shoes for Rita Dress

Ok your turn! How was your weekend?

8 comments to “Weekend Roundup & The Dress”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    June 8th, 2015 at 7:18 am · Link

    Oh, you’re going to look lovely in that. I can totally see that color on you. Pretty pretty. Yay for your editor loving Caged Magic and wanting to read the rest of the books! Fingers crossed it brings in new readers for your series the same way. I want you to sell tons! I can’t wait to read it. Yep, you do have a crazy summer lined up. But you’ll handle it and it’ll be awesome. =o)

    The weekend here was lazy – after I got some weeding done and Hubs sprayed for ticks. Watched the Belmont, golf, baseball, fishing… Read a lot. I didn’t get a ton of writing done, but I did have my brain throw a curveball at my head. Oh, and a reader wrote me to tell me the big reveal in Accidental Death blew her mind. So I got that goin’ for me.

  2. Ashlynn Pearce
    June 8th, 2015 at 7:58 am · Link

    You will fab in that dress! Such a pretty color.

    And I knew you would nail Caged Magic. You always do. Can’t wait to read it. And Exposing the Heiress. You will have a blast in NYC and all those releases at once. WTG!

  3. Silver James
    June 8th, 2015 at 8:15 am · Link

    AWESOME dress and those shoes are killer! (And I mean that literally–LOLOL!) I’d have to wear my flipflops then put them on long enough to walk across the stage. ;)

    I’m going to load my Kindle with the other Magic books so I can reread them and lead up to CAGED for my flight to NYC! :D And yeah, I knew you’d nail both books!

  4. Jenn
    June 8th, 2015 at 11:15 am · Link

    B.E., thanks on the dress and CM! The dress is just one night of fun, but the book…I just hope the readers who have waited enjoy it, and yeah, some new readers would be awesome :-)

    That’s so cool on Accidental Death! That’s a huge compliment, B.E.!!! So happy for you!

    Sounds like you might have taken a break from the keyboard over the weekend but your writer’s brain kept on working.

  5. Jenn
    June 8th, 2015 at 11:16 am · Link

    Ashlynn, I love your faith in me — can I borrow some, LOL! I’m happier with it but you know, never sure…

    Thanks on the dress and the releases :-)

  6. Jenn
    June 8th, 2015 at 11:20 am · Link

    Silver, there’s been some discussion of flip flops or slip ons, LOL! And I don’t think I’m going up on stages, so it’ll be fine. And FYI I’ve walked through hotels with my shoes in my hand many times :-)

    All that said, I may test those shoes out at a wedding this weekend to see how long I can endure them.

    If I know you’re reading CM on the plane, i’ll be worrying when I see you. So I just won’t think about it :wink:

  7. Viki S.
    June 8th, 2015 at 2:54 pm · Link

    You must be so excited getting Caged Magic back with such a great endorsement. Wanting to go back and read all the other books in the series – YES! And she will be very happy she did ;).

    Man do you have tons of action the next several weeks. Make sure to fir in some Jen time.

    I love the dress. The color is one of my favorites and it should look stunning on you. Those shoes are so cute. You’re smart to test them out ahead of time too. Remember to bring a pair of flipflops for late in the evening. I learned that trick at a Bon Jovi concert many years ago.

    Have a great afternoon :)!

  8. Jenn
    June 8th, 2015 at 5:11 pm · Link

    Viki, so far, this editor isn’t huge on praise, and that’s fine because I pay her to edit and she does a damn good job and I’m very comfortable with her style. But when she does say something like wanting to read the rest of the books — yep I’m thrilled :-)

    I want Jen time, seriously. It will happen I just keep getting in over my head, LOL.

    Thanks on the dress and shoes. I hope it looks okay. I still need to get it hemmed a bit too, and maybe have the straps reinforced.

    Hope you’re having a good Monday!

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