Busy weekend! Wizard and I had a great time at the beach on Friday. We tried a hole in the wall pizza place for lunch, and that got a big fat thumbs down. But then we headed over to another place for chocolate dipped ice cream cones that got two thumbs up. We passed a French bulldog too.
“Look, it’s a French bulldog.” Naturally I couldn’t resister pointing him out.
Wizard took one look and proclaimed, “No way, witch. That’s not a dog. We can’t get that!”
“You are a dog snob!” Then I tortured him endlessly all weekend long.
And FYI — it’s humid and miserable here. We spent the remainder of the weekend in the house. Ugh!! I succeeded in getting Caged Magic up on Netgalley and am now tackling the remainder of the pre-orders, plus working on the Blood Magic file. Things are moving alone, I just need to clone myself to get it all done
So how was your weekend?
June 29th, 2015 at 6:09 am · Link
Yay for the beach! I saw your pic on FB and you look awesome, and like you’re enjoying your time away. Sorry it’s hot and miserable over there. Squee for Caged Magic and the rest of the Blood Magic series!
Saturday was a wash here. Emergency things not pertaining to us directly, but which we got swept up in, took up that whole day. Yesterday I was so bushed I didn’t get much of anything done there either. Today. I have to work today. I’m supposed to have this book back to the editor around the 1st. Yeah, like that’s gonna happen. But I will make a valiant effort and hopefully not miss the date by too much.
June 29th, 2015 at 11:06 am · Link
I spent the weekend critiquing. Time to get back into RDR#3 and get Clay and Georgie into bed. They’ve been dang stubborn about this, despite both of them wanting to be there. Go figure! First, though, I have to convert a book to .pdf for a contest. Can’t believe I hadn’t already done so. *headdesk* Yup. Monday all day!
And boo on your heat wave. So sorry. Yay on CAGED AND BLOOD! Getting close and I’m excited.
Wiz soooo needs a Frenchie. Just sayin’…
June 29th, 2015 at 12:55 pm · Link
B.e, I hope all is well now with the emergency-things-not-pertaining-to-you-directly situation. Amazing how things like that can suck up a whole weekend.
Thanks on the pic, it was just a snapshot and I was obviously very casual. We love doing stuff like that but the traffic is awful to get anywhere these days.
I’m excited for Caged and hope readers like it.
Let’s call the July 1st deadline, merely a suggestion There’s only a limited number of hours in the day, I’m sure your editor will understand. Good luck!!
June 29th, 2015 at 12:58 pm · Link
Silver, we totally need a Frenchie! But I’d be happy with any dog from the shelter — once we’re truly ready. Right now, we come and go as we please which is nice.
And wow, you’re up to all kinds of trouble getting Clay and Georgie into bed Hopefully they’ll both cooperate!
You sound like me on remembering the pdf. Only I usually remember away from my computer, and forget once I’m back.
Hope you get a ton done!
June 29th, 2015 at 3:41 pm · Link
Too bad on the pizza but the ice cream sounds like it did the trick especially since it’s so darn hot out your way. By the way, I thought where you are is always supposed to be nice – strange weather.
As for the bulldog, I can’t get over Wizard saying it wasn’t a dog :). He must want a Shepard or something larger. I agree with you – as long as it’s a rescue dog it’s all good :).
We had horrible rain all weekend and the window leaked again. I just can’t figure it out. Hubs says it’s not my job to figure it out but the professionals. Okay – but they aren’t successful either :(. All I can think of now is that when it rains as hard as it did the water backs up and somehow gets behind the flashing of the siding and then travels along the horizontal beam of the window and then comes in. I’m truly at a loss.
To all those on Netgalley – lucky you.
I hope this week cools down and all goes well for you :).
June 29th, 2015 at 8:40 pm · Link
Viki, how danged frustrating on your window!! The guys who installed it (and screwed that up repeatedly if I remember right) need to get out there and figure out what’s wrong. I’d be upset too. I’m so sorry!
I agree on the French bulldog! Wizard would love a shepherd — but we really don’t have the space or an active enough lifestyle. when we do adopt a dog (someday!) I’m going to try to be realistic.
The weather all over is pretty odd. I hope everyone gets some relief soon!